Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 815: : I want to be a friend with you

"In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, to protect the peace of the world, to implement the Lord of Love and the true system, and give you the title of mourner."

"You will start the dusk of the gods and become the terminator of the era of the gods."

"Task 1: Repel the invasions of the gods and control at least 60% of the Titan continent."

"Mission two: Drive the gods out of the Titan continent and completely eradicate all heretics from the continent."

"Task 3: Start the expedition, march into the world of the gods, and occupy the kingdom of the gods."

For a long time to come, Tamil has something to do.

"Ding! Due to the upgrade of the host level, this system will perform non-stop update. The update countdown is 3 …… 2 …… 1, and the update is complete.”

Open the system mall again, and the new interface comes into view.

It is more refined, it is no longer a special experience of 50 cents, and the classification of goods is more detailed. The most important thing is that the content of the goods has been cut and enriched.

Such as the memory of the first generation of barbarians-stainless steel spears and matching shields, and then more advanced broken magic guns.

All of these items are permanently removed from the shelves, replaced by weapons with more advanced materials and higher forging levels.

Most importantly, Tamil felt the power of the Eternal Gun from this spear. Although there is only a trace of it, it is enough to make this weapon salted fish turn over and become valuable.

Eternal Spear (Normal): Increases your hit rate by 50%, your chance of breaking armor by 10% when attacking, and your chance of killing with a 0.01% chance.

This item can be upgraded by killing the enemy with weapons and sacrificing the enemy's flesh and soul as sacrifices.

After the upgrade, there are three levels of excellent, rare, and artifact. The highest artifact level is a 90% increase in hit rate, a 30% chance of breaking armor when attacking, and a 1% chance of killing in one shot.

Nothing wrong!

This is definitely the property of the Eternal Spear.

Eternal Spear is 100% hit rate, 100% armor break and 100% one-shot kill.

Although the attack method is monotonous and does not have any gaudy special effects, this simple and rough effect is enough.

Although the cottage version only has 1% one-hit kills, it is enough, and it is better than nothing. As long as luck is not too bad, it can always be triggered.

(Since ancient gunmen lucky E)

As for the price ...

Tamil couldn't believe it.

He rubbed his eyes and looked closely to make sure he was not mistaken.

The system has a long conscience.

In the system mall, this is only the lowest-level weapon. It is the same price as the previous stainless steel spear, and 100 handles of dragon coins are a free gift. Most importantly, there is no handling fee for upgrading.

A weapon can be used for a lifetime. What does the system mall rely on?

I said, buy!

The standard equipment of the dragon knight and the griffin knight are long weapons such as spears. Only this weapon can maximize the sprint power of the mount and, by the way, can also be used as a throwing weapon.

Looking down the page, many old faces were quietly removed from the shelf, while many new faces were added.

Such as Lingzhu.

Fire spirit beads, water spirit beads, earth spirit beads, wind spirit beads, etc., each element has the same corresponding spirit beads.

Tamil is the holder of Earth Beads, and naturally knows the power of Earth Beads.

Not only can it improve the perception and control of the soil-based aura, and enhance the combat effectiveness, but also accelerate the condensation and collection of the soil-based aura, and improve the cultivation speed.

Tamil spent 100 Dragon Coins to purchase a Earth Spirit Bead, and immediately saw the (common) word in the attribute.

Like the Eternal Gun, it is a copy of the artifact created. Although the power is very powerful, it is better than nothing.

Most importantly, this thing can completely replace the magic crystal, as an inlay on the magician's staff, and at the same time, it is an important production material for various magic equipment and magic props.

100 Tulong coins is an egg-sized pure magic stone, which can be sold for 100 times the weight of gold.

After all, this is a high-purity magic spar. It is a marketable and superb product placed on the outside. As soon as it is dug out from the veins, it is digested by the big family and the power.

In addition, there are fine, rare, artifact-level spirit beads in the mall. Although the price is more expensive, it is worth one cent and one cent. If there is a sound of wind, someone will cry and cry for it.

But is Tamil short of money?

Golden Mountain and Silver Mountain are not as good as green water and green mountains in the eyes of Tamil.

In addition, there are Jin Lingzhu, Mu Lingzhu and Thunder Lingzhu in the mall.

Needless to say Jin Lingzhu, the dwarves must like it, Mu Lingzhu is definitely the favorite of the elves and Goblin.

A quick glance at it, Tamil suddenly saw a brand new option on the arms page.


Tamil doesn't know what Transformers are, but that doesn't stop him from recruiting a look.

Ten thousand dragon coins, the summoning time is 10 minutes.

It's expensive!

You know, a flying dragon also has 100,000 dragon-slaying coins, which is permanent.

However, seeing Transformers' huge body and mighty shape, Tamil immediately withdrew what he said.

This money is worth it!

"Kindergarten No. 0001, I will report to you and ask the employer to assign a combat mission."

Tamil: I haven't figured out who to hit yet.

Feel the appearance of Transformers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Optimus Prime and other mountain giants rushed over immediately.

Transformers are 60 meters (centimeters) tall, and the mountain giant ’s boss Optimus Prime is only over 30 meters (centimeters). Comparing the two, Optimus Prime was suddenly discouraged.

"I think he is more suitable for Optimus Prime."

The mountain giant's number two Goron poked at the boss.

"I felt a familiar power in him, and I didn't know where I felt it, but I always felt very familiar and familiar."

At this time, the armor on the chest of the Transformers opened to the sides, exposing one of the slick khaki crystals.

"This is, the heart of the earth?"

The mountain giants exclaimed.

They are the mother's favorite cubs. The earth not only gives them life, but also gives them strength and food.

They long for the essence of the mountains and the essence of the earth, such as jade, and the rarest and most powerful of them is the heart of the earth.

It is a pity that the heart of the earth only exists in the legend. There is no one in the whole world. It has not been heard for tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, the mountain giants thought that this was a lie made up by the ancestors, just like the "there is a **** in the sky".

Now they finally saw it.

A true, living heart of the earth.

You see it is big and round.

Feeling the evil thoughts of the little dwarfs, the core of the Transformer immediately retracted, and the armor on the chest closed, and the backhand sword activated the laser sword behind.

Optimus Prime: Misunderstanding, Misunderstanding ...

Goron: We just want to be friends with you.

At this time, Tamil received a system prompt again.

"Ding! The new item on the mall-Heart of the Earth."

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