Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 630: : Atlantis World

At the top of the list is Tian Honghui Fan Hongxu.

Accurately speaking, the top 10 were occupied by Tiandihui, Yue Yang Yudie and Luo Rui just entered the last two seats.

At the same time as Xi Tong watched the list, Luo Rui was squeezed out, replacing him by an arms merchant named Terminator.

Alas, the arms merchant also fell down quickly and was replaced by a new face of the Heavenly Emperor Society.

I deserve to be the future Archbishop of Blue Star, whose speed of expansion can be said to have no solution.

Xi Xitong can't help but wonder. After the new version of the rules is formulated, the influence of the Heavenly Emperor Society will further expand. Will it eventually become the uncrowned king in the adventurer system, and can even affect the formulation of the rules?

After all, many infinite flow novels are written like this. The protagonist is made to die, but he is pretending to hit his face all the way, and finally the main **** has to kneel and lick him.

Fan Hongxu is the protagonist of the will of the earth, the natural protagonist.

By the same token, are the Lord of Light and Fire God of Fire the same as the Son of Destiny among the samsaras, and are the ones who pushed the Lord God back?

Although they don't know their relationship, Xi Tong can confirm one thing. The reincarnation is not close to heaven. Every time after going through the world of reincarnation, most of the reincarnation will go to paradise.

The paradise service industry is also targeted at reincarnation, but few people know this.

God-level powerhouses in other worlds just let it go.

"His Excellency, the program has been edited, please check it."

Luo Luo Tianyi handles things. Xitong 100 can rest assured that he can't even see it. Then he brings the program into the brand of the adventurer who has already made it.

烙 This imprint has all the functions of the Terra Stone chip, except that the entity "chip" is canceled and changed to a pure energy body. By the way, it incorporates the imprint of soul burning, which can kill the adventurer at any time.

"His Excellency, may I issue an announcement immediately?"

Xi Xitong shook his head. "The selection of adventurers has not yet been determined. Wait a moment, let me think again."

The main **** system selects the reincarnation criteria: those who have an extremely outstanding ability, such as particularly strong and endurance, may also have a particularly dark mind and a particularly venomous heart. In addition, they have deep grievances and strong obsessions.

As for the ordinary little transparent, they are rarely chosen, even if they are chosen is a gorgeous round tour.

"The first group of adventurers chose from the prison that cut off the Hitomi world empire. All prisoners sentenced to death and life-time prisoners were packed together. As for the procedures, let Najetta do it."

"In addition, let Ling Shiqi and the heavenly soldiers in the cities of the Xianjian world communicate with each other, and list the local second-class sons who are delicious and lazy, and the powerful and inferior gents who are extremely angry. Let them also imprint them."

"By the way, communicate with the Yanhuang Empire and empty the prison on the earth. I haven't contacted for so long, there must be many people inside."

Within three days, these people were counted and immediately transferred to the designated location by Li An'an using space capabilities.

With Li An'an's strength, she can't control a planet and transfer any object on it as she wants. Her ability at most covers a thousand kilometers.

However, it is not the same with Xitong's integration of heaven and human. The range is directly extended to thousands of miles, and coupled with the flying of the sword of the magic sword, it is not a dream to travel across the earth for a few minutes.

At this time, a thought came over.

That is the scorch mark left by Xi Tong on the two seraphs, and its content is the task content shown by the reincarnation mark.

World Quest: Earn the Neptune Trident

Legendary Mission: Gain any Atlantis Seven Royal Bloodline (_)

Elite Mission: Get perpetual motion

Uh ...

Looking at a long list of tasks, Xi Tong turned directly to the bottom, because the previous ones were impossible tasks, and most of the reincarnations struggling on the line of life and death chose the simplest common tasks and saved their lives from being killed.

The easiest task is "10 days latency".

If you find a street and pretend to be a beggar, let alone 10 days, you can go through it several times, but what about the next time?

As the number of reincarnation increases, the difficulty of the world will become higher and higher. If you do n’t choose those rewarding tasks to enhance your strength, you will be wiped out if you do n’t reach three worlds.

The moment the two Seraphs received the task, they changed color, the target world-Atlantis.

I am not saying how difficult this world is, but that the main power of this world is water, which is exactly against them.

If in other worlds, even if it is difficult, they can still struggle a bit, anyway, it is a life of nine deaths.

But in this world, they don't even have the need to struggle, they are dead.

However, for some reason, a voice sounded in my mind: you will not die, even if the mission fails, you will not be erased.

They thought the sound was familiar, but they couldn't remember where they heard it.

他们 When they wanted to question each other, the voice had completely disappeared, no matter how they called, they did not respond.

If neither of them heard this voice, they would think it was an illusion. Now, they vaguely guess that they have an adventure.

Xi Tong muttered to himself, Atlantis ...

Luo Tianyi immediately replied: "His Excellency, the first power of the planet Terra has performed interstellar immigration before launching Dahlia.

Xi Xitong suddenly wakes up.

Last time, the space node of the planet Terra was collided and squeezed. If nothing happened, it is the descendants of the first power.

No wonder they hurriedly wanted to open the space channel. Before, they thought it was difficult to leave their homeland. Now it seems that they are clearly preparing to retreat.

After all, no one in the world stared at by the reincarnation is better.

At this time, the system reminded: "Dear Master, time has cooled down, you can extract a new world."

Xi Xitong thought for a while, or washed his hands, and lighted a lucky star charm.


Soon, the dense world of spare tires was revealed.

"The quality of the world is quite high this time, there are actually 17 Gao Wu worlds."

"There are also a lot of resource planets. On this planet, precious materials such as extraterrestrial iron, Taiyijing, and millennium black iron are spread like sand."

However, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xi Tong does not choose those flowery worlds.

"It's it!"

Seeing the world pointed by Xi Tong, the system immediately locked.

"Congratulations to the owner for drawing to the Atlantis world."

Immediately, the system began to crawl the general information of this world.

Even if the system didn't say it, Xi Tong guessed the general content.

Before the reincarnation level 30, there was a world called "Neptune", which completely copied the movies and comics on the earth.

海 This world of Neptune is sketched out by the main **** system, which is specially used to train new people.

亚 And Atlantis was where they were fighting.

Atlantis has a slight connection with Neptune World, but it is by no means the same.

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