Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 935: The second half, friends who ca n’t refresh can see here

Latest website: Zhao Gongming is flying fast, taking his two apprentices to the sky.

Really flying all over the sky, after finishing the concert in one place, immediately drove the cloud head to the next place, and the finishing work such as redemption was naturally done by the officials sent by Taishi Wenzhong.

The forces of interception in various places will also cooperate with each other. After all, everyone knows that this is a matter that the master of the heavens personally asks, and it is the will of the saint.

Those who are a bit higher in cultivation know the rumors of the god-fighting war. Some time ago, the god-fighting changed. The confession did not cover the quiet recitation of Huang Ting, but now it promotes Kong Fangqian with great fanfare. It can almost be regarded as the god-fighting war. Premonition.

Although we don't know the specific content of the Battle of the Gods, as long as it is related to the war, no one wants to lose.

This is true for mortals, and even more so for cultivators.

If the censorship is a complete victory, it will become the representative of the will of the heavens, hold the world's ox ears, and all the personnel of the censorship will rise to the sky.

No one wants to lag behind in this kind of merit in contemporary times.

Many families and sects who had not had a way to take up a censorship relationship at this time were all on the battlefield to participate in the promotion of Kong Fangqian.

Exchange shell money for Kong Fang money. This is the benefit of the moment. It's a long-term benefit to mix up with the ecstatic Xian Chang and even have a relationship. This is a long-term benefit.

So, in just one day, Zhao Gongming flew a circle around the land of Song Jingjing, and then continued to expand outwards, expanding outwards in a spiral and radiation.

The money from Kong Fang in Xitong's hands poured out like water, and at the same time, the shell money exchanged in various places gathered like rain.

In the kingdom of God, countless shells pile up into mountains and merge into the ocean, and new shells are added every time, setting off waves.

Many thousands of shellfish circulating for thousands of years have signs of psychicism. After all, it is too simple to seal the world of God, and it is not obvious when it is small. Now hundreds of millions of shellfish are piled together, and this breath is hidden. live.

What's more, this is the realm of the Kingdom of God, which Xitong absolutely controls.

Feeling this breath carefully, Xi Tong nodded slightly.

Money passes through tens of thousands of people and exchanges a hundred yang qi. This breath is similar to the Confucian vigor and righteousness, and is a unique power.

It may not be as powerful as it is to destroy the world and it is not as cool as a lightning flash.

However, it has its own special purpose, and the irreplaceable function of other powers.

For example, exorcise ghosts and retreat from evil spirits.

Like the ink bucket line and the black donkey hoof, money is also the most commonly used weapon for Taoists.

But this kind of use is useless to Xitong. Xitong's idol is the best tool to drive away ghosts and evil spirits. Hanging on the bedside does not even make nightmares.

Another example is divination.

Money circulates in all directions, pays department stores, and confuses people's emotions with anger, sorrow, love, and hatred. It is itself a matter of carrying cause and effect.

Because of this, after the Shang Dynasty, things like tortoise shells and beef bones have shrunk sharply, and fortune tellers have collectively chosen coins that are better to use.

"Hetu! Luoshu!"

When Xi Tong thought about it, two ray of light immediately flew in the kingdom of God, which was the most precious treasure obtained by the sword world killing Fuxi.

There is also the Hetu Luoshu in the world of Fengshen.

This array imitates the ancient mountains and rivers, the layout of the rivers, and the everything. The change is endless. You can see the snow-capped mountains turn into oceans and the sea turn into mulberry fields.

The Zhou Tianxing array and the Xunyuan Heluo array are a symbol of heaven and a symbol, and they can cooperate closely and seamlessly with each other. The power is multiplied, and the saints dare not break into it.

The array map of the Xunyuan Heluo array is well known by Xi Tong, and the Donghuang Zhong is clear. However, many arraying tools of the Xuanyuan Heluo array are scarce.

The only good news is that the Hetu Luoshu in the fairy sword world can be used, but the foreign items are not satisfied with the soil and soil, and the grade and background are too poor. Even if it is out, it is less than one tenth of the power.

The special powers contained in these shells can solve the problem of water and soil dissatisfaction, and closely link the river maps and Luoshu of the fairy sword world with the beings in the world of Fengshen.

Below, the shellfish felt the imminent calamity and trembled. Among them, the fish-eye mixed beads immediately collapsed and disintegrated in the billions of vibrations, and turned into calcium carbonate powder. The stronger shellfish all burst into the sky and scattered Run away.

For a time, there seemed to be a sandstorm in the kingdom of God, shell money and dust powder covering the sky and flooding the world.

Xi Tong ignored it, but just touched Hetu Luoshu gently.

"It's up to you."

This is their fortune, and it is best for them to fight for it. They may swallow the shellfish, or kill a batch and leave a batch, it is their cause and effect.

Hetu and Luoshu returned to the idea of ​​joy and gratitude, and then turned into two streamers, rushing into snakes one after another.

Although Bei Qian has thousands of years and tens of thousands of years of accumulation, but it was not worth mentioning before He Tuluo wrote, after all, the latter is a artifact of creation.

Although they are not fighting artifacts, but the shellfish is even less. Even if the chickens peck each other, they are also the ostrich-sized chicken and the egg-sized chicken.

The scope of Zhao Gongming's tour concert is getting larger and larger, and he gradually traveled to all vassal territories, all the way to the frontier land.

Such as Dongyi just conquered.

The hearts of the people in this place are not stable, and the people of Dongyi are not sure about their future.

Zhao Gongming's arrival seemed like a beam of light that cut through the darkness, not only reassuring them, but also letting them see the hope of life and a happy tomorrow.

The Dongyi clan is in the east of Dashang, and is close to the sea. The implication is that there are many shells here and the quality is extremely high.

The shells with good quality are all left by Dongyi people for their own use. Only the middle and inferior ones will flow out, such as flowers for big businessmen.

Compared with the poor ringing dogs like Rong Rong and Gui Fang, the Dongyi people are all small local tyrants. Other local tyrants only have mines in their homes. They not only have mines, but also directly produce money in the mines.

Not only did the Dongyi people go crazy, but also the large businessmen who conquered Dongyi and were stationed here.

The brigade went out and pulled a shell on the riverside and the seashells into a bag. Although the appearance was not good, the exchange price was extremely low, but it couldn't hold up a lot.

The surrounding merchants are also rushing to the wind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rushing into Dongyi land to collect money, all the officials who are enriching Dongyi land for immigrants are happy.

In the past, I couldn't move with a whip, but now one by one, I am rushing forward like a bull. If anyone dares to stop them, they will be anxious.

After learning the benefits of Kong Fangqian, the practitioners went crazy.

It's too slow to make money in business, or think about other ways, such as looking for a change in the Four Dragon Kings?

As a result, they all ate behind closed doors.

The Sihai Dragon King has long been on the thigh of the main **** of the system. How could he throw away his own money?

Dongyi's financial path is gone, and the monks have subconsciously shifted their eyes to the Baiyue land.

There are many rivers here, and there are many water nets. There should be a lot of shells.

Then, the little-known race of the tidal frogman appeared in the public eye.

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