Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1096: : Because you are not perverted enough

[Thank you 5 Lei Xiaotian 2 Li Meier 0 Alliance leader reward, currently adding 25/30]

开始 From the seventh day, Ultron World has derived tens of millions of practice methods.

Through the effectiveness of Fuxiqin, Xi Tong has already controlled the minds and souls of these creatures. Coupled with mind control, you can easily understand all their thoughts and ideas.

As a result, Xi Tong is extremely amazed by the creatures of Ultron World.

最大 The biggest feature of the creatures that created the world is fragmentation.

Everything in their body, soul, will, mind, memory, and so on are countless fragments cluttered together.

Although Xi Xitong combed through these fragments, they did not make them truly integrated.

He said politely that all living things in Ultron are neuropathy, mental insufficiency, and abnormal thinking ...

不是 Their brains are not full of holes, they are full of sores, they are leaking through the wind.

This kind of thinking that is very different from ordinary people is not what human beings can have, even Luo Tianyi cannot imitate it.

Because their existence is a mistake, it is Xi Tong who prolonged their existence so that they did not collapse and perish.

可信 How credible is the wrong life that should not exist?

Anyway, Xi Tong is afraid to practice.

That's life-threatening at all.

However, the creatures of Ultron World are domineering and profound, and the outside world has an inexhaustible source of power that can toss and toss.

Anyway, no matter how badly they go into the magic, they will not be worse than they are now.

Then just practice it casually.

两 A two-meter-long arthropod lies on a cracked tree branch. Its slender forepaw is similar to a mantis, and it has two sharp-edged knife arms.

It has a memory fragment of the blade designer, knowing what kind of blade is sharper and suitable for cutting, so it strives to change its blade arm so that it is full of fine serrations.

Is not a row of serrations, but three rows and four rows of staggered serrations, these serrations are tiny to the extreme, reaching the nanometer level.

At the same time, it has a piece of memory that is a student of the engineering school, studying engine design. Although the professional course is not very solid, it is not lackluster.

So it tried to introduce the power of the crankshaft and lever into the action of folding and popping the knife arm, which drives the longitudinal rotation of several rows of serrations.

There are also memory fragments from aircraft carrier ejection devices, memory fragments from metal smelting, memory fragments from biotechnology, and memory fragments from Maoshan Taoist corpses.

多个 There are more than a thousand "self" in the world, each world "self" has countless memory fragments, plus each "self" accumulation from generation to generation ...

No one knows what incredible results the galaxy's vast pieces of memory would bring together.

Even if Xi Tong witnesses the actions of those creatures, and even peers at their thoughts, he is often incompatible with the abnormal ones because his brain is not enough and the circuit is not clear enough.

Just like the strongest king to play the bronze round, he will also be broken by the bronze player's show.

为什么 Why do you spring? Just to go online faster than others?

为什么 Why are you full of blood? Just for the bunch of green overhead?

为什么 Why do you have a crystal? Is it really a tactical flicker?

Although 99.99% of these operations have failed, there are still a few small ones that have succeeded, or that they have become negative in countless failures, and have obtained unexpected results.

For example, an insect creature that is 80% similar to a mantis.

It has successfully sacrifice a pair of forelimbs into an unknown crystal containing biological, mechanical, Taoist, mixed with more than eighty or ninety civilization elements.

Even from Xitong's perspective, this pair of knife arms is an artifact level.

At this time, the power of the source came from all directions, like countless fireflies, flying into the arm of the sword.

The grade, attributes, and functions of the slashing arm have all taken a qualitative leap.

this is……

究竟 Is this an organ, a magic weapon, or a magical spell?

This pair of knife arms is not as simple as pure forelimbs. After gaining the blessing of the origin, it has the power of creation, and things with this power will never be simple.

When I saw this kind of thing, Xi Tong's first thought was Kong Xuan.

Phoenix gives birth to peacock, peacock gives birth to Dapeng.

Although not the first batch of souls born in the flooded world, Kong Xuan still received blessings and blessings from the world. His five destiny feathers turned into five-colored divine light, which is not only a part of the body, but also a magic weapon and magical power.

This mantis-like arthropod is also similar.

Although its blade arm is not as powerful as Kong Xuan's five-colored divine light, the two are already things of the same nature.

He gave it enough time to sacrifice and ascend, maybe it could reach the point of Kong Xuan's five-colored divine light.

"Luo Tianyi, collect information."

The cricket chip records the process of praying for the mantis sacrifice knife arm. Although the material and energy involved in it cannot be reproduced, it is still OK to make a batch of imitations.

Feng sharp, sharp, fast, precise, torn, shocked, crushed, highly toxic, repaired, grown ...

A small blade contains tons of crystals of civilization.

Especially, the power of the last source promoted the qualitative change of the blade arm, which made it as a whole sublime, possessing the nature of five-colored Shenguang's accompanying magic weapon and destiny.

As long as this worm does not die, it will definitely make a big name in the future ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Even if it dies, this pair of knife arms is likely to be preserved and passed on.

For example, the magic weapon of the land pressure to cut the fairy flying sword is made by using similar materials.

Sakurai blowout!

A variety of black technology, black magic, black metaphysics and other works shine like stars, and the power of the source is like the shadow of the blessing and indoctrination.

After creating their own core technology, core components, and core capabilities, the living creatures immediately supplemented and perfected them with the instinct to build supporting facilities.

There are also many creatures who try to put themselves into actual combat, verify their achievements through combat, and make targeted improvements and make up.

At this time, Xi Tong discovered the misunderstanding in his thinking.

I used to think that the creature body, soul, mind, and will of Ultron World were made up of countless fragments.

The fact is indeed the same. If it were not for Xi Tong to use the sound of the piano to help them sort out the fragments, slowing down the speed of their collapse, one counted as one, and it would have disappeared in the heavens and the earth.

However, Xi Tong found that he had overlooked a point-fragments not only represent fragmentation and collapse, but also mean infinite plasticity and infinite possibilities.

Like Lego blocks, pixel games ...

These are all made up of countless pieces. It is this simple piece that can bring imagination and creativity to the limit.

Change another angle.

Does the debris and data energy have something in common?

Xi Tong throbbed in his heart.

He knew something vaguely, but always felt that there was a film.

At this time, the world of Ultron has changed again.

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