Lord of the Low Version System

Chapter 938: : Comrades within 4 Seas (Tue / Fri)

The world of Fengshen is supervised by heaven. It is by no means a bluff to say that there is a **** in the top three feet.

The "goodness" of the Tongtian leader was improper, and he immediately felt the turbulence of the human race towards him.

He stared at Xi Tong with a beard, but the other side returned innocent eyes.

I'll ask if you want to watch the film, and you said, who knows if it will be the result.

The Master of the Heavens is dumb to eat Coptis chinensis, and can't tell.

Fortunately, this result is not too bad, but in the future, you must be careful to teach the master, the little guy is very bad.

The next step is to ask questions.

Huang Di had done this before, and the object of the policy was Jiu Tian Xuan Nu, who just asked the question and came to the bed. The national affairs and people's livelihood event also became a dual practice.

It is typical not to ask Cang Sheng *.

Before waiting for the king to speak, Xi Tong said, "Let me tell a story to the king."

The king was wearing a crown, and he listened to his ears. The Master of Heaven also sat up straight, and stunned his hand for a moment ... He slammed his long beard. The other ministers leaned forward slightly, their eyes were closed, and their ears were branched.

"The protagonist of this story is Zheng Zheng ..."

For a long time, for a long time, all the officials in the temple were still fascinated and could not themselves.

The six kings are complete, and the four seas are one.

Zhen Changce and Yuu Uchi, reign supreme and make Liuhe.

Book with the same text, the same car, repair the road, build the Great Wall.

Gongchao three emperors, Jiyue five emperors, claiming to be the first emperor.

This is what the king should be like!

King Wang is fascinated-I want to be emperor too! !! !!

The actions of Zheng Zheng are all imprinted in his mind. The King of Kings cleared up the future with a little thought. Even if there is something inadequate, discuss with the ministers. Besides, is n’t there two saints? .

Xi Tong: "The first priority is to unify the text, so that the same text can be the same reason, and then comrades in the same heart, all comrades in the world, peace forever."

The Tongtian leader could not help but nod.

When the amulet was changed before, the head of the department said that the principle of eliminating the gap between shemales and monsters was originally used to train comrades.

Not bad!

"As for text, I have an immature idea here."

Xi Tong finally figured it out.

He took out the simplified characters directly.

The text in the Terra Stone Energy Chip World is the Simplified Simplified Chinese Characters. Although there are small language compatibility and translation functions, almost all souls learn Simplified Chinese characters spontaneously.

After all, this is the source, the avenue, the carrier of strength, and the transmission of divine will. Only by mastering this kind of text can you understand the teachings of the main **** of the system in the front row.

Translators and subtitles are heretics.

Do n’t even learn the language of the main **** of the system, and dare to say that you are religious?

As for the same book, Dashang will be able to seamlessly connect with the heavens and the world. By then, the writing of many cultivation exercises and spells will be based on simplified characters. Xitong can use it directly without translation. Your own system.

There are no so-called scholars in Dashang. Even if there are so many, the aristocrats are mostly illiterate. If you do n’t believe it, ask the king, and find a bronze bell or a tortoise shell. come out.

Dashang has almost no concept of words, and the role of words is just records. However, there are very few things that use records. Words are things that few people understand and rarely use.

It is not mortals who use words the most, but practitioners.

As for the reasons, one is that mortals do not have the ability and resources to read and read, and the other is that learning characters is useless. After all, cultivation consumes more resources and is far from affordable for mortals.

There are no imperial examinations in the world, no newspapers and magazines, and even no concepts such as literary circles, literary ethics, etc. Learning words is useful.

But there will be.

Don't say anything else, you must know the words on Kong Fangqian?

King Wang glanced at the comparison of the text organized by Xitong, and found that this Nima's own text was obscured by his eyes, but the new text was easy to understand and easy to remember.

How can I, the king of people, be a scum?

It's definitely not me, it's the text!

Coupled with the help of pinyin, unrecognized words can also be read out, which is almost instant reading.

The Celestial Master lacks interest in this.

He is also illiterate, not illiterate, but in his world, words are meaningless.

Communication and communication are all divine thoughts, and the records are all based on Yujian. The low-level stuff like text is difficult to store, inconvenient to write, and it takes time and effort to communicate. It has long been eliminated.

The next step is unified measurement.

Xi Tong took the self-deceiving ruler from Tamil, and applied a layer of merit, and the small ruler immediately received the recognition of Fengshen World.

Making a series of rulers based on Kong Fangqian and awarding them to the world can also be regarded as a good luck for the self-deceiving ruler.

With the unit of length, the standard of volume and weight came into being, and the corresponding instruments can be produced and issued to the cities in the world.

It's just that unifying words and weighing will not be as simple as promoting coins.

After all, Kong Fangqian's own value is extremely high, no one will refuse, but the text is very involved, there is a lot of resistance, weights and measures will break people's old habits, if there is no strong means to promote, it will be difficult to defeat people's inertia.

What's more, the princes are everywhere, the ten miles are different, and the hundred miles are different. Each prince's territory is a closed and independent small country. It is too difficult or too difficult to understand the same reason.

In this regard, Xi Tong remained silent.

If you continue to talk about it, you will interfere with the internal affairs of the human race. The human race will let the people solve it by themselves. It is not necessary for them to bear the cause and effect.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is good to unify the weights and measures of the text.

The King Wang took a deep breath, and said loudly, "I want to strengthen my army! What good strategies do Zhu Qing have?"

Terrans can rely on the help of saints to grow quickly, but Terrans need to be rooted in thick trees, not vines on towering woods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Terrans must be strong themselves, and the most powerful forces of Terrans must be In the hands of the king, the army is the front and the blade of this force.

Only when he is strong can someone listen to the reasoning. If he doesn't, then talk to him about physics.

Apparently, the King of Hell already understood this truth.

The King of Kings was asking the courtiers, but the courtiers knew the hammer. If they had a way, they would have cultivated an invincible and powerful soldier for Dashang.

The meaning of the drunk king is not wine, and Xitong and Tongtian leaders have simply responded.

The Tongtian leader immediately recommended his disciples.

There are many disciples of three or four generations who have been cut off from education. The most typical one is Master Wen Zhong. You just have to discard these disciples and help the king to train a strong soldier composed of practitioners.

As for Xi Tong, he promoted his own system.

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