Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1120: : Life-changing instinct

After controlling the energy, the host soon invented a device to control the temperature. With this device, the temperature of the tomb can be controlled, which is extremely important for the fermentation tower and the hatchery.

There are many organisms in nature, especially oviparous organisms. The **** of the newborn life is not determined when the sperm and eggs are combined, but the temperature and humidity during the hatching process.

For example, when the temperature reaches 23-27 ° C, most juvenile turtles are male, and when the temperature is 30-33 ° C, most juvenile turtles are female.

The type of ant that an ant larva develops depends entirely on the feeding conditions at the larval stage, but controlling temperature is also important for ant hatching.

In order to find the right temperature, the worker ants need to move the young ants frequently to maintain a suitable development site.

If you can't find the right temperature, you will either be stunted or die in a large area, and no matter which one, it will be a great loss to the ant nest.

Now that the energy is in place, the temperature of the hatchery can be controlled freely.

Small changes are major advances.

The control of different temperature levels also enables ants to control more microorganisms, and the choice of fermentation is wider, and more fermentation products can be made.

It is also food. In the past, ants made sugar crystals, which are rich in sugar. They are the favorite rations of ants and the food that ants eat most.

Now that production conditions have improved, the types of sugar have begun to increase, and the quality has also started to improve. Not only does it contain nutrients needed for growth, it is also rich in energy required for activities.

Not only that, after grasping the energy, the energy contained in the food crystals produced by the ants is becoming more and more abundant.

Xi Tong asked Luo Tianyi to analyze and study these crystals, and finally concluded that this is no longer just food, but an energy crystal.

For human beings and all living things, the essential requirement for eating is to get energy from food.

This is a biological instinct.

The fertility instinct changed in humans, but the instinct to eat did not. Food eventually entered the stomach instead of chewing in the mouth.

However, obtaining energy from food is a very low-end process. There is very little energy in food, and most of it is impurities.

The crystals produced by ants are very pure food, and only 2% of them cannot be absorbed, and this number is still further reduced.

This reminds Xi Tong of the genetic dope in Atlantis, a liquid-like thing.

Atlantis do not need to eat, they can only rely on the original germ fluid, and they can obtain the nutrients needed for growth and the energy needed for survival.

This is a very high-grade food, or universal food.

Food is just food, and it no longer contains attributes such as deliciousness, gastronomy, poisoning, cooking, cuisine, and star rating.

Just like water is water, simple and pure, without any attachment.

If humans do not eat or drink, can they survive on glucose alone?

The answer is no.

Because humans also need fat, protein, and various vitamins and trace elements.

Therefore, human beings do not have the ability to make all-purpose food.

But this group of ants is in sight.

Less than 1 millimeter of crystal, it can provide ants with all-day activities and labor, and it is high-frequency and high-intensity labor.

Not only that, they are also constantly improving the formula and production process of all-purpose food, and improving the quality and function of all-purpose food.

Under the condition that the volume of the crystal body is unchanged, the total amount of energy and the quantity contained in it are continuously increased.

If this momentum continues to develop, perhaps a lick of the crystal can guarantee the energy demand of a day.

This crystal is no longer pure food, but energy and bioenergy.

Energy, this is already the key to civilization.

Human beings have mastered the energy source of fire before eating cooked food, killing bacteria and microorganisms in the food, enhancing physical fitness, increasing life expectancy, reducing mortality, and allowing ethnic groups to expand rapidly.

At the same time, humans have obtained special nutrients from cooked food, which has opened the door for evolution.

The ants are beginning to eat all-purpose food with energy. Does this mean that they can also obtain special energy from food, which opens the door to evolution and leaps to a higher level.

This is a question worth thinking about.

Moreover, one consequence of Luo Tianyi is that this all-purpose food has the potential to improve into something similar to a spirit stone.

The importance of the spirit stone to the Xiuxian world is undoubted, even the magic world has such things as magic crystal.

However, both the spiritual stone and the magic crystal are generated from heaven and earth, and the mining is difficult, the cost is high, the efficiency is low, and it is destined to become the exclusive resource of a small number of people.

But in this ant hole, Xi Tong saw the possibility of large-scale and mass production of spar.

The input is nothing more than water, air, electricity, and certain ingredients in animals, plants, and rocks.

This is because the ants have a limited range of activities, and the types of materials they acquire are not large. If their range of activities is extended to the entire world, or even the heavens and the world ...

How many formulas will they explore?

They can produce as much material and energy as never before.

Most importantly, Xi Tong has an electrical civilization system. Among them, electrical energy is used in many ways, including cultivation-related and production-related.

But Xi Tong turned it over and turned it over, and he couldn't find the way to use it.

Food is energy, life is practice, and growth is transformation.

Xi Tong seems to have seen the beginning of this avenue.

It is very similar to the Olympus Protoss philosophy of combining faith and practice, but it is more grounded and more in line with biological instincts.

Creatures can have no faith and no pursuit, but they can't have no desire to eat anyway.

This means that the avenue of the ants is wider and wider than the road of the Olympians.

When it comes to eating, Xi Tong immediately spat.

Even in this realm, the instinct to eat is still deeply rooted in the bones.

For mortals, isn't the meaning of life meant to be full and warm?

There is no food, the emperor and the old man also pull you off, how many peasant uprisings are not enough to eat.

It is true that people take food as their heaven. Eating is always the first thing in life.

On earth, people eat well on the basis of fullness.

Pursue health on the basis of eating well.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ while criticizing the harm of junk food to the human body, at the same time hype various nutritional products, health products, non-converted food, organic food ...

In fact, no matter how expensive the food is, its role is to reduce the risk of the disease and reduce the probability of that disease. As for the data, all the bricks, beasts, and garbage editors are blind.

Such things as life and death are always only the difference between 0 and 1. There is either no or no. The percentage data between the two is nonsense.

A person will never get cancer with 46.78% of the power, and will never get diabetes with 63.72.

Real health food will never think about reducing this risk and treating that pain.

Instead, it strengthens the root bones and enhances the physiological functions from the origin.

Let you have a stronger body, a smarter brain, a higher, deeper, and wider evolution space ...

This is where the evolution of life lies.

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