Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1131: : Collective division into individuals

The new humans who leveled the world created their own human race and other races similar to humans.

Originally, these races were the fruit of a breeding faction to fight the powerful beings created by the immortal.

But after human beings and other human beings became the masters of the earth, aging and death came on schedule.

After all, when leveling the world's new humans to create life, they did not give them longevity. On the contrary, human life is very short.

As a result, humans began to fear, resist, and find all ways to increase their lifespan. To this end, they went deep into the mountains and old forests to find those immortal creatures that were expelled after the defeat.

Immortal creatures can live forever, but they don't know the secret of longevity, they can only say that all of them are born.

But it was not expected that this aroused human greed.

Not all immortal creatures are strong and irresistible, and some immortal creatures have been damaged in previous wars, and their strength has dropped significantly.

So, killing them is not difficult.

Although it will pay the price of life, as a reproduction school, the cheapest thing for human beings is life.

What to eat and what to eat, and to eat immortal organisms, will naturally supplement life.

This does have a little truth, after all, immortal creatures have also strengthened themselves by devouring other lives.

However, the effect of eating immortal organisms is only to strengthen the body and prolong life, but in the end, it is impossible to escape.

There are also some immortal creatures that are powerful enough to crush everything, so the breeding creatures worship them as gods.

Such as elves.

This is the first race to transition from breeding to immortalism.

The gods taught them to cultivate and taught them how to use energy. Although it could not achieve true eternal life, it greatly prolonged the life of the elves, and this long life would be precipitated in the blood.

Other races are also looking for eternal life offerings, longing for the mystery of longevity.

However, they are not as lucky as the elves. At best, they have acquired the cultivation skills, which can strengthen their bodies and prolong their life. They cannot be compared with the elves at all.

At the midpoint of the transition from reproductive to eternal life, the elves began to have the characteristics of two evolutionary paths. During this period, the elves were powerful and their population reached its peak.

The Elven tribe overwhelms all other races and becomes the master of the earth, initiating the era of civilization of the Elven tribe.

Prosperity is bound to decline. From the moment of the Elven era, the Elven tribe inevitably embarked on the path of decline.

Their strength is constantly increasing, but their populations are declining sharply.

At the beginning, the life span of the ethnic group increased, and the elders of the older generation were rich and powerful. The problem was not obvious.

But as the older generation of elves continued to age, the number of newborns decreased year after year, and the problem finally appeared.

The elves completely failed. They failed to transform into a complete immortal group, but they lost the biggest feature of the reproductive group.

Since then, the elves can only watch as the number of descendants decreases year by year, and sometimes there are no newborns for years or even decades.

At the time of life and death, the elves had to make another choice and marry humanity.

They selected men and women with handsome appearance, elegant talents, noble temperaments, and excellent qualifications, and combined with them to produce mixed-generation offspring to increase the number of elves.

While still moving, create more points, so as not to be powerless later.

Although the blood of these descendants is no longer pure, it is better than extinction.

The elven clan became the first loser on the evolutionary path.

However, other races have not taken this as a warning, and are still tirelessly pursuing eternal life.

The new human beings who control everything believe that the world has gone off track.

They created humans to prove that immortality and reproduction are good and bad, and the results are now clear. Humans have no value.

Moreover, human beings worship arbitrarily and worship the gods at will, which makes the new humans dissatisfied.

Human beings are only experimental products, and human wisdom is only given to resist the control of immortal creatures, not to help human beings create civilization.

So, they decided to clean up the human race and wipe them out of the earth.

Opposition came again.

Some new humans believe that the battle between immortality and reproduction is not over. The two should not be isolated and opposed to each other. They can be in common and inclusive.

The elven race failed on the evolutionary path, but the hybrid descendants have the advantages of the breeding school again, and the race will not perish.

Moreover, there will be very few outstanding individuals in mixed races, not only possessing the human reproduction ability, but also perfectly inheriting the strength and longevity of the elves.

Although such individuals who combine the advantages of both are very rare, when they grow up, they will definitely stand out and become worshipped heroes. They have a greater advantage when choosing a mate and can quickly spread their blood.

In these individuals, the integration of immortalism and reproduction is successful, and the descendants of these individuals have a greater probability to inherit this fusion.

Therefore, some new humans are firmly opposed to the plan of eradicating humans, and want to screen out those individuals who have successfully merged, seed them, and reproduce a new race.

This time, the differences between the immortalists and the breeders were more serious and fiercer this time.

Some people in the immortal group agree with the eradication of human beings, some people oppose it, and the same in the breeding group, and some people don't support it.

Some people think that before erasing human beings, those living creatures worshipped by human faith should be erased first.

There are also concerns that the human race that combines the two major characteristics of immortality and reproduction will lose control and even threaten its status when it grows.

In short, it's messy.

The two distinct camps have split again, and more camps have been split this time.

In the debate, another voice appeared.

As the creator of all beings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Should new humans appear in front of all beings?

Some new humans believe that they should be born, enjoy the worship of all living beings, and let them understand who gave them life and wisdom.

There are also new humans who think that it should not be. The creation **** disappeared after creating them, and they should be like the creation god.

Before that, everyone was able to divide into two camps. Although they were opposed to each other, they were still united and full of cohesion.

But now, all kinds of thoughts are flowing, and the new human beings have different opinions on various viewpoints and ideas. It is difficult to find a like-minded person. Even if it is found, it will soon be caused by new problems. And parted ways.

Faced with this situation, the new humans began to differentiate into individuals step by step, and the city began to stretch out.

Finally, because of the unknown contradiction, two new humans slaughtered, and then more and more new humans were involved.

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