Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 817: : The world trampled on

The spy spies sent by the Titan Kingdom to send back messages as soon as possible. After all sorts of information have been collected, they are quickly presented to Tamil.

Thanks to the use of the Terrastone energy chip, the Titan Kingdom's intelligence network may not be the most professional, but it is definitely the most secretive and efficient.

All the abnormalities appearing in various parts of the mainland are related to the gods and demons outside the territory, which are the invasions of the gods and crooked gods.

But for pagans, this is a miracle, a favor of the gods.

Therefore, as long as you see which believers have the highest voice and the most fanatical expression, you know who is behind the miracle.

There is a lush light from the sky in the east of Osawa, like a cloud cover covering the sky, lush.

There are believers of the goddess of nature gathered here, describing the withered people returning to the old age immediately after bathing in the spring breeze. Many creatures see this and worship.

The Holy Light City in the West was the place where the bright gods performed miracles 10,000 years ago. The bright gods chose to perform miracles here, and the believers from all corners rushed to the pilgrimage.

In the mountains shrouded in flames in the south, the ground fire erupted, straight into the clouds, and integrated with the forces of the sky. Because the smoke was here, the life was banned, and it was not possible to identify for a while.

The tremor of the night in the north continued to tremble, but the source of the tremor had not been identified for a short time.

In addition to a few earth-shattering miracles, there are still many miracles that are fleeting or invisible.

For example, in the cemetery of an ancient family, the coffins of the ancestors could not be suppressed.

Another example is the descendants of an ancient family who woke up overnight and changed like a person, becoming omniscient and omnipotent.

There are also places where white birds sing together and all beasts gather.

There are no less than 300 miracles already known on the mainland, and many others are unknown.

If there are no miracles on the continent for hundreds of years, people will come to Leng Lingding. Believe it or not, people will be tempted.

After all, this proves that God is real, not illusory, and atheism is the biggest lie.

However, when God appeared in groups, hundreds of them at once, even true believers would be afraid of it.

Tamil combed a little and immediately found the miracle closest to the Titan Kingdom.

3000 miles south.

This is the place where the Caucasus once fought. The Caucasus was besieged by Tamil, several forces were destroyed, and all were annexed by the white wolf tribe Mutu.

However, the Caucasians still had the iniquity flowing outside, and the faith of the beast **** was not completely eradicated.

On the Puntas prairie, a group of Caucasians drove the cattle and sheep and sent them to the designated location under the command of the shaman.

The vitally wounded Caucasians returned to liberation overnight and returned to abject poverty. Many people had nothing but big dogs on horses.

These cattle and sheep were their only wealth, but this remaining wealth was also confiscated by the shaman.

There was no objection, and there was no complaint.

Because the shaman has been favored by the beast god, from a puppet little old man to a super-powerful superpower.

Just looking at his body floating in the air knows that this is definitely not a means of ordinary people.

Seeing that the people were looking at themselves fanatically, the shaman nodded slowly.

The shamans on the ground immediately started the ceremony, drumming gongs and drums, and drummers blowing sheng.

The Caucasians who guarded the cattle and sheep also pulled out their swords, and Lisuo cut off the heads of the livestock.

A weird scene appeared. After the cattle and sheep were beheaded, they didn't struggle with their limbs, nor did they have convulsions and twitches.

I saw them kneeling on the ground like a pilgrimage, putting their broken neck in a pre-dug trench, so that the blood in the neck cavity would flow into it.

The scene was orderly.

Yalong beasts, as big as a mountain, and old hens with a few pounds of flesh, all appeared weirdly dead.

A fierce, roaring, black tiger-type Warcraft was brought up with its cage.

This was the sacrifice just captured. To capture it, the Caucasians damaged a dozen elite warriors and killed seven dogs.

However, the Tiger-type Warcraft had just approached the Caucasian camp, and immediately calmed down, and the fierce pupils also expressed admiration.

The cage door opened, and it approached meekly to the side of the ditch, put its head underneath, and looked back to urge the Caucasians involved in the ritual.

There is no better sacrifice than humans, whether they are humans plundering from the surroundings, or the Caucasians themselves.

Shaman floating in the air shook his head, not enough.

There were too few prisoners of war. The Caucasians did not have enough food and starved hundreds of them.

The Caucasian warrior holding the knife immediately put it across his shoulders and dragged it.

When the last skull fell into the blood channel, a vast horn sounded from the sky, and all the blood burned instantly like oil.

The blood in the Caucasian body also showed signs of burning, rushing, as if breaking out of the body at any time.


It seemed like a drumstick suddenly pulsating, like a giant hoof that suddenly stepped on.


The sky is falling!

It was as if the wallpaper hanging from the ceiling suddenly peeled off, revealing the black roof.

It's just that the picture in front of the eyes of the Caucasians is not dark and monotonous.

A crack appeared in the sky, and another world appeared in the crack.


They saw a giant hoof ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but the cracks in front of them were too narrow. They could only see a few of their toes and the knees were not visible.

However, it is this giant hoof that is stepping down more and more frequently, tearing the cracks in the sky more and more large, more open, and more drooping.


The giant hooves fell for the last time, but smashed from the distant world to the real world. All Caucasians felt the sway of the earth.

However, this time also hit the ground of the other world and the ground of the real world to the same height.

It's as if they were one.

The ground under his feet trembled violently, and a silent roar echoed in the mountains and the veins. Under the influence of the shock, the crack that had just opened quickly narrowed and disappeared.

However, the trenches dug by the Caucasians on the ground drifted away from the ground with the shock, and the blood-colored lines were linked into a large circle.

With the blessing of the large array, the crack finally settled, and then I heard the trampling sound of thunder and denseness.

Wow ...

Countless figures driving the black-skinned boar rushed out first.

Their skin is dark, their teeth are pale, their pupils are blood-red, their arms holding arms are extremely stout, and endless weirdness flows in the vigorous beating blood vessels.

Then there are the heads of lions, tigers, and leopards on the heads.

It wasn't a helmet or a mask, but the real beast heads. They were real orcs.

The tide-like procession was vented as if it was a flood. As soon as it arrived on the Titan continent, it inserted a banner with strange symbols on it ...

When the Tamil Army arrived, they saw the millions of mountains and mountains.

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