Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 881: : God overshadowed

Golden Monkey Little Six is ​​full of treasures, but none of its treasures are carried on his body.

The chip network is too convenient, plus the function of two-dimensional code, everything is stored on the Internet after being coded, and it will not be carried at all.

After Xiaoliu entered the Huaguoshan area and was shocked by the changes in the heavens and the earth, even Tiandao watched. Although the chip network was overwhelming, it was instantly disconnected.

Without a net, you won't be able to get a penny, let alone the equipment.

However, in order to move the stars, the stone monkey smashed Xiaotiandi, leading to the wrath of the stars and bombarding Xiaoliu.

Although it is only a few insignificant holes, it is enough to signal it.

In popular words:

When not online, Xiaoliu was inferior and timid, did not dare to conflict with the stone monkeys, dared not to raise his legs when urinating, for fear of being prohibited from urination (physical).

Deity! Get excited!睥睨 The world! I am the only one! On top of the fairy, proud of the world! I have internet for days! Break red dust and kill all immortals!

Jin Lingzhu!

This is the baby that best fits the attributes of Golden Monkey Little Six. It can be said that it is his half accompanying artifact.

Generally speaking, alien artifacts will be suppressed by the will of heaven, or even attacked by the artifacts of this world.

But the artifacts that are refined by the creatures in this world are different. It means a little bit to marry chickens and chickens and dogs and dogs.

Therefore, Jin Lingzhu not only received no repression, but also received the blessing of the god-proof world, and the effect was also enhanced on the front line.

Outside Xiaotiandi, the big brothers who watched the war all stared at Jin Lingzhu.

Some people secretly say "congenital treasure", others whisper "create artifacts", and some people call them "world wonders".

However, what really surprised them was the importance Tiandao attached to this baby.

"This thing was blessed with merit for the first time, and I don't know where it came from."

Even if the patriarchs of the three religions gave the disciples congenital treasures, they would be suppressed after entering the world of sealed gods, and their grades and functions would be weakened.

This is the disadvantage of the artifacts. They are the condensation of the world, the essence of civilization, and the manifestation of faith. Only in the world that breeds them can they play their most powerful function. Once they leave, they will be greatly discounted and enter other worlds It is not surprising to be suppressed.

Even so, the artifact of creation is still the thing that the monks robbed.

After all, rebending artifacts is also making artifacts. Basically, the means of making treasures can be compared. The most important thing is that each artifact has its unique attributes, which can be used cleverly to produce incredible effects.

For example, in the fierce battle of the golden monkey little six, after calling out the golden spirit beads, the flowing golden light flows from the chest to the center in all directions, like sticky honey, infiltrating each monkey hair and every dragon scale on the body.

The sharp Jinxing spirit is like a thousand swords, radiating in all directions with Xiaoliu as the center.

The stone monkey who bears the brunt first danced the stick into a stone wall. Even so, it still flew backwards under the impact of Jinxing Qi.

At the same time, the golden light on Xiaoliu became brighter and richer, and the original chaos and nothingness were coated with a layer of glittering gold.

This little world is the talent of the stone monkey. Originally, his ability was not so powerful, but the stone monkey and the golden monkey met, and the drag across the world between them attracted, repelled, and collided so much that it shocked the will of heaven.

Just the attention of Tiandao will give blessing to the stone monkey, and the talent effect is so strong that it explodes.

However, no matter how strong the talent is, it is not stronger than the artifact of creation, not to mention the artifact of blessing that is also blessed by the will of heaven.

The golden light is diffused, like a thick turpentine, and the stone monkey is wrapped in it, more like a copper wall and an iron wall, blocking out the light of the stars stabbed by the petitioner.


At the order, the gold hoop stick expanded instantly, and the top of the thick and long stick poked straight at the stone monkey's face.

The unavoidable stone monkey only had time to raise the stone stick and block it in front of him.

However, he clearly explained what a praying arm was.


The gold hoop expands ten times in an instant, and it expands instantly, without even a gradual process.

In the previous moment, it was seven or eight meters away from the face of the stone monkey, and in the next moment, its tip appeared seven or eight hundred meters away.

From a spatial point of view, the position of the stone monkey has overlapped with the golden hoop rod, but there is a volume collision in reality. The result of this volume collision that exceeds time and space is that the stone monkey is poked by the golden hoop rod and flew out instantly km.


The top of the golden hoop rod was extended for another three kilometers, and the stone monkey in flight was hit again by a volume collision.


With the blessing of Jin Lingzhu, the metal spiritual power that Primary Six can use is almost endless, and even the metal rule power can be used.

Only with such a turbulent energy supply can it withstand the consumption of the gold hoop. Otherwise, the small body of Xiaoliu has long been crushed by the invisible weight of magic weapon.

When Xiaoliu shouted to the third "big", the golden hoop had pierced Xiaotiandi and sent the stone monkey to the air.

When the fifth sound was "big", the stone stick in the stone monkey's hand shattered, and the hands holding the stick were fragmented.

The seventh "big" stone monkey, the stone monkey has two first paragraphs.

As soon as the ninth "big" was called out, the stone monkey was completely turned into powder.

It's almost a spike.

But no one was surprised.

Fabao hit people, this is too common.

Regardless of what kind of floods and wilds you have, thousands of years of cultivation, if you do n’t have a good magic weapon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is basically three hundred yuan walking.

If nothing else, talk about the little Nezha.

Why did he kill the dragon?

Nothing but a bunch of magic weapons.

Besides, the rock goddess, a stone born during the Xuanhuang Period, an apprentice who intercepted and taught the Master of the Heaven, was a demon immortal for tens of thousands of years. However, because the magic weapon was too rubbish, the master and apprentice used the Kowloon God's Fire Cover to die.

So, P6 is just normal operation.

What the big brothers really care about is the end of the stone monkey—the change after his death.

Before, the big brothers found that the involvement of the two monkeys was so strange that they had never seen it before.

Except for the top ones who saw the doorway, the other sub-levels were all confused.

After the death of the stone monkey, all the influences disappeared and no longer existed, and they finally realized.

The two turned out to be one.


When the stone monkey smashed its bones, the corpse and soul were all scattered into the most primitive and essential energy.

This mass of energy instantly enveloped the golden monkey over thousands of miles, and the moisturizing substance merged into its body.

Under the watchful eyes of the big brothers, the Golden Monkey Little Six's roots skyrocketed, its roots and bones were remodeled, and its life style was ten times stronger.

Before, it was just vague and unreal, but now it is completely black and not enough.

Then, all the supernatural powers of the stone monkey appeared on the golden monkey.

No predation!

It's not a hard move.

As if he was born with these destinies.

What shocked the onlookers most was that the monkey was blessed by the will of heaven, and the strong power of merit was lowered from the underworld and attached to the monkey, causing its heels to skyrocket.

There is no such famine in the world, now it exists.

Apply for a certificate online, God ’s stamp.

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