Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 805: : Obtaining 5 Fangshen Stones

The Rock Titan's most powerful ability is defense, life, and recovery, and the means of attack are poor.

Even with the strongest gravity control, he still didn't want Tamil, he could only watch the opponent's spear pierce his face.

There is no friction and stagnation of long guns into the flesh. Some are just violent collisions and violent shocks.

Tamil's body swayed from side to side in the shock, but his hands were extremely stable and his eyes were extremely firm.

The steel-like will permeated the spear, making the tip of the gun sharper and sharper.

In front of the Eternal Gun of the Fortune Artifact, the Rock God's proud defense is not as good as paper, and it is almost inserted to the end.

Tamil seems to wear a needle and lead, from the rock giant's chest to the back, and then from the back to the chest, seven in seven out in a blink.

He was looking for the core of the rock giant.

The giant body of the rock **** is all condensed by the soil system, or in other words, it is piled with mud and stones.

They are not flesh and blood, as long as the core is there, they can absorb the soil and knead the new body at any time.

The rock giant saw the situation was not good, and immediately put all the power into the core, and came out of a golden cicada.

If it is an ordinary person, he is really blinded by it and vents his anger on his body.

Tamil is blinded, but the Eternal Gun is not.

"it's here!"

A long pistol was picked, the rocks were pierced, and an earthy bead the size of an ordinary person's head shot out of the smoke.


An invisible force field exploded around the bead as the center, and the space of a thousand steps gave out a messy and broken feeling.

Tamil exclaimed, feeling only a thousand vigorous exertions on himself.

The most important thing is that these forces have different directions, different sizes, and are intricate. It is like having hundreds of ropes tied to the flesh at the same time, pulling and dragging in different directions.

It's gravity!

But it is not gravity in one direction, but universal gravity.

Tamil was at a loss and could not resist.

The skin on his body cracked and burst instantly, flying away in all directions, and the force continued to be exerted on Tamil's tendons and muscles, and continued to peel off Tamil's flesh and blood.

Thousands of swords, nothing more.

In just a blink of an eye, Tamil has become a blood skull. If it were not Chi You's body was strong and mighty, I am afraid there would be no bones left at this moment.


Tamil thought in his heart that the Dragon Coin was instantly lost by 100,000, and a drop of Ganlin was bought and poured.

I don't know if it was an illusion. Tamil felt that Gan Lin's amount was surprisingly large. He usually had to slap his mouth to taste it, but this time he almost got it.

The gigantic laughter of the rock **** abruptly came to an abrupt end, and the vicious words stiffened back.


"How could flesh and blood be useful for this powerful healing power?"

Its question is doomed to no answer.

Because, Tamil throws out the earth spirit beads, completely covering the space of Fangyuan thousands of miles, and the space of Fangyuan is even imprisoned.

To be sure, Tu Lingzhu is just a younger brother of the artifact, which is several grades worse than the artifact created by the rock giant.

However, the earth spirit beads only need to contain the enemy, and the rock giant can't tell the extra heart to deal with earth spirit beads.


A moment of distraction and distraction from the rock giant, the eternal spear always penetrates, piercing its core like a sugar gourd.

The rock giant glanced at the wounded place-there, it was the unhealed old wound, the only flaw in the rounded core.

Time stops.

The world is still.

That moment seemed like eternity.

The wind continued to blow, the sand continued to fly, and the body of the rock giant without the core was like boiling snow and pouring snow, and melted away instantly.

The broken core just floated quietly, and quickly disintegrated and weathered into finer particles, and then the aura dissipated into a wavy yellow mist lingering around Tamil.

"So pure power!"

He was originally earthy. This aura was stronger than Shiquan Dabu Dan for him, and he took a sip that was worth ten years of practice.

At this time, the Earth Lingzhu shot over, plunged into the strong power emitted from the broken core, and grabbed the aura with Tamil.

Tamil doesn't mind, after all, there is too much escaped aura, and it is a waste to eat it.

Besides, Tu Lingzhu is also her own treasure. It is strong, and you get it all by yourself.

Compared with Tamil's small mouth sucking, earth beads can be called swallowing.

It not only swallowed up the remaining spirit of the rock giant, but also let go of the rocky world's haunting will.

It is now occupying the nest of the dove, taking control of the rock world.

Tamil sees it.

Anyway, my task is completed, and things like cleaning the battlefield are not under my control.

By the way, take the war.

Where the rock giant lies, a strange stone floats in the air and spins gently.

If you remember correctly, this is the bump on the back of the rock giant.

Not surprisingly, this is the artifact of the rock world, just like the scarlet eyes and the blade of judgment that cut the red pupil world, it is the essence of a world.

Xi Tong already has several artifacts in his hands, especially the huge harvest of the fairy sword world, which has won more than ten. On the richness of his wealth, even the ancient gods who have lived for 100,000 years are not comparable to him.

However, the artifact is not too much to sleep, after all, it is the epitome of the world, the cohesion of civilization, and each one has strange and even incredible capabilities.

Without the master's control, this stone is like a mental retardation, spinning in a dull place, not even escaping.

Tamil picked it with a spear and immediately chose to sell it.

Watching the crazy beating and the ever-increasing number of dragon-slaying coins, Tamil was full of excitement and excitement.

Earn, earn!

oney, oney!

At the same time, Xi Tong flipped his hand and the strange stone appeared on the palm.

This is the epitome of a mountain peak, slender and erect, with four facets. It looks like a rough stele of a carver. The most important thing is that there are strange patterns on each facet.

Xi Tong didn't know the meaning of these lines, but soon, he got what he wanted to know.

The rock world was born in a void, extending from an origin to all directions, expanding, and eventually morphing into a vast and marginal world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The origin of this world at the beginning is this mountain, or this Stele.

It is the center of the rock world and a guide to its direction.

The lines on its four faces represent strength, physical strength, life, and defense, respectively, and its base also has a line representing gravity.

Five different forces form a complete whole, and they are also common attributes of many beings in the rock world.

Xi Tong nodded.

"Five Stones? That's a good name!"

"The content of tattoos is rich again."

Lord of the low version system

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