Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1116: : Emperor of the Underworld

[Thank you 5 Lei Xiaotian 2 Li Meier 0 Alliance leader reward, currently adding 29/30]

Creatures' fear of darkness is imprinted in their instincts. It is for this reason that humans worship flames so fanatically, because fire can emit light, dispel darkness, and dispel fear.

When you are in the dark, your heart will become extremely fragile. Any slight wind or grass movement will make your heart beat, any slightest fear will be magnified infinitely.

He even scared himself.

Darkness governs this ability.

The darker the place, the stronger the power of darkness.

However, human beings have many self-protection mechanisms, such as fainting if they are over-frightened, or lethargy caused by mental fatigue.

Therefore, the use of darkness for humans has too many limitations.

Moreover, human self-consciousness is extremely strong, unless the spiritual will between the two parties is very different, it is impossible to produce results.

Even if the **** is successful, the effect of **** will decrease over time, and it needs to be consolidated at regular intervals.

It is for this reason that the **** of darkness is not indefinite or unlimited.

Otherwise, with this ability, Zhang Quan has long been in charge of everything and dominates.

But Xi Tong was negligent.

Even an ordinary person's spiritual thoughts are similar to the ants, like the gap between Dr. X and ordinary people.

With this amount of gap, the **** of darkness is enough to instantly deprive the ants of their will.

Not to mention that ants have no "self" at all, and controlling them should not be too simple.

Xi Tong didn't research much about ants, but he also knew that each ant colony has one queen, and all ants exist for the existence of queens.

In other words, as long as this queen is controlled, you can easily "sacrifice the emperor to order the princes."

No wonder Zhang Quan loaded the enhanced version of Turtle Breath, so that the host can move freely in the depths of the ground.

There are also advanced visual enhancements that enhance night vision capabilities, thermal imaging capabilities, and perspective capabilities.

Coupled with advanced physics, advanced chemistry, advanced civil mastery, Xi Tong has taken a breath.

As Xi Tong expected, Zhang Quan sent the luxuriously configured system to a world that had failed three times before.

I have planted three times here, and the harvest is not without, at least I know the humanities, customs, and geography of this world.

Soon, a rural teenager was bound by the system.

The novice gift package is a genetic potion with all attribute enhancements, which makes adolescents reborn, washed their muscles, and completely changed individuals.

At the same time, the transformation card is used. It takes only one day for the ants to be cultivated. It takes only one day for the teenager to become familiar with the transformation feeling and be able to easily manipulate the ant clone.

After doing several system tasks, I got a variety of medicinal materials and potions, all of which were insignificant to the human body, but to the ant clone, it was a bath in the pond.

After being tempered, the ant's body has become incomparable and powerful, and it is like a fighter among ants.

After transfiguration, I found an ant nest and ran into it, all the way to the darkness, killing the queen, and then easily controlled the ant nest.

In less than a month, he had digged out the ant's nest in the whole village.

True Underworld Master.

The next day was to grab the ground with other bugs, and then mice and snakes.

A small gourd-level ant takes the lead, and it is not enough to see any viper and scorpion.

What's more, this ant little King Kong is so shameless that he can't beat you directly.

The main body directly took the steel drill and shovel into battle, and randomly found a place to dig, one by one.

Then the host began to expand in all directions, while using the power of ants to search for ancient tombs and antiquities in the village and surrounding wasteland.

Forget to explain, this is a village of tomb robbers.

A seemingly ordinary door has actually killed many people.

However, Zai Niu's cemetery is also a dummy for ants, not to mention the host has visual enhancement, which can be night vision, thermal imaging, and perspective.

No ancient tomb can stop him.

This line is based on the ability to eat, to find the tomb is the ability, even if others know it, they will never say much.

It is impossible for the reporter to let people know that it is necessary to poke the backbone, and when they return to worship the ancestors at the festival, they will not be able to enter the gate of the shrine.

Therefore, the host's home soon became rich and led the people in the village to become rich together.

Teach them a little bit of farming experience, breeding techniques, carpenter's skills, and then send out the crop seeds given by the system, enough for the people to become rich.

Then pay for a poor scholar from the outside to be a Mr. and enlighten the children in the clan. Although I ca n’t guarantee the Chinese Imperial Examination, I can at least read the characters and run away to Shuxiangmen.

There is hope in the good days, and this person's heart gathers. No matter who, if you dare to fight the host's idea, the old and young men in the village are the first to be unwilling to save the host.

Everyone else is a bad one. If they live, they can't make an old snack full, but the host shows signs of Xingjiayao. It is an individual who is willing to protect him with his own life.

After all, in this line of business, stepping in one foot is a lifetime, and it is for generations.

This kind of troubles to their children and grandchildren, they all want to get out of their dreams, but unfortunately, they do not have that ability.

Now that they finally see the dawn of being a human again, they must naturally seize it.

It is not bad to say that even if the host kills people on the street, there will be a group of people rushing to rush to the gate to surrender.

Because the people know who the key to salvation is.

As far as the current situation is concerned, as long as the host is not rebellious, he can basically sit back and relax. Any thief and bandit who wants to fight his idea will have to weigh.

Even if the host is sitting under the eaves, there must be a few people staring at the eaves, lest a tile fall and hit the host.

What's more, the host secretly taught the children in the village some introductory knowledge in physics, chemistry, and civil engineering.

Although it will not be defeated in the future, the ancestral skills can not be lost, and can be transformed into technical activities such as surveying, design, construction, maintenance, and repair.

To a younger age ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is a craftsmanship of a bricklayer. If you learn it, you will be able to rely on your skills to eat. To an old age, this is the weapon of siege and the skill of building a city.

In this field, who has not dug several tombs of the emperor's generals, has no respect for the emperor, and does not think there is anything wrong with learning these skills.

The conditions were not allowed before, and I haven't thought about changing the dynasties. Now that I have this ability, my thoughts can't be stopped.

Plenty of special events are gathered into a person, and it is difficult for that person to be deified.

However, the people did not know that the host had built a huge empire in the field outside the village.

Below the wilderness is a long-abandoned tomb. The villagers knew this. After evacuating the contents, they were directly sealed and completely sealed.

And all this became the host's underground world.

An underground world thousands of years ahead of any giant city on the surface.

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