Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 821: : Your plug is too bad

The gods are indeed stronger than ordinary creatures, but relatively speaking, no **** can do everything.

God can never create a stone that he cannot lift.

However, God's only means is sufficient to deal with all the troubles of ordinary people, so it will create the illusion of omniscience and power.

For example, the beast god, if a believer without a ground set up a summoning array and started a sacrifice, he would not be able to break through the space and transport his army over.

Even if the transport is over, there is still a risk of failure when encountering Tamil's sniper. Despite the strength of both arms, it can't make it through the world.

Throw 100 drops of God's blood, the beast **** looks around.

The mad lions, angry bears, tyrannosaurus tigers, greedy wolves, blood bats, mud lattices and other middle gods all stared at themselves with red eyes, and the eyes were filled with the image of the blood of God.

Especially the blood bat, the small eyeballs stared bigger than others.

Next to him, it took 5,000 years for the eagle **** to tame to stretch his wings, and the poison bee god's wings vibrated twice.

Many of the lower gods who did not even have the God number are scared.

The soul blood of the upper **** contains a trace of the surrounding god, which has unparalleled attraction to the middle **** and the lower god.

The beast **** is already a superior god. His strength has reached a bottleneck and it is extremely difficult to break through. The blood of the **** can only be a icing on the cake for him, but for the lower and middle gods, it is a gift from the snow. Even a little improvement is immediate.

The beast **** throws 100 drops of god's blood upwards, causing it to levitate in front of him.

"Who is going to repel the barbarians, these are all itss!"

There will be brave husbands under the reward. Many gods are crazy, and they apply various gods to their subordinates, and then send them to the world channel.

Titan Continent.

500 Transformers don't have one at this time.

The orc army is not very powerful, but their number is beyond imagination, and the combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers is not weak. In the spirit of ants killing more elephants, they use their weapons to chop, grab with their claws, bit their teeth, or even cover them with the spirit. It literally sent a million heads.

However, their sacrifice created value and gave the Beamon giant a good chance to kill the enemy. Once there was a chance for melee, the Beamon giant immediately exerted its ability to be invincible in melee.

The claws clasped the gap in the Transformer's body, and the outrageous strange power erupted instantly, staged a hand-tearing devil without green blood.

Unfortunately, after the Bemon monster tore his opponent, he yelled habitually, his fists kept pounding his chest, but he ignored the core of the opponent's wandering.

Once the core was stained with soil, it immediately plunged into it like a ginseng doll and disappeared. After returning to the rock world, it immediately pinched the parts and made the body.

With failed experiences and lessons, the core has a deeper understanding of various parts and functional modules, and will increase or decrease and fine-tune it according to its own needs and habits to create a more suitable Transformer.

The same little Transformers as before have gradually appeared the difference in appearance and function.

Seeing the Transformers dispersing the enemy's camp and destroying the totem poles protected by the enemy, the barbarians in the sky immediately launched an attack.

The way they attack is simple-jump on.

There are snow blizzard skills, they can fly freely in the air and choose a comfortable landing point.

Anyway, the barbarians have thick skin and rough skin, and the impact is minimal after being buffered by the blizzard.

Besides, you can also use the skills of Snow Girl's Frost Shot and Snow Frost to instantly kill the surrounding enemies.

So, one after another, barbarians who jumped into the air without umbrellas came down from the sky. Seeing this scene, the orcs all spontaneously converged around the landing site and wanted to hack each other as soon as possible.



The six blue ice ridges stabbed away from the center of the falling point. The dense branches were branched off from the six ice ridges and looked like a huge snowflake from above.

The dragons and griffins also rushed down, grabbing the orcs and mentioning them in the air, or tearing or throwing them directly.

After landing, the barbarians raised their axes and spears and began a long-lost **** battle.

All barbarians are covered with snow and frost, and a thin layer of ice hangs on the armor and weapons. Once the orcs are cut, they will be attacked by the frost, and their hands and feet will not work. Axe chopped to death.

Tamil stayed high, constantly throwing spears, calling for key targets, and constantly calling for Transformers to fill the gap in the battlefield.

In this way, the orc army was severely wounded and defeated, and the flag was pulled by the barbarians, discarded on the ground at will, and trampled by others.

The orc army continued to shrink, eventually retreating to the periphery of the channel, and with the continuous replenishment of troops in the channel, it was worthy to keep the line of defense.

Now that the camp has become a meat grinder, the orcs must continue to invest their forces to maintain the front. Once the troop increase is stopped, the barbarians immediately push the line over.

However, sending troops and sending them to death is no different.

The barbarian side has formed an absolute advantage. A group of huge stone men circle the city around the camp. Their legs are filled with barbarians with big axe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no matter how many troops come out, they are not enough Chopped.

But at this time, countless blood-colored lights were passing through the passage, and blood-colored meteors descended from the sky and landed in the camp.

The Bemon beasts being wounded in the center of the camp were all screaming in the sky, and their voices were full of pain.

The surrounding Shamans who were healed and blessed by the Behemoth monster were also hit by a **** meteor, and their energy soared, and their dazzling **** rays burst out of the body, rising fiercely like flames.

The body swells from the inside out, as if there is infinite strength in the body. The strength is caused by qualitative changes. The ground beneath the feet is cracked and broken under the crushing of an invisible force field. The large and small debris get rid of the constraints of the earth. Fly slowly and rise upward.

Seeing this, Xi Tong secretly said: Isn't this Nima a Saiyan who transformed, but the Bemon monster has no hair, and his smooth head and handsomeness are completely out of bounds.

Although I do n’t know what it is, Xi Tong understands that the gods of the other party must help the younger brothers.

However, this plugin is too low to look straight.

Xi Tong spread his right hand, and his five fingers were bluffed, and then the earth beads appeared swiftly.

A series of pure soil-based auras condensed into soybean-sized balls, and 1,000 energy **** were shot on the battlefield by Xi Tongzhang.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

A yellow meteor ten times denser than a **** meteor appeared on the battlefield.

Impacted by earthy meteors, the Transformers' body suddenly enveloped a thick energy layer like mud.

The viscous energy is pervasive, as if it were the best filler, and it quickly makes up for scratches, traumas, and breaks on the body.

At the same time, the strength of the Transformers is steadily increasing, and the water is rising.

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