Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1127: : The Big Move of New Humans

Seeing the weird appearance of the new human in the nuclear leveling world, Xi Tong couldn't help thinking: What is human? Is it the appearance that determines the attributes of "people" or the mind?

The good looks are the same, and the interesting souls are all in one place.

Judging by appearance is wrong, even if it is placed on this small area of ​​the earth, let alone heaven and earth.

But things have two sides and cannot be generalized.

In the current world of Fengshen, there are many big businessmen, but as time goes by, more and more demon races will step out of the old forests of the deep mountains, loyal to the king, and then live and thrive in the enclosed mountains and rivers.

Not only the demon tribe, but also the Yasha, Raksha, Asura, and other races in the secret realm also loyal to the king and became a vassal of Dashang.

Coupled with Xitong's efforts to build Dafangfang City, making it a trading point in the heavens and heavens system, more and more god-level creatures come from heavens and heavens.

Most of them are in and out, and I just leave, but some people have taken root here and dragged their mouths.

In other words, Dashang now has endless monsters. Although human beings are the main body, they are definitely not the only ones.

However, the Dashang song and dance leveled up, He Qinghai Yan, the residents Dingfeng, the country is rich and the people strong.

The most important of these is the "formation symbol" promoted by Xitong and Tongtianjiao. No matter what kind of demon or ghost, it can be transformed into a human shape through this magic.

On the surface, Dashang territory is full of "humans", at least humanoids.

Da Shang emphasized its appearance too much, and it was somewhat appealing to its appearance. However, this did not cause resentment and hatred of other beings. On the contrary, those aliens had a strong desire for the amulet.

The successful demons are willing to do hard work in the human world in order to make money and buy avatars for their newborn cubs.

Because they knew that the amulet was not a cage mouth and a hoe, but a amulet and a pass.

With the human form, we can live in the city with integrity, enjoy the protection of the king of people, and enjoy the prosperity of the human world.

But once the human form is lost, it is no different from livestock and wild animals, and they will be hunted.

Weak meat and strong food, this is an instinctive memory deeply rooted in the bones of the demon. Even if living in the old forest in the mountains, it is also a trembling tremble, lest it may become the mouth food and belly of other monsters.

No one will protect them.

Parents who can't support them-the biggest difference between animals and humans is that they don't support them.

Neither can nature, because the food chain is originally a manifestation of nature's will.

The only person who could shelter them was the King of Man.

Most importantly, there are countless saints behind the king of kings.

No creature can provoke the King, nor can any creature trample on the rules made by the King.

In Dashang, even if the gods commit crimes, they will be captured, and the rebels will kill them. The most important thing is that there is a **** in the top three feet, and no crime can escape.

Figured out this section, Xi Tong suddenly opened up.

The so-called human form is just a status symbol, just like an identity card, household registration book, and green card. It is also a physical symbol that is inherently indivisible.

Just like whether the sewer manhole cover is square or round, as long as it is consistent, the function is the same, there is no need to distinguish between good and bad.

If everyone has three eyes and four arms, then two eyes and two arms become aliens, and they are not "people."

As Fabre said in The Insect, what we call beauty and filth is meaningless in nature.

Therefore, it doesn't matter what the new human beings in the world will look like, just like them.

After all, they use the breath secreted in their bodies to identify their siblings and enemies, not their appearance.

Having said that, their appearances are highly similar, almost identical, and nothing can be distinguished by this.

At the same time, the best of the new humans in the leveling world gradually became idols, worshipped and imitated by other members of the same race.

For example, imitate octopuses and spiders, analyze the mysteries of their body composition, crack the formula of cell growth and composition, and then apply it to themselves.

As a result, a new human with eight arms and eight weapons was born. The eight arms were very useful in both attack and defense.

In addition, the gland's spray holes can be born on the arm, and the toxins are unexpectedly emitted during the battle.

The eight arms can also eject like a crossbow, enhancing their mobility and ability to move.

This evolutionary direction can immediately improve the combat effectiveness, especially suitable for newcomers, so there are many fans, and the discoverers of this formula have also received rewards from the city and a large number of points.

Other new humans also search for external insects, animals, plants and even minerals according to their professional characteristics, analyze their structure and composition, and then derive evolutionary formulas.

Such as the strength of ants, the flea bounce, the vitality of cockroaches ...

Learn about nature, walk into life, discover the mysteries, and master the truth.

This is the evolution of new humans in the world.

Due to the strong radiation in the nuclear leveled world, the surviving creatures are also exposed to high-intensity radiation, and most of them collapse or even die, but there are also a small number of mutations and even evolutions, and evolution in different directions.

Under normal circumstances, the evolution of living things is in one direction and there is a clear trend.

But now, evolution has become disorderly.

All directions, all possibilities.

This provides a wider range of material for new humans.

At the same time, after grasping the formula of the mystery of life, new humans began to use their own glands to synthesize special substances.

A substance between life and non-life.

They can draw external energy and material by themselves, so that they can continuously replicate, and they can grow, grow, and grow through replication ...

They don't have any thinking and consciousness, and some just have the instinct to continuously draw energy and material, and constantly replicate themselves.

This is the simplest and most primitive ... life ...

No, it's not life, it's organic matter at best.

Even so, it is a milestone leap, a gradual change from material to life.

As for the motivation of new humans to release this substance to the outside world ...

They deduced or conceived an unfinished formula of life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or just inspired by the formula of life, and the others have no clue.

They did not have time to deduce and study innumerable possibilities, so they released a brain, allowing them to evolve in nature.

As a result, new species began to emerge around the area where new humans lived.

Most of them are dying, and are strangled by powerful radiation, but there are always a handful of organic matter that may be hard, or just happen to be abnormal.

They survived tenaciously and became stronger and stronger.

They continuously draw energy and material from the surroundings and are self-replicating, driven by instincts.

In this way, the new human beings centered on the scope of their activities, and constantly invaded and spread around them in the form of a spark of stars, which gradually became the trend of Ebara.

It is also in this process that Xi Tong witnessed the birth of life, the evolution of species, and the progress of civilization ...

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