Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 853: : Your account number has

Seeing Luo Tianyi's smirk expression when he mentioned the secret of Thor, Xi Tong's mind instantly appeared with a title like "Shock! Thor's unexpected ...".

Can you still have a pleasant conversation?

However, Luo Tian solemnly said, "Sir, the Supreme Executive, let me show you the data of this branch."

The projections of the penalty fighters, as well as their height, shoulder width, and weight data immediately appeared in the projection, and then their various data were calculated based on the actions of the penalty fighters.

Luo Luo Tianyi compares the punishment warrior with the Transformers created by Xitong.

In terms of strength, under the same body shape, the Transformers are not worth mentioning at all. The size of the penalty fighter is larger than that of normal human beings, but they can drop the Transformers over ten meters tall in shoulders.

In terms of speed, the Transformers use a combination of jet engines and anti-gravity talents, which are excellent in terms of speed and endurance, even excellent.

However, the punishment warrior will teleport.

Although the teleportation distance is very short, less than 20 meters, and the cooling time is as long as half a minute, but with this ability, the magical fighters crisscross the battlefield, enter and leave seven times, killing the Transformers has no power to fight back .

The last is attack power.

The external weapon module used by the Transformers can be used regardless of the weapon, and can be played with the Terra stone energy chip. It can also quickly master the fighting skills, and the nunchaku can also play hum.

The gods punish the warriors only with long swords, and they can only use two strokes-straight piercing and chopping. However, under the blessing of lightning speed, these two strokes are unsolvable life-threatening blows.

Most importantly, this guy will fly.

Thunder field is covered by the force field. They are like projectiles in a railgun, and they can be ejected at any angle and at any time.

After the 10 million **** punishment fighters arrived, they immediately traversed in the area shrouded by the power of thunder, cut back and forth, and shattered everything they passed.

God blocks God, Buddha blocks Buddha.

In less than ten minutes, the Transformers and mythical creatures on the battlefield were all slaughtered. The disciples of the Shilipo Sword School saw the situation was not good, and immediately made the sword volley, away from the thunder.

Xi Xitong did not continue to invest troops in it.

Although you have mastered the rock world, you can spawn earthen creatures at any time and make Transformers.

But in a short period of time, too many earth spirits have been spawned. The rock world is over-consumed, and squeezing it down will produce bad results.

After all, do you have to temper everything?

The gods punish the warriors too powerful, each one has the ability to slaughter the gods, not to mention 10 million at the same time.

If it comes one by one, you can still kill them one by one, but now that the 10 million fall is over, no matter how many troops are thrown in, it will be given away. Xi Tong is not so stupid.

If it wasn't for the range of action of the God of Punishment Warriors, it would have been attacked from all sides, and it would have been destroyed in the Titan world.

"Luo Tianyi, have we produced many intelligent robots?"

The technology of Planet Terra is very developed, especially the intelligent machine, and even the T1000 is capable of producing it.

Xi Xitong has been violent soldiers on the planet Terra, and all the pipelines have been started day and night, producing countless humanoid combat weapons.

Although their robots are not good in science and technology, they are good enough. It can be used as cannon fodder.

However, Luo Tianyi hit Xi Tong severely.

"His Excellency, the place where the world of Titans and Thor is full of thunder is full of thunder, which will strongly interfere with the intelligent equipment of our robots, and many electronic components will be destroyed."

In other words, these robots are not even qualified as cannon fodder.

Xi Xitong sighed helplessly and secretly said in his heart: No problem, only guerrilla warfare and protracted warfare.

At this moment, Xi Tong finally felt in a mood to hear Luo Tianyi's breaking news.

说 "Say, what is the secret of Thor? Is it humanity or moral loss? Is there a strong × old sow?"

Luo Luo Tianyi did not sell key, and turned out the last one to learn which excavator is strong.

"Thunder is a computer idiot."

Xi Xitong was awkward, but under Luo Tianyi's explanation, his frown narrowed slightly and finally burst into laughter.

No wonder there are very few technological elements in Thor's army.

No wonder Thor's ultimate weapon of punishment is never used.

No wonder ...

It turned out that Thor had his own power system and also played thunder and lightning, but he followed the path of Kyushu and Five Thunders, not voltage, current, and resistance.

Thor's Hammer and Penalty Warrior are matched and belong to the same world, and this world is one of the worlds conquered by Thor.

Although conquered and mastered Thor's hammer, Thor is not cold, incompatible with the power system of this world, and rarely uses it.

He is more accustomed to the trembling from his soul and the fear from his soul. He likes to disagree with the disobedient soul.

However, the God of Punishment has no soul. They are just a pile of cold data. They all have their own intelligence, which is beyond the control of Thor.

This is like the elderly always resist the Internet, always feel that money is in their hands to rest assured, it is not practical to turn a bunch of numbers on the Internet.

Therefore, Thor is completely and completely sealed the **** punishment fighters completely. If it is not available, there will be no such army at all.

"Her Excellency, all the punishment fighters are controlled and connected through intelligent programs. So, do you understand?"

Thor's worry is right.

For his old anti-Internet saga, the best way to prevent hackers is to smash the computer.

Xi Xitong saw a login box appear on the projection—this is an interface made by Luo Tianyi for the convenience of Xitong ’s understanding, but he had to spit out, this picture is too rough and crude.

It's just ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xi Tong never thought that Luo Tianyi's password was rougher and simpler than the interface.

Ao Ding.

Yes, this is the name of Thor, which is mentioned in the information provided by ancient gods such as the Tauren Chieftain and the Dark Lord.

He won the highest authority of the punishment fighter without any effort.

In other words, as long as Xi Tongxiang thinks, the 10 million **** punishment fighters will switch swords and kill the thunder world in one second.

However, Luo Tianyi's benefits don't stop there.

What if someone wants to be strong X?

Take the initiative, so that you are stronger X her.

Thor's world invaded the Titan continent. In another sense, it is also equivalent to the Titan continent's invasion of the Thor world. The key depends on who is stronger.

It turns out that Xitong is a little stronger.

A magical warrior left the queue and flew towards the area outside the Thunder Force field.

The thunder **** noticed this detail, but did not take it to heart.

He had no confidence in these metals. Precision meant that they were easy to damage and malfunction, and Thor had no understanding of machinery at all.

So, the only solution is to discard.

Fly away better, lest you deal with garbage.

However, Thor did not see that when the god-punished warrior flew into midair, a space channel opened instantly and swallowed it.

:. :

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