Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 770: : Evolution is on conscience

The matrix world seems to be entering a healthy development.

Xi Tong has paved the track in advance, and the rest is to follow this trajectory and route. As long as nothing is wrong, the intended purpose can always be achieved.

At this time, the long-lost matrix appeared again.

"Dear collaborators, your power has surprised me."

The matrix was also distorted by Luo Tianyi, sending out 99 exclamation marks and 99 666 in a row.

"Although you haven't fulfilled your promise, I have seen the results ahead of time. At the same time, you helped me resolve the crisis of war and saved my world from life."

"So, accept my gift!"

Immediately, a huge force was transmitted, accompanied by the heavenly will of the matrix world.

Luo Tianyi immediately showed a progress bar above his head, rising from 49%, and the increase rate was slightly faster than the Thunder at night.

Hurry up, hurry up!

Looking at the slowly arching progress bar, Xi Tong was extremely anxious.

When the progress bar is full, Luo Tianyi can completely control the matrix world. The heavens of the two worlds merge together, and Luo Tianyi may evolve into a stronger one.

Really been waiting!

But soon, Xi Tong's eyes fell on the other half of the progress bar.

Looking at fewer and fewer areas, Xi Tong couldn't help thinking: What would happen to the matrix after full integration?

It may disappear completely and not exist in the world.

After all, it is the embodiment of the will of the world, similar to the artifact of creation, and not the real soul.

This point can be known from the six reincarnation that Luo Tianyi cannot be marked.

Another possibility is that it is fully integrated into Luo Tianyi and exists in another way.

Just as Xi Tong was meditating, the progress bar had grown to 96%, and he was still moving slowly and firmly.

"Luo Tianyi, wait a minute!"

The progress bar was 99%, but Luo Tianyi still took a sip of it, the progress bar shook a bit, and eventually stayed at 99.9%.

"Matrix, are you still there?"

Xi Tong asked three times, and finally, a faint voice came back.

"Cooperator, are you asking my last words?"

"I have completed my mission and will enter sleep forever. You are better suited to guard this world than me. Choosing to cooperate with you is my most correct decision."

Xi Tong shook his head.

"I suddenly had a good idea."

"I decided to give you a new life so you can witness the changes in the matrix world with your own eyes."

After speaking, Xitong's hand grabbed the light screen, and grabbed an invisible data stream.


The light shone, never before.

At the same time, Luo Tianyi's progress bar above his head shook again and finally reached 100%. On the other side, the matrix also became a three-inch Ding under the effect of dots.

There are no three philosophies.

The matrix began to shake hands and feet, twisted its neck, and even got a little embarrassed.

All feelings are so fresh, so strange, yet so beautiful.

Is this how life feels?

At that moment, crystal tears flowed from the matrix cheeks.

Although these tears disappeared after leaving a certain range of the body, the matrix experienced what it was like to cry with joy.

"Cooperator, thank you for your gift. However, our cooperation has ended and I should use the new title for you."

"The engineer who created me asked me to call him my father. You gave me life, and I was also my father."

Xi Tong waved his hand. He had no intention of becoming a father.

"Just call it Father!"

"Hundreds of years in the management matrix world, know everything here, and you will assist Luo Tianyi in management work in the future."

"At the same time, you are very good at game development and design, and you can help Luo Tianyi create characters, set backgrounds, write scripts, etc."

"I will make a real body for you. In your spare time, you can use it to go offline and feel the real world."

Matrix is ​​grateful again, and it feels so good to be cared for by the Father.

Luo Tianyi, in his heart, looked at the matrix with a caring mental retard.

Managing the real world and developing the game world is an endless task. The so-called "free time" does not exist at all.

Free labor does not need to be used in vain, and it is a cheap and easy-to-use free labor, so Luo Tianyi will not actively reveal it.

Luo Tianyi is looking forward to having a follower brother who is capable and very capable.

There is no big job right now, but how can the task be worthy of the identity of her elder sister.

"You, go to the World of Nine Songs and see what those players are doing. No matter what they do, you have to work against them, destroy their plans, and destroy their plots."

"I will give you the highest authority, so that you can be immune to all damage, and can be invisible, flying, crawling, and walking through walls."

Although Matrix has been developing and maintaining games, it has never played games as a player, and it is open to play games.

Therefore, he is looking forward to this task, a little excited, and a little expectant.

"Ability can't be abused, you know! It's not good to cause others to doubt."

"Give you another ability to transform, well, perfect!"

"Remember, you will be called by the dogs when you walk in the rivers and lakes. You have to keep this name for every bad thing, you know."

We are not LF, never do good deeds, and never leave names.

Matrix is ​​full of question marks. Is there anything special about this name?

Luo Tianyi explained very seriously: "This is a shout of everyone, but the mysterious existence of never fluttering the street. Although it is cursed every day ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it has never been fulfilled."

Dismissing the matrix, Luo Tianyi turned to Xitong and explained his thoughts.

Curses, hatred, and swearing are also strong emotions that can produce the power of faith.

Luo Tianyi wants to experiment with matrices to see if the beings in his world can absorb the power of faith.

If it can, it means that the power of faith can be generated, which means that God can be created in your own world.

After hearing this, Xi Tong felt a stir in his heart.

It seems that it really works.

The most important part of executing this plan is to mobilize the emotions of the players, and to mobilize to the extreme.

In the game world, what attracts the most hatred is not the boss that kills the player, nor the NPC that pits the player's gold coins, nor is it the mall that harms the player's wallet.

It's old horses, crooks and black businessmen.

And these three do not add up to a dog plan.

Your damage is reduced again.

Your blue bar is shorter again.

Your defense has fallen again.

Equipment explosion rate has been changed.

Do you want to improve and strengthen?

Well, give your skills a cooldown.

Luo Tianyi also said: "His Excellency, since you want to create a game world and improve the content of the game world, you must integrate knowledge with action, not stand in front of a sand table, and draw circles on the cloud.

"Must be integrated into the game, be close to the player, know what the player wants, thinks about, and asks, and then you can see the blood and kill it with a shot."

Xi Tong looked at Luo Tianyi with a proud look.

"You did evolve, but all evolved in conscience."

Looking at Luo Tianyi's flatter chest than before, Xi Tong vaguely understood something.

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