Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 845: : Rescue Protective Mining


Evacuate a world?

It sounds incredible, but it's not really difficult to do it.

The world seems vast and boundless, but the resources it contains are actually very limited-of course, this only means that human beings can capture and use them.

The disciples of the Shishipo Sword School were crazy, all rushing into the world with red eyes, predatory exploitation of various resources.

Ginseng in 999, a year away is a thousand years ginseng?


Chilian refined copper veins absorb metal aura every year, breeding a hundred pounds of ore?

Even digging.

A stalactite forest that took only a million years to form?

One left is dug away.

The strength of the Shilipo Sword Sect disciples is not what it used to be. With massive resource supply, guidance from many famous teachers, and many world experiences, first-class disciples have set foot on Jindan Avenue and become a god.

This is not only a breakthrough in quantity, but also a qualitative leap.

In the past, if I wanted to mine, I had to hold a shovel and a pick. Now I cut it with a sword and opened the cliff. Then the sword was smashed. The rocks were shattered. The gold, silver, copper and iron turbulently rolled into the sleeve.

The disciples of Shilipo Sword even improved the spells and matrix formations such as banning, binding, and so on. They developed a magic array specially used for mining and medicine collection, and moved away from a mountain as a whole. The forest is all unplugged.

有 Anyway, there is a space magic weapon (equipment), no worries, no place to install, and can be sold directly after returning to the mountain gate, no matter how much you dig, you are not afraid to sell.

他们 In their eyes, everything is a pile of numbered points. If there are 1,000 points and 100,000 points, they will decisively lose the sesame seeds and pick up watermelons. As for waste, do n’t waste it.

Yan Shimen said that these secret areas are about to collapse and be destroyed, and now they are just rescue and protection mining.

Yes, that's what the teacher said.

The players in the Matrix World and the Conqueror World are also crazy.

Although the former has played countless games, no matter which game, you have to fight hard and do quests to get rewards. Even if some maps are all treasures, they are as narrow as Yanjing ’s toilets, but not everyone. Can have.

Now, the whole world is full of resources and treasures. You can harvest countless good things by just reaching out and bending down. Most importantly, these things can be taken away.

虽然 Although people in the conqueror world are accustomed to conquering the world and exploring the world, no matter which world, after the occupation, they make detailed plans and strategies to develop them sustainably.

Now, it is basically a predatory fishing and killing chickens to get eggs.

Although they are not as long as those who moved mountains and reclaimed land from the Shilipo Sword School, they also have their own methods of mining-nuclear bombs to open mountains, nuclear bombs to Pinghu, nuclear bombs ...

In short, just one word, cool!

Most importantly, these worlds have countless special lives, energy, and countless materials and substances with different attributes.

I simply researched it a little, which made the accompanying scientific researchers excited, shouting for breakthrough development, leapfrogging, and filling in the gaps. If we study deeply, it can definitely make a qualitative change in the empire.

If there is a third person watching, the disciples and players of Shilipo Sword will definitely be regarded as the Zerg, wherever they live, there will be no grass and vitality will be cut off.

Thirty days passed, and many worlds were looted.

Tamil continued to sacrifice, first of all the beast **** world.

As if two soap bubbles collided together, each other violently oscillated and wriggle, twisted and transformed into various shapes, emitting a radiant luster.

After all, the Titan world is even better. After all, this world is powerful and there are people who dominate it. The world will and the artifact of the beast **** world are all captured by each other, and there is no room for struggle.


The soap bubbles are cracking.

Ravioli is not torn apart, nor is it a shard of sky, but a direct and complete disintegration and destruction, like a soap bubble that has been pierced, from moment to moment.

The two-dimensional foil's dimensionality reduction blow is also incomparable to the current scene, because it directly strikes from three dimensions to zero dimensions.

The birth of a world is silent, and the demise of a world is also silent.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.

Akiba's death is silent and beautiful, not to arouse foreign objects and attract attention.

If it wasn't for the death of the beast **** world caused by the Titan world, Xitong, Tamil and others would not have sensed it all.

The Tauren Chieftain gave birth to unspeakable sorrow and pain, just like the big tree was cut off from the roots, the beasts were stripped of fur, and important things related to life and death were traveling and parting.

兽 All the orcs fell to their knees, tears streaming down.

They don't know what they are mourning or how to mourn.

It's just that this feeling comes and goes quickly.

The strange and distant earth under the stomping feet became strangely familiar, and an atmosphere called nativeness flowed and rippled in the earth, as if born and raised in Sri Lanka.

The feeling of the beast **** is more intuitive, because he also has the blood hoof of artifacts on his feet.

Our world has indeed disappeared, but it has continued in another way, becoming more powerful and advanced in the process of passing the fire.

Although the new world is not self-dominated, it has its own place in this new world and a place for orcs.

"I'm stronger!"

The old dragon's head was drooping, and he said to Tamil.

His body shape was raised one section at a speed visible to the naked eye. His bones and muscles were creeping, thickening and strengthening, and his strength became refined and solid. Each scale seemed to be soaked with oil, shining from the inside to the outside. Like a real energy shine.

Just like changing from high definition to 4K, Laolong's sense of existence has become more real and clear. Even if he does not emit any breath, all the surrounding creatures still feel the terrifying coercion on the soul level.

This is the strengthening from the inside out, and it is the inevitable manifestation of the growth of the origin.

The Titan Kingdom's flying dragons, griffins, unicorns and other biological units have also been enhanced, and even changed into two-headed flying dragons, thunder gryphons, etc. ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ As if all the creatures entered With the state of mutation and evolution, one cannot help wondering whether a Cambrian species outbreak occurred.

智慧 There are also a small number of groups in intelligent creatures such as human beings that have undergone changes, or have changed their bodies, or have acquired special abilities, or have acquired special knowledge ...

All these are the original materials left after the disappearance of the beast **** world. Most of them are absorbed by the Titan world, and the escaped star is enough to cause qualitative changes in the creatures of this world.

But, this qualitative change comes fast and goes fast, and it looks like a meal before and after.

But for this meal, the Titan World has taken a solid step towards the Super Martial World.

Then the world of the goddess of harvest.

All the plants have been gifted by the origin, and insects, birds, and beasts have been affected, benefiting a wave.

The Tatar Elves and Goblins have also achieved incredible increases, and the increase is even above plant life.

After a meal, hundreds of god-level powerhouses emerged from the elven tribe. Goblin changed his appearance of being dry, sloppy, short, and ugly, and inflated like a balloon. Both externally and internally, they have undergone tremendous changes.

The goddess of bumper harvest stares incredulously wide and mumbles to herself: "Did the goddess' lost power be gained by these two races?"

But no one answered her, everyone was wide-eyed, watching the next world sacrificed by Tamil for a moment.

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