Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 1189: : Draw a circle with me

Xitong looked carefully at his palm.

Inadvertently, another civilization was created, and even a unique form of civilization was created.

One's civilization.

The individual is civilization.

Cybertron Junior has excellent abilities and can continuously create magic mechas.

At the same time, he also initially grasped the power of the energy ring and slaughtered tens of billions of creatures into it for melting.

He has both control of material existence and dominance of spiritual existence. All newly born magical mechas are given life through him. Although not the continuation of his blood, it is the inheritance of his spirit.

He is the father and ancestor of this civilization.

At the same time, all new life upholds his will and philosophy, just like chip instillation, impeccable in terms of loyalty.

People can betray everything, including loved ones, loved ones, friends, collectives, nations, nations, but they will not betray themselves.

Therefore, the descendants of Cybertron's youth are loyal to him and can abandon everything for loyalty.

It is also unconditional loyalty. The race created by Cybertron Junior is essentially different from the ant race.

Ants are low-intelligence or even unintelligent individuals, and they will die quickly after leaving the queen and the ant colony as a whole.

The life created by Cybertron's youth has a high degree of wisdom. When instilling will and ideas, it also instills a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Even if they leave the ethnic group, they can still survive, and they can even continue to take root and sprout like seeds.

Although it does not reach the level of opening branches and leaves, it is enough to spread out what one has learned and pass on.

Under this system, the cybertan youth is equivalent to the status and role of the queen. One person is civilization, it is the system.

Xitong vaguely captured a hint of inspiration.

In his mind, he continued to roll the vocabulary of Cybertron, fire, civilization, etc., and then added other elements to it.

"Luo Tianyi, help me collect these materials ..."

It did n’t take long for the system of the heavens and the world to release a new announcement.

Open a new permission-Tinder for system level 3 users.

The system's introduction of this permission is an advanced version of the wormfish. The generated things are not limited to insects, but also birds and beasts, and even intelligent life.

The species that Tinder can create are not fixed, and there are many fixed templates. Users can refer to these templates to modify or even recompile.

For example, the lion and the eagle are merged, and the parts of duplication, uselessness, exclusion and conflict are eliminated, and the advantages of the two are retained and organically combined to create the species Griffin.

Another example is the fusion of humans and beasts to create various orcs, half-orcs, or beasts.

The life created by tinder can be an independent individual, in the form of embryos and young children, just like normal fertility.

It can also be a special energy to transform the existing life, such as the fire in the hands of Cybertron.

This kind of fire gave Xitong great inspiration.

Cybertron ’s mastery and application of the energy ring is still superficial, but the function he explored has great significance.

This is a viable path.

Xitong immediately expanded, perfected and consolidated this inspiration, and developed it into a stable and feasible ability and prop.

The energy ring controls not only ordinary energy, but also spiritual energy and even the soul.

It is like a small reincarnation itself, ingesting the soul into it, and stripping it from the external reincarnation.

The soul and life of a world are included in it, and it is continuously tempered and tempered with all strength.

Impurities such as greed, violentness, hatred, jealousy, jealousy, or energies such as earth, water, fire, wind, etc., are stripped and separated, and integrated into different categories.

What determines a person's qualification level is not how many attributes he possesses, but how many attributes he possesses.

For example, if there are five elements in all, it is basically a piece of waste wood, because the increase in the number will weaken the possession of each attribute.

Unless there are very few special ones, the fewer the number of attributes, the better.

So, with or without the five waste-to-stock exchanges, can they be reorganized into five purely talented geniuses?

In the same way, if the soul and life of a world are all gathered in one place and returned to the furnace for re-casting, can countless pure products be forged?

For the Cyberbot, the murder is to save people, and the world is to save the world.

Without him, the migrating world is a lower world with material desires, high-level greed and viciousness, middle-level ignorance and confusion, and lower-level numbness.

But with his murderous act, the migrating world broke through and stood up, and the fire was reborn, and it directly crossed into the higher civilized world where everyone is a dragon.

It is not only the way the world of life works, but also the way the world of souls works.

As the six-way reincarnation between the Yin and Yang circles, it has always operated on its own, and Xinma You rein.

Although Xitong mastered six reincarnations, he only modified a small part of the rules to seek benefits for his descendants.

For example, after the barbarian is marked by six reincarnations, there is no need to reincarnate after death, and the memory will not be erased. As long as a new body is shaped, it can be resurrected in place.

It is for this reason that the barbarians are not afraid of death and bloodthirsty on the battlefield.

Every time a dead barbarian is reborn from the main shrine of the system, he will be cheered like an ocean.

To some extent, this is already the racial talent of the Fourth Scourge.

However, what Xitong touched was only an insignificant part of the six-way reincarnation, and the other 99.9999% of the parts still operated according to the inherent rules.

The old rule was to judge the soul according to its characteristics such as strength, size, purity, and complexity, and then regenerate it into plants, bugs, flying birds, animals, and intelligent life.

Life is a life, and vegetation is a spring. This is the process of growth and accumulation.

It is not only their bodies but also their souls that grow and accumulate.

The growth of the soul is more difficult than the body, and the grinding of the soul is also slower than the accumulation of the body.

The only advantage is that the total amount of soul is large, every minute means accumulation and growth.

This is the origin of the growth of the world's origin and the birth of the world's will.

This is what Wuhua Tianbao and Renjidiling said.

The world nourishes everything, and everything feeds the world.

The growth of the world's origin means the growth of the world's mass and the improvement of the world's quality.

The growth of the will of the world means that the world's defense is stronger, and it can resist the invasion and destruction of extraterrestrial gods and demons.

At the same time, the world's original will can bestow the best life in the world, so that they are born with powerful abilities and supernatural powers and become the "richest man" in this world.

This is the reason why the gods and demons walked everywhere in the special period such as the ignorance era, the flood era, and the ancient times.

Without it, the world gives.

But in the hands of the Cybertron boy, all these things no longer exist.

Killing hundreds of millions of souls, all souls and lives of this world have been taken away.

The will of the world has become a passive water, a tree without roots, withered, weakened, silenced, and even withered in a short time.

The world will disperse.

Six reincarnations collapsed.

And all of this is included in the energy ring, in other words, completely controlled and controlled by the Cybertron boy.

He does not need all creatures to grow and grow naturally, and does not need six rounds of selection and selection.

He only needs a small number of elites. Apart from these, everything else does not matter.

Smelting, extraction.

Bringing together the essence of hundreds of millions of immigrants in the world, creating a handful of the best individuals.

At the same time, it also integrates various impurities precipitated in the smelting and extraction processes into a special individual.

For example, the "greed" stripped out of a hundred million souls and pooling them together will surely give birth to a special existence.

If the individual cannot accommodate all the "greed" power, then it is scattered into 10, 100, 1000 ...

It can even become a separate legion or race.

This is the status quo and future of Cybertron civilization.

In Xitong's view, this can be extended to many worlds and many civilizations.

There is no **** in this world, only misplaced resources.

For mortals, if the ingredients needed in an ore are only 10%, its value is certainly not as good as 20%, but for gods, even if it is only 1%, this ore is valuable.

Because for mortals, mining and smelting have a cost, if the composition of the ore is below a certain level, mining and smelting are meaningless, and even lose money.

But for God, there is no cost for mining and smelting.

Moving mountains and unloading mountains is just a matter of turning hands, and a single idea can cause rocks to collapse and shatter, and the specific components in them can be separated out.

For the gods, there is only the question of thinking and not wanting, there is no question of ability and inability.

It's like reincarnation.

The souls go through reincarnation, wash away all kinds of cause and effect, karma, then regenerate into a new life, and then continue to grow, experience, endure, and repeat the inherent trajectory in the world.

Yes, inherent trajectory.

The destiny of man is actually already doomed. This doom comes from the world and is rooted in the soul.

Just like raindrops falling from the sky, whether they float eastward or westward, whether they fall fast or slow, whether they end up on the land or between rocks, their final destination is the ground, yes The ocean is rising again into clouds.

This is destiny.

But if there is a power to pump all the water in this world to one place, and then continue to wash and quench it to become what he wants.

This means that the fate of all water is changed, and the entire water cycle is broken and subverted.

This is the inspiration that Cybertron Junior brought to Xitong.

What is the meaning of life?

Let each life exist independently and grow freely?

For individuals, this may be fairness and justice. It is the right God has given to every life. It cannot be denied or trampled.

However, they did not know that this right was a false existence from the beginning.

From the moment they were born, and even from the moment when their first generation of distant ancestors were born, they were destined to be playthings and livestock raised by the gods.

Their existence is upholding the will of God, and their growth is in the interest of God. Their so-called knowledge, etiquette, and society are all carefully compiled by the gods.

The first generation of distant ancestors experienced the old age, knowing the true face of the world, and knowing that the gods have no right and no right to do so.

But their descendants did not know.

The truth will eventually drown in death, sink in time, and the people who survived will continue to wander in the prison cage carefully built by the gods, just like a donkey blindfolded and rubbed, and it will start and end.

The essence of life is repetition!

This is confirmed by Xitong.

Look at the truth that all the heavens and the world are true.

The migrating world is imprisoned by the general energy ring and completely cut off from the outside world. However, the world still presents a repeated strange circle.

Xitong created a large circle in which the indigenous deities drew a small circle, and the secular powers under the indigenous deities drew one small circle after another to distinguish their spheres of influence. There is another small circle in ...

[Served in ten minutes]

For mortals, if the ingredients needed in an ore are only 10%, its value is certainly not as good as 20%, but for gods, even if it is only 1%, this ore is valuable.

Because for mortals, mining and smelting have a cost, if the composition of the ore is below a certain level, mining and smelting are meaningless, and even lose money.

But for God, there is no cost for mining and smelting.

Moving mountains and unloading mountains is just a matter of turning hands, and a single idea can cause rocks to collapse and shatter, and the specific components in them can be separated out.

For the gods, there is only the question of thinking and not wanting, there is no question of ability and inability.

It's like reincarnation.

The souls go through reincarnation, wash away all kinds of cause and effect, karma, then regenerate into a new life, and then continue to grow, experience, endure, and repeat the inherent trajectory in the world.

Yes, inherent trajectory.

The destiny of man is actually already doomed. This doom comes from the world and is rooted in the soul.

Just like raindrops falling from the sky, whether they float eastward or westward, whether they fall fast or slow, whether they end up on the land or between rocks, their final destination is the ground, yes The ocean is rising again into clouds.

This is destiny.

But if there is a power to pump all the water in this world to one place, and then continue to wash and quench it to become what he wants.

This means that the fate of all water has been changed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The entire water cycle has been broken and subverted.

This is the inspiration that Cybertron Junior brought to Xitong.

What is the meaning of life?

Let each life exist independently and grow freely?

For individuals, this may be fairness and justice. It is the right God has given to every life. It cannot be denied or trampled.

However, they did not know that this right was a false existence from the beginning.

From the moment they were born, and even from the moment when their first generation of distant ancestors were born, they were destined to be playthings and livestock raised by the gods.

Their existence is upholding the will of God, and their growth is in the interest of God. Their so-called knowledge, etiquette, and society are all carefully compiled by the gods.

The first generation of distant ancestors experienced the old age, knowing the true face of the world, and knowing that the gods have no right and no right to do so.

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