Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 929: : 1 great day (Wed./Thu.)

Some occupation systems are rich in content, some are relatively weak, some are powerfully promoted, and some are relatively inferior.

Therefore, Xi Tong had to admit that there is no such thing as professional balance.

Take the moment.

The strongest individual fighting force is definitely the axe warrior, especially the axe warrior of the barbarian and orc. The witch forged body and the Pangu axe faith are right.

Even if you ca n’t open up the world, you can do it every second.

As for other occupations, one counts as one, all of which are rubbish, and none of them can play.

If professional balance is required, it is the biggest injustice to the axe fighters.

There is also the profession of array mage, which is open and hung. Once the array is set up, even the axe soldiers have to catch the blind, which is no different from the one in the middle.

However, the array mage also has obvious flaws. That is, without an array protection, any assassin or shooter can kill him.

Therefore, there is only professional restraint, not professional balance.

Don't complain about your weak career. Think about it-do you really love this profession and understand it?

If you love and understand that chickens are weak, there is only one reason. The money is not enough.

Switching to the system is that there is insufficient faith.

Not crazy enough.

Numerous systems were born one after another, and passed to the heavens and the world with the orders of Xi Tong.

At that moment, the kingdom of God grew again, almost doubled.

At the same time, the edge of the kingdom of God became more real and thick, showing a crystal-like texture.

Xi Tong couldn't help but think: Western religions have a Chinese palm in the palm of their hands, and the gods in the town Yuanyuan have their sleeves in their sleeves. In essence, they are all kingdoms of God and belong to their own world and space.

I just don't know, who is harder than his two kingdoms?

Looking at the crystal-like barrier on the edge of the kingdom of God, Xi Tong shook his head decisively.

A stick smashed and it broke.

At the same time, many people in the world who have tied the Terrac energy chip have received system news.

"Ding! Discover the host!"

"Ding! Binding host!"

"Ding! Scanning host info ..."

"Ding! System binding is complete, system installation ..."

"Ding! Ask the host to choose a profession ..."

Dense icons appeared in the chip.

There are many fighting professions such as array mage, magician, archer, warrior, auxiliary professions such as pharmacist, luthier, and life professions such as forge division, enchanter, and architect.

Occupations can be single-selected, multiple-selected, all-selected, or even unselected. There is no mandatory requirement on the number.

On the Titan Kingdom, 99% of barbarians chose warriors in the first place, and most of them chose axe warriors.

Nothing else is faith.

As for His Majesty the King, the betrayal of the faith chose the Gunfighter.

No way, Tamil has used the Eternal Gun more often than Xi Tong.

Dwarves also mostly choose warriors, but they choose warriors because of the physical sharpening of this class-only the strongest body can forge the sharpest weapons.

Therefore, they also chose the blacksmith profession all at once.

The elves chose magicians and archers almost at the same time, and most of them chose enchanters and pharmacists.

In fact, the Elves are very messy.

Shilipo Sword School chose the warrior uniformly and chose the swordsman uniformly.

After all, the base of the Shilipo Sword School is the Kendo world, which has natural advantages and also a natural disadvantage-the world will exclude any weapons other than swords.

My Qing Dynasty world has a variety of choices, but most people choose a chef.

Other worlds have more choices, or they don't even know what to choose.

After selecting a profession, a certain system will be bound according to the profession, and at the same time, a tag of the profession appears on the Terra stone energy chip.

You can check the level system, promotion path, skill tree, forums, etc. of the profession by marking. The forums are divided into general forums and sub-forums corresponding to each power seed.

Everyone got a nameplate. After speaking in the forum, the content of the nameplate will be displayed in the content of the speech. The approximate format is place name plus person name.

At the current stage, each world is a local area network, and the heavens and the world are not yet connected, so the world name is hidden by default.

You can also choose to be anonymous. After anonymity, no personal information is displayed. Only the occupation icon is displayed, and the occupation level is also displayed on the icon.

The icons can also be hidden, or one or more professional icons can be displayed according to their own wishes.

Only if you have the corresponding occupation icon, you can enter the system space and occupation system forum at different levels of the occupation according to the occupation level.

The forum can only discuss the content related to this profession. It can't be meaningless. It can't repeat the machine. The offender deducts the belief value.

Everyone's belief is manifested as a value, which can be used to exchange power seeds on the skill tree.

In short, this thing is very precious, can not be transferred and traded, if you are detained, it will definitely hurt the individual.

However, Mengxin, who does not understand anything, has posted posts such as "meow", "squeak", "is anyone", "sofa", "horse", "eye" in the forum.

Almost at the same time, these people were deducted by 1 faith value, and if they committed again within one year, each time the deduction of faith value doubled.

Of course, there are also people who brush the vocational exam for the first time and perform level certification. When most people are the initial professional badges, some people have already obtained higher vocational certifications. They are the most beautiful cubs no matter where they go. The most pulling wind exists.

Xi Tong retreated after watching for a while.

At the moment when the system was opened, the power of faith surged at a hundred times the speed and weight of ordinary times, and it continued for a long time to gradually fall back to be gentle.

At this time, it is still more than ten times before the open system.

In other words, this move increased the faith of the system's main **** system tenfold. With the same number of believers, the firmness of the faith increased tenfold.

Those believers who are already enthusiastic will remain the same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The degree of faith is hard to advance, but those with a slight degree of faith, or false believers all put their knees in front of the system and become the gods of the system believer.

It is they that are driving the surge of faith.

Right now people are still in the hot stage and haven't chosen their own destiny career.

After a period of time, people calm down and settle down before they can find their own position and road, and truly become a brick and a tile in the system's main **** system.

At that time, each system will continuously obtain the power of pure and refined beliefs, and these belief powers will be screened out in different categories, betting on the corresponding vocational skill deduction, and nurturing the growth of the vocational skill tree.

Uncontrollably, Xi Tong hummed.

"I planted a seed and finally borne fruit. Today is a great day ..."

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