Lord of the Myriad Demons

Chapter 886: Only after reincarnation and recultivation did he become fully enlightened

  Chapter 886 Reincarnated and rebuilt, just now fully realized

   "I have long seen you unhappy!"

   "Why are you my elder brother? I am the most talented among the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. Can you compare with me?"

  Qin Duzun approached Su Yi and said viciously.

  He also made a throat-slitting expression, and growled: "Although you have helped me a lot in the extremely evil place, you are obviously using me as a punching bag!"

   "Su Yi! Just wait for me, one day I will surpass you!"

   "I have suffered all these years, I will be ten..."


  Su Yi slapped Qin Duzun with a backhand, spinning his body and flying away, smashing into mountains one after another, and falling to the ground hundreds of millions of miles away.

   "Well, not bad."

  Su Yi shook his right hand and said in satisfaction.

   This kid's face is still full of elasticity, and it feels good to pump.

  Qin Duzun was dizzy from being slapped, and he didn't wake up until a demon raised its hoof and trampled on him.

   This pain...

   Not a dream...

   Not an illusion...

  He almost collapsed, his cultivation base...

   It's really a realm of eternal destiny!

how is this possible!

  Why is this happening?

  Qin Duzun let out a roar, ready to stand up and tear up the surrounding demons to vent.


  The huge hoof fell down again, stomping on him, almost crushing him to pieces.

   Whenever the huge hoof is raised, other smaller demons will rush up and bite him.

   No matter how angry he was, he was beaten out of his temper.

  Finally, he wailed: "Brother! Help me!"


  Su Yi's voice followed, and immediately after that, the tens of thousands of demons around Qin Duzun were all wiped out and ceased to exist.

  He came to Qin Duzun in one step.

  Among the ruins, the ashen-faced, blood-stained Qin Duzun looked up.

  At this moment, Su Yi was so tall in his eyes.

He cried.

  He couldn't accept this reality.

  The whole six realms are cultivated, six realms!

  How many demons does he have to kill to get back the pile?

  Su Yi was expressionless, and asked condescendingly: "I'll take you to kill the extremely evil ancestor demon, how about going out together?"

"I do not…"

  Qin Duzun lay on the ground, choked up and said.

  He suddenly wanted to die.

  His mentality collapsed.

  No one can understand his mood, all hope is lost, nothing more than this.

Su Yi knelt down, stretched out his hand to stroke his head, and said, "Did you know that brother, I have been reincarnated twice? In the first life, my cultivation base was stronger than now. It's not about reincarnating and recultivating. As long as I continue to break and then stand up, I will be able to reincarnate." This is your precious life experience, don’t resist, one day, you will be grateful for this experience.”

  Qin Duzun raised his head, gritted his teeth and said, "You are lying to me, how could you be as powerful in your previous life as you are now?"

  Su Yi shook his head and said: "You are too young, otherwise why do you think the Heavenly Emperor wants to help me reincarnate? Just because I am his son?"

   "The real reason is that I have power beyond all the sons of the Emperor of Heaven."

  No money for nonsense.

   Zhangkou is coming!

   Talking like a blooming mouth.

  Qin Duzun's mood improved after being bewitched by him.


   At worst, fix it again!

Who is he?

  The Son of the Strongest Heavenly Emperor!

  Even the Emperor of Heaven is not taken seriously by him, it is only a small six-level, and it is not as good as the accumulation of one level in the future.

  Qin Duzun took a deep breath and slowly got up.

  He was still a little puzzled, and asked, "Why did my cultivation regress?"

  Su Yi broke through, but his cultivation retreated.

   Could it be that the two are related?

  Su Yi calmly said: "This is the strength of the Heavenly Emperor's divine body. I also made a breakthrough in a daze, and I didn't understand the situation."

  He didn't lie, he just skipped the answer.

  He really didn't understand that he could break through like this.

  In order to make up for Qin Duzun, Su Yi did not go directly to find the extremely evil ancestor demon, but led him to continue slaughtering demons.

  He released Nan Xiaopao, Xi Qingyue, and Golden Flame Bloodthirsty Ant from Nantian Small World.

  Golden Flame Bloodthirsty Ant is already far behind Su Yi, so it is rarely taken out.

   Now just give them a chance to become stronger.

   "This is an extremely evil place? It smells so strong."

  Xi Qingyue frowned and said, Nan Xiaopao was also rubbing her nose, very uncomfortable.

  But they are very curious about the extremely evil place, after all, Su Yi told them about the extermination of power.

  Qin Duzun was taken aback by their appearance.

   I didn't expect Su Yi to take his two wives with him at any time, it was really coquettish.

  He thought to himself, after going out, he would also look for his old lover.

   Traveling together, you can also vent your fire when you have nothing to do. It's very beautiful to think about it.

  With Su Yi around, the demons couldn't get close to the two women at all.

  He even helped the two girls fight and help them become stronger.

   Just like that, the two women also joined the way to become stronger, and there were hundreds of millions of golden flame bloodthirsty ants flying around in mighty form. Wherever they pass, the evil spirits will die.

   Time turns.

   Millions of years passed.

  Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue stepped into the Immortal Realm one after another, while Qin Duzun reached the Fourth Realm of Eternal Destiny, which is still far behind.

   This day.

  Su Yi was about to go to find the extremely evil ancestor demon, but the two daughters of Nan Xiaopao couldn't stay any longer.

  They don't like to kill.

  Su Yi brought them back into Nantian Small World, and then asked Qin Duzun, "Are you going?"

  Qin Duzun became anxious, quickly hugged Su Yi's arm, and said aggrievedly: "Brother! It was agreed to help me restore the six-level cultivation base, I am only at the fourth level..."

  Su Yi was annoyed when he heard that, it wasn't you pushing me back then that caused my cultivation to regress and helped you millions.

   What else do you want to suffer?

  He asked: "With your current cultivation, you can rely on yourself. What are you afraid of?"

  Qin Duzun said in a low voice: "It's really lonely to be alone."

  Although he is often bullied by Su Yi, at least Su Yi can still talk to him.

  If Su Yi leaves, he will have to fight for at least tens of millions of years before he dares to challenge the extremely evil ancestor demon.

  Thousands of years.

  He worried he was going crazy.

   "So, come with me."

  Su Yi pulled out his right arm, and flew to the sky with the three war beasts.

  Qin Duzun was stunned, and then he gritted his teeth and chased after him.

  There are thousands of ways to become stronger, why bother to linger in the most evil place.

   What if you play with your own life?

  The two began to look for the extremely evil ancestor demon.

  Su Yi asked Qin Duzun to unleash all his aura and march forward in a mighty way. All the demons encountered along the way were wiped out by Su Yi with his spiritual thoughts.

   Those demons were wiped out as soon as they were unearthed, making Qin Duzun swallow his saliva.

  Transcendence, what is the realm?

  Because he felt ashamed, Su Yi didn't hide the new realm from him, so he was full of expectations for transcending the source of God.

  The source of detachment is divided into ten realms.

  According to Su Yi's memory, the one who transcended the ten realms of the source of God is the peak of cultivation, the strongest position!

  Going forward for several days, they still haven't encountered the extremely evil ancestor demon.

  Su Yi is a little depressed. Could it be that the extremely evil ancestors are all dead?

  He does not believe in evil, and keeps moving in one direction.

  Qin Duzun felt uncomfortable all over, watching Su Yi kill the demons, he didn't even have a chance to make a move, how could he feel better?

  (end of this chapter)

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