After walking out of the gate, Lumian seemed to have entered another world.

In front of him was no longer the familiar village of Kordu, but instead a dark red mountain peak and a circle of collapsed buildings surrounding it, which together formed a weird ruins.

The fog in the sky was thick and pale, making it difficult for light to penetrate. The ground was fragmented and there were many rocks. Lumian carried the ax and moved forward cautiously. He could not find a place to hide his body along the way.

There are no weeds and no trees here.

Lumian walked a little frightened, so he could only arch his back and comfort himself - at least if there was any danger in this area, it would be clear at a glance and he could detect it in advance.

Finally, he arrived at the ruins and came to a half-collapsed building that was burned by fire.

Lumian observed for a while and initially determined that there were no other creatures inside. Then he cautiously walked in, avoiding the charred wood that could fall from the air at any time, and started searching.

He glanced around and saw a touch of gold peeking out of a broken pottery jar in the corner of the house.

Lumian stepped closer and found that it was a gold coin.

Is it so true? There are actually treasures in the ruins in the dream? While muttering, he picked up the gold coins and rubbed them on his body.

The pattern on the surface of the gold coin was revealed.

It has a man's head carved on the front, with a thin face, hair in three-quarter length, two beards on his lips, and a rather firm gaze. On the back, there is a cluster of fragrant irises surrounding the number "20".

Lumian knew that man, he was the first president of the Republic of Intis, Levanx.

"It's actually a gold Louis..." Lumian was quite surprised.

Firstly, he did not expect that what appeared in the strange ruins of the dream was the currency of the Republic of Intis in reality, and secondly, what he picked up casually turned out to be something as valuable as a gold louis.

The current legal currency of the Republic of Intis is Firkin and Cope, with 1 Firkin equal to 100 Cope.

Among them, kope exist in two forms: copper coins and silver coins. Copper coins are divided into three categories: 1 kope, 5 kope and 10 kope. Silver coins are divided into 20 kope and 50 kope.

Fair gold can be either silver coins, gold coins, or banknotes. Silver coins are divided into three types: 1, 5, and 10 fair gold, and gold coins are divided into five types: 5, 10, 20, 40, and 50.

The denominations of banknotes are more diverse, including 5, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 Firkin.

In real life, the people of Intis are still accustomed to using some old currency units. For example, they call the most widely used 5-kope copper coin rick.

Likewise, a gold coin worth 20 fils was called a gold louis.

Of course, in the old currency era, the Gold Louis was actually called Gold Russell. After the founding of the Republic, in order to eliminate the influence of Emperor Russell, it was changed to Gold Louis.

As far as Lumian knew, although it could not be done in the city, in a rural place like Kordu Village, a gold louis could allow a poor family with land to live a good life for a month.

If Aurore's income was not low, he might not have seen what King Louis looked like. In the entire Kordu Village, apart from their siblings, only the priest's family and the administrator's family had seen and owned King Louis.

For any villager, this golden Louis is a treasure worth cherishing.

"What a pity, this is just a dream..." Lumian sighed in his heart with a little disappointment.

This does not involve extraordinary things, so it should not be possible to "bring out" dreams.

Even so, Lumian still solemnly kept the gold Louis. His past wandering life made him cherish every Koppet.

A gold Louis is equivalent to 2,000 kopecks, which is slightly equivalent to 1 gold pound in the Kingdom of Loen. Of course, it is slightly less. According to the newspaper, 24 fel gold can be exchanged for 1 gold pound.

Lumian continued his search.

He wanted to find some written information to confirm the specific conditions of the ruins, to see if it corresponded to a certain place in reality, and whether it was a village in the Republic of Intis that had been "moved" into the dreamland as a whole - the appearance of the golden Louis made Lumi Ann had these guesses.

As he moved step by step, Lumian saw that the edge of where the stove was originally was stained with a dark red color.

"Blood?" His pupils dilated and he quickly made a guess.

Immediately afterwards, he made a judgment:

Although the blood was not fresh, it was not old or black. It looked like it had just been dripping for two or three days.

Even shorter!

While his heart tightened, Lumian felt that the light around him suddenly dimmed a bit.

It was like something was quietly touching the half-collapsed roof, blocking the little light that passed through the thick fog!

The experience of being attacked while wandering was like a raging ocean wave, instantly poured into Lumian's mind, causing him to react like a conditioned reflex.

He suddenly jumped forward, then gathered his body in mid-air, and rolled on the ground.


Something heavy fell behind him.

Lumian rolled to the left side of the broken stove, stretched out his hand to hold down a stone, and used the force to turn his body.

He raised his ax and saw an additional figure where he originally stood.

Under the dim light, Lumian was not sure whether it was a human or a humanoid creature.

"He" had a hunched back and no clothes or shoes. His skin seemed to have been peeled off by someone, revealing red muscles, blood vessels and yellow fascia. Drop after drop of viscous liquid flowed on it but did not slip off. On the ground.

This is a monster!

"His" white and blue eyes seemed to be embedded in his face, his mouth was opened as hard as he could, his teeth were uneven, and his saliva was hanging out and stretched out.

In the past few years, Lumian has made up many ghost stories, but he never expected to encounter such a thing that could be called an evil ghost today.


The bloody wind slapped him, and the sound of wheezing reached his ears.

Lumian subconsciously moved to the side to avoid the attack of the blood-red monster.

If he hadn't often received Aurore's "guidance", if he hadn't had years of experience in combat training and street fighting, he might not have been able to react just now as he was physically and mentally shocked.

After regaining his composure, Lumian took a step after the monster that rushed over, raised the sharp ax in his hand, and struck hard at its vest.


The monster that was about to turn around was knocked to the ground, with pus and blood splashing everywhere.

Lumian did not hesitate, kneeled down on one knee decisively, and raised the ax again.

puff! puff! puff!

He struck multiple axes in a row, and each ax penetrated a lot of flesh, leaving deep and wide cracks, making the monster's back of the head, neck and back disfigured.

Finally, the monster stopped struggling and lay still.

"Hoo, ho! Your actual performance is not as scary as your appearance..." Lumian breathed a sigh of relief and whispered with a hint of mockery.

He wiped his face with his left hand and wiped off the blood on his hand.

"Will the body fluids of this monster be poisonous? There is no pain like being corroded for the time being..." Lumian began to worry about another problem.

Just when he mustered up the courage to search the monster's body, the skinless bloody monster stretched out his hands and suddenly jumped up again!

It's not dead yet?

It's all broken into pieces, why are you still alive?

Lumian was shocked and frightened.

It must be said that he was scared and timid.

If he encountered normal humans, beasts, and monsters, even if he couldn't defeat them, he wouldn't be so scared. But it seemed that he couldn't kill the guy in front of him, and everything he did was in vain!

Taking advantage of the fact that the monster seemed a little "disoriented" and couldn't find where the enemy was, Lumian made a quick decision, propped up his feet, pushed his knees hard, and ran wildly.

Kick! Kick! Kick!

He ran at his best level, but there was still a faint puff of breath coming from his neck, and the sound of heavy breathing echoed in his ears.

The monster was hot on his heels.

Lumian bit his teeth and felt that fear filled his body with a lot of strength out of thin air.

He ran faster than before.

He was delighted to find that the distance between the monster and himself was no longer close.

Kick! Kick! Kick!

Lumian finally ran back to his house, a two-story building that was half-built into the ground.

He opened the unlocked door and jumped in quickly.


He slammed the door shut with his backhand.

Not caring about rest, Lumian went straight to the stove and picked up the steel fork leaning against the wall there.

Then he looked intently at the door.

The sound of the monster's running disappeared in the distance, but more than ten seconds passed, and it didn't even try to hit the door.

"Does it know I'm ambushing here?" Lumian couldn't believe that the monster had a higher IQ.

He moved little by little to the window near the door and quietly looked out.

Suddenly there is a face on the glass!

A face with no skin, bloody flesh, and jagged teeth!

Lumian's heart almost stopped, and his whole body froze for a moment.

The monster did not take the opportunity to break the glass, launch an attack, and meet Lumian's eyes.

Lumian came to his senses, quickly stepped back, and raised the long fork with both hands.

The monster then left the window area.

Lumian was extremely cautious and observed.

He saw the monster lingering in the faint gray fog for a while, then left his building and slowly returned to the ruins.

"..." Lumian was at a loss.

He was ready to find a way to trap the monster and escape from the dream, but the other party just left like this...

After thinking for a while, he thought of a possibility:

“That monster doesn’t dare to enter my home?

“Yes, there are no signs of damage to the home at all…

"In the dreamland, this is an absolutely safe place?"

Lumian immediately relaxed a lot after guessing.

The next second, he felt intense fatigue.

The pursuit and escape in such a short period of time was actually more tiring than practicing fighting for an entire afternoon.

Armed with a long fork and an axe, Lumian went up to the second floor, entered his bedroom, and tried to sleep.


Dimly, Lumian opened his eyes.

It was still dark outside the curtains, and the room was bleak.

If it weren't for the faint gray fog, or if he hadn't "changed" into pajamas, Lumian wouldn't be able to tell whether this was reality or a dream.

"You were frightened and woke up early?" He subconsciously touched the pocket of his pajamas, but did not find the gold Louis.

This made him a little disappointed and once again confirmed a fact:

Money really can’t bring out dreams!

After gathering his thoughts, Lumian began to think about a serious question:

How to deal with that immortal monster?

Although he can bypass that area and sneak deeper, he still has to consider the possibility of encountering similar monsters in the future. He must be prepared accordingly and cannot risk his life.

PS: Thank you Xiaolangjun for rewarding the Silver Alliance

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