The dense fog at high altitude blocked most of the light, leaving the entire dream ruins in the dusk-like darkness.

Lumian stood up, looking at the bloody "mountain" while moving his hands and feet to examine his own condition.

Compared to the "Hunter", the "Provocateur" has a slight improvement in strength, reaction, speed and agility, but not much.

Lumian feels that there are three main changes: first, his body is stronger and his recovery ability seems to be much stronger; second, his spirituality has grown to a certain extent. For example, he could only maintain the possessed state for three minutes, but now It can be increased to four minutes; the third is to gain an extraordinary ability called "provocation".

It can not only bring permanent state changes, but also must be actively stimulated to produce the desired effect.

The former refers to the qualitative change in Lumian's insight ability, which is far beyond that of ordinary people. He can effectively detect which languages, behaviors and things the target is more sensitive to, and in which aspects he is more likely to be irritated.

And once "provocation" is actively used, it will be combined with abusive language and humiliating behavior, causing the target who can communicate to lose their mind.

The more targeted the insulting language and humiliating behavior, the more effective the "provocation" will be, but even just saying "shit" can still make people angry to a certain extent.

For those who cannot communicate, "provocation" will make Lumian exude a feeling that they hate.

This ability is very consistent with the traps and ambushes that "Hunters" are good at, but for Lumian now, its practical significance is not as great as he expected.

He didn't have time to do more hunting, he just wanted to further explore the "city wall" area around the bloody "peak" and unlock the secrets of the dream ruins.

In comparison, he was more pleased with his spiritual improvement and physical strength. At least he could go deeper into the dark area that would make people fall asleep.

Taking advantage of the improvement brought by the "magic potion", Lumian raised his hands and pinched his temples. This time, he activated his "spiritual vision" very smoothly.

He finally had the simple action of turning on and off his "spiritual vision".

Without any delay, after calming down his mental state, Lumian changed his clothes, took the "fallen mercury", an iron-black axe, and a cloth bag containing cheese biscuits, put the shotgun on his back, and walked out of the two-story building that was semi-grounded. , in the dull gray fog that filled this area, walked through the wilderness and entered the ruins.

He followed a familiar route, bypassing areas where monsters might be present, and moved forward step by step.

After going deep into the place where he met the three-faced monster before, Lumian began to dance, semi-activating the black thorn symbol.

Relying on this "talisman", he traveled through increasingly dangerous environments and scared away several terrifying monsters.

Finally, he came to the "city wall" of thorns composed of various houses.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lumian chose three directions. He was going to go to the area that seemed to be shrouded in darkness and made him want to sleep as soon as he entered.

His intuition told him that there was a high probability that there was something very important behind the high wall of twisted trees, but the place that seemed like night was coming was more likely to hide the secrets of the ruins of the dreamland.

After all, "night", "sleep" and "dream" are words that are often associated together.

After a while, Lumian, who danced another ritual dance, arrived at a place that was obviously much dimmer than the surroundings.

He exhaled slowly and stepped in firmly.

Almost instantly, Lumian seemed to have gone from a foggy day to a cloudy evening, with only the outlines of many things around him remaining.

He held the "Fallen Mercury" and yawned as he walked.

"Can't sleep, can't sleep!" Lumian forced his support and continued to move forward.

On the way, he did not forget to observe the messy rooms on the "city wall", but he failed to find anything hiding the secrets of the dream ruins.

As for gold coins and other things, he no longer cares about them.

After walking dozens of meters and getting deep into this place, Lumian could only open his eyes with perseverance, and a strong sense of sleep filled his mind.

He thought for a while and decided to exit, first explore behind the wooden wall, and then enter this area that made people want to sleep from another direction.

That would likely help him explore places that are currently out of reach.

Lumian turned around and took a few steps back, but the sleepiness did not subside, but became more serious as time went by.

Finally, he couldn't hold it any longer, closed his eyes, and slowly fell down.

His vision went dark again. Lumian felt a sudden sharp pain in his abdomen, which made him curl up and opened his eyes.

The first thing that caught his eye was the splendid murals and the arc-shaped vaults, and then the serious-looking face of the priest with a slightly hooked nose, and Pence. Bene retracted his right fist with a ferocious smile.

Was I caught in church? Lumian was not unfamiliar with the scene above at all, and instinctively observed his surroundings.

He saw Raymond's father, Pierre. Craig, saw Guillaume, Ava's father. Lizzie, saw her neighbor Louis. Baedeker, saw almost all the villagers.

He also saw that the altar had become unrecognizable. Instead of various sunflowers, lilacs, tulips and other things that symbolized the hidden existence were placed there.

The Holy Emblem of the Sun behind the altar disappeared somewhere, and was replaced by an abnormally twisted ring of thorns that seemed to have black liquid flowing.

As soon as he saw this familiar symbol, Lumian felt a little dizzy and his chest felt slightly warm.

He knew very well that this was a sign that the pollution in the body was slightly stimulated but failed to penetrate the blue-black symbol.

The parish priest and the others directly changed the church into the altar of that hidden existence? Saint Sis was so wronged... Lumian suspected that Valentine would go berserk on the spot if he saw this scene.

Being firmly tied, he looked around hard and found that the stained glass and the murals describing the greatness of the "Eternal Blazing Sun" and the preaching behavior of Saint Sis were unaffected and still existed.

It seems that the renovation was done very hastily...

Lumian roughly figured out the situation in the church.

At this time, the villagers were very quiet, as quiet as wax statues.

The priest observed Lumian's performance for a while, then turned his head to Pence. Bene said: "How can you keep him sleeping?"

You should wake him up as soon as you bring him back to the church, no matter what!

"I see."

Ponce. Bene looked at the priest with unusual humility, as if this was his master and the god he believed in.

Lumian leaned against a pillar and looked up at Guillaume. Benet asked, "Where's Aurore?" The priest smiled and said, "You'll find out later."

"Where are the three strangers?"

Lumian's thoughts were spinning, thinking about ways to get out of trouble, and looking for topics.

Guillaume. Bene looked outside the stained glass and said with a relaxed expression: "They escaped and should have reached the nearest alpine pasture by now."

However, don’t expect them to come to rescue you and Aurore tonight. From what I know about the officials, they will choose to wait and see, and wait until the situation is determined before taking action. Some Sometimes, they would rather not do it than make a mistake. This is how they delayed my life for more than ten years.

Lumian had to admit that what the priest said made sense, but this was definitely not the reason why Laien and the others were waiting.

He knew that under the premise of not being sure what the evil god believers wanted to capture him and Aurore, Laien and others would not take drastic actions for the time being. For example, they would trigger the cycle by leaving Kordu Village. I want to wait for the arrival of Twelfth Night to see what exactly caused the problems here, so as to lay a solid foundation for getting out of trouble later.

Seeing Lumian's silence, the priest smiled even more obviously. He said in a notification tone: "I plan to complete the ceremony tonight." Huh? Lumian was a little confused.

Guillaume. Bene was in a good mood and patiently explained: "I plan to move the April 9th ​​ceremony to tonight, so those three foreigners won't have the chance to cause trouble."

What? Can Twelfth Night be brought forward? Lumian was so surprised, stunned, and inexplicably frightened that he was speechless.

At this time, the parish priest Guillaume. Bayern head-first into Pence. Bene said: "Before sending him to the altar, you must keep an eye on him and not let him sleep.

I allow you to use any method as long as you don't kill him. "Pence." Bene asked expectantly: "What will happen if you kill him?" "We will die together!" "

The priest glared at this brainless brother.

Send me to the altar and start the ceremony again? Can the green and black symbol on my body work again? Lumian felt a little calmer as he listened to the conversation between the Bene brothers. The priest turned his gaze back, looked at Lumian's face, leaned down and said: "Don't worry, you are not a container, we have three better options."

A better choice of three?

Lumian was startled and followed the priest's moving gaze to the original location of the altar.

Aurore appeared there at some point. She had changed into a simple white robe, her blond hair was hanging down without any modification, and her light blue eyes were vacant.

"Aurore!" Lumian shouted.

Aurore looked like a statue and did not respond.

The priest smiled and nodded: "Yes, your sister is a better container."

Your role in the ceremony is to help us advance the deadline so that we no longer have to wait for that specific moment and no longer have to wait for the zodiac sign to change.

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"Lumian was frightened and confused when he heard: Why can I help you advance the ceremony of Twelfth Night? The priest leaned down again, looked into his eyes, and smiled expectantly: "Because we pray Most of your gifts are within you. "

What? How does he know? Lumian's penis instantly enlarged, trying to get a closer look at Guillaume. Bene's face.

The curate Guillaume. Bene moved his head forward, leaned into Lumian's ear, and laughed softly, "You don't think that only you and Pualis can retain memories in the loop, do you?"

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