Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 109: Tiny Hope (please vote for me)

A few days ago, under the bloody "mountain", next to the twisted "city wall".

Lumian sat on his knees on the ground, looking up at the mysterious lady getting closer and closer.

The other party's words fell clearly in his ears, but gradually became blurry. Lumian's hands reached the ground and he clenched them unconsciously, as if he wanted to squeeze the soil in his palms into liquid.

When the mysterious lady stopped about one meter away, he struggled to stand up and asked urgently:

The mysterious lady didn't respond, just looked at him quietly, the pity in her eyes not diminishing at all. Lumi settled for a moment and asked expectantly:

"There really is hope, right?

He stared at the lady, observing her every move, fearful and hopeful.

Finally, the mysterious lady nodded.

"There is indeed hope."

"In a practical sense, Aurore is dead, but in a mystical sense, she is not completely dead yet.

"Do you still remember that every time you danced the Dance of Resurrection, at the end you would hear small and weak sounds that seemed to come from within your body? Do you still remember that at the end of the Twelfth Night ceremony, Aurore and the others each had their own Did some shards of light fly into your chest?”

"Is that their spirit body, their voice?" Lumian interrupted the mysterious lady and asked impatiently.

The lady replied calmly and compassionately:

"It can only be regarded as a fragment of the soul.

"At the end of Twelfth Night, you became the container for the terrifying power of the hidden existence, and the soul fragments of the surrounding believers, including the sacrifices, were naturally absorbed by you, www.youxs.org.

"Afterwards, these soul fragments and the highly polluting power were sealed in your left chest by our Lord.

"So, as you become more and more 'awake' in your dreams and can clearly perceive dates and cycles, Aurore and other villagers become more and more like real people, and can even show a certain degree of self-awareness and thinking ability.

"So, if you want to truly wake up from the dream, if you want to restrain the cyclical power that pervades these ruins, you can only rely on yourself to think clearly, find the courage to face the pain, face all this, and pursue the ethereal hope.

"If it is up to me to solve the problem, there is only one option, and that is to completely destroy you and the ruins of Kordu Village. Otherwise, the pollution in your body will be unstoppably leaked. In that case, Aurore and the others will truly die in mysticism. ”

Hearing the mysterious lady mention the ritual of Twelfth Night, Lumian couldn't help but think about it.

His head suddenly felt a sharp pain, and only a few fragmentary images emerged. Aurore, with empty eyes, pushed him away from the altar;

Pieces of light flew out from Aurore and the surrounding villagers, and fell into the vortex in his chest;

www.youxs.org, turned around and fled from the altar.

Lumian couldn't think of anything except these, he could only remember the things that happened in his dreams, as if some force was preventing him from recalling.

His expression was distorted, his body was trembling and he whispered:

"I, I can't remember many things..."

The lady nodded:

"This is normal. The first one is subconscious self-protection, lest too many sad memories and too powerful images make you collapse on the spot and lose control and become a monster. Secondly, there are some things you have never witnessed and don't know the truth. Of course ,I don't know either.

"Well, I will ask you to go to Trier to do something later, and one, no, two, very powerful psychologists I know are in Trier. I can help you make an appointment with them to see who I’ll give you some treatment when I have time to help you recall more things and restore what happened in Kordu Village as much as possible.”

Lumian heard countless emotions rolling through his heart, but thousands of words rushed to his lips, but they only turned into one word:


He clasped his hands and asked eagerly:

"Then what should I do to revive Aurore and them?"

The lady sighed and said:

"I don't know either."

Seeing Lumian's eyes dim for a moment, she added: "But you have to believe that there are real miracles in this world.

"And the great existence I mentioned before is synonymous with 'miracle'."

Emotions of despair and luck grew crazily in Lumian's heart at the same time. Although he knew that the mysterious lady in front of him was probably just comforting himself and giving himself a little hope, he still couldn't help but say:

"You said that after I unlock the secret of the dream, you will tell me the name of that great being."

The lady's expression became solemn and her tone became serious:

"I'm telling you now, remember it carefully.

"Her honorary name is:

"The Fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray fog, the King of Yellow and Black who controls good luck."

As the words came out one by one, Lumian gradually became confused, as if he saw a thin gray mist, and above the gray mist, at an infinite height, there was a looming castle.

There were eyes watching over there.

At the same time, the entire Kordu Village was trembling, and the thin mist that filled the place receded rapidly.

By the time Lumian regained his consciousness and regained his vision, the sun was already shining down from high in the sky, dyeing the blood-colored "peaks" and the barren land with a little bit of gold.

Lumian recalled the three-part honorific name and remembered the discussion with Aurore in his dream.

This made him a little sad for a moment, and he smiled bitterly:

"I thought there would be descriptions involving the past, present and future."

The mysterious lady in the orange dress said "Hmm" "There should be someone in the future, but if I pray to her now using descriptions other than the three paragraphs of her honorary name, I don't guarantee that she will be the one who responds.

"You should know that situations like this are very dangerous."

Lumian was silent for a few seconds and asked with a little hope.

"As long as I work hard to help you, I can finally ask that great being to resurrect Aurore?"

Lumian nodded, indicating that he understood.

He didn't dare to ask but couldn't help but ask

"Can the resurrected one be big?"

It wasn't that he didn't want to tell the other person that he would do his best to find a way to resurrect Aurore, but he was just afraid that opening his mouth would reveal the turbulent and sad emotions in his heart.

After a few seconds, he asked hoarsely:

"What do you need me to do in Trier?"

She then added:

"In addition to searching for the truth from your memory, you can also go to the survivors of this disaster to investigate."

"Survivor?" Lumian's eyes gradually narrowed.

The lady nodded:

"Except for you, there are five in total, Mrs. Pualis, Beost, www.youxs.org, Cassie, who left the village of Kordu before Twelfth Night, and the presiding ceremony, who are under certain protection, www. youxs.org.”

"The priest is still alive?" Lumian's lips curled up a little.

The mysterious lady looked into his eyes and said:

"If my divination is correct, these people should be hiding somewhere in the Trier region."

"Very good." Lumian smiled and raised his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes.

The lady then looked at Lain, Liya and Valentine who were sleeping on the edge of a room in the Thorny "City Wall", and said to Lumian:

“What are you going to do with them?

"If they leave alive, you will definitely be wanted and will be listed as a key target for arrest by the Eighth Bureau, the Machine Heart', and the Inquisition.

"From now on, you can only hide. You will never be able to live in the sun. You will be accompanied by darkness, mud and danger."

Lumian glanced at Lai En and the others, and smiled hoarsely:

"Will killing them bring Aurore back to life?"

The lady shook her head:


Lumian suddenly sneered, lowered his head and closed his eyes.

Soon, he raised his head and asked:

"What is the name of the organization I am going to join? How should I contact you when I arrive in Trier?"

The lady sighed slightly:

“I’ll tell you then.

"I will give you the method of summoning my messenger and the corresponding medium later, through which you can contact me."

Lumian was silent for a moment and asked another question:

"Do I have the power to put Kordu Village in a loop?"

"Strictly speaking, you didn't, at least not before you received the gift of the 'Man in the Ring'." The lady explained casually, "This is because there is pollution from that hidden existence everywhere, and your left chest is sealed The power level is quite high, so when your mood fluctuates greatly and you are in a subconscious state, you can mobilize the corresponding special to restart this place."

She paused and said:

"However, you are always in the loop.

"The pollution sealed in your body will cause you to reset your body state at six o'clock in the morning every day, returning to the six o'clock in the morning at the end of Twelfth Night. Only the extraordinary characteristics and the changes brought about by the 'gift' can be retained."

Is this the real reason why every time I get injured in the ruins, I always recover when I wake up? No wonder I didn't wake up from hunger... Lumian understood immediately.

He looked down at his body and laughed to himself:

"It will always be that day..."

That nightmarish day.

Before the lady could respond, he raised his head, looked at her and said:

"What should I call you?"

the lady smiled

"You can call me..."

Each card had a different picture on it, and it fell towards Lumian. Lumian instinctively stretched out his right hand, trying to catch some of the cards.

At this moment, most of the cards mysteriously disappeared, leaving only one.

The card fell lightly into Lumian's palm, face up, with a picture of a man extending his scepter to the sky and pointing to the ground with his left hand.

Tarot Cards, "The Magician"!

Lumian looked up in shock, only to find that the mysterious lady had disappeared.

Should I call her Ms. Magic?

Lumian subconsciously turned over the tarot cards in his hand and saw rows of small Intis words written there: "The spirit wandering in the illusion, the upper world creature that is friendly to human beings, belongs exclusively to 'The Magician's' Messenger."

Lumian looked at it for a while and then put away the tarot card.

He glanced at Laien and the others, turned around, and left the area with a slight stagger.

As he walked, Lumian couldn't help but look back and looked at the bloody "peaks" and the twisted thorny "wall" again.

The Kordu Village in his memory has become like this, and there is no trace of the original one, but Lumian still looks hard, trying to overlap the picture in his mind with reality.

He also wanted to take another look at the "giant" at the top of the "mountain", but he knew that it would cause serious harm to him.

Unknowingly, Lumian slowly circled the bloody "mountain" and the "wall" of thorns, his eyes constantly moving on those twisted and chaotic things.

He knew what he was looking for, and he knew he would never find it.

In this way, Lumian came to the place that was previously blocked by the wooden wall. Most of the place has collapsed, allowing people to directly see the garden at the back.

The lush green vegetation and colorful flowers in the garden are in sharp contrast to the bloody "peaks", the twisted "city wall", and the ruins on the other side.

There was a crib made of brown wood placed in the center, very similar to the one Lumian saw in Mrs. Pualis Castle.

He subconsciously moved closer and found that there was a small human-shaped dent on the slightly old white cotton swaddling clothes in the small bed that was swaying in the wind. It seemed that a baby had once laid here, and now its whereabouts were unknown.

What does this mean? As soon as Lumian had this thought, he felt that the sunlight coming down from the sky was much brighter.

He instinctively looked up and saw golden flames completely engulfing the top of the "mountain". The "giant" with three heads and six arms loomed in the sea of ​​flames, seeming to be melting.

Lumian stared blankly for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his hands and covered his face.

This "sunshine" is too dazzling.

Located in a semi-grounded two-story building on the edge of the ruins.

Lumian took the 237 Ferkin 46 Koppe he had collected previously, picked up the brown suitcase filled with clothes and memories, dragged his heavy steps to his sister's bedroom, and reached out to push open the door.

He came to say goodbye.

"My notes..."

Sister's witchcraft notes? Is there important information on it? Lumian raised his hand and pressed his head, walked to the desk, and opened the drawer below.

The volumes of familiar dark notes came into view. He suddenly remembered that Aurore had taught him a lot of occult knowledge some time before the destruction of Kordu Village.

To Liege area, steam train station.

The staff member responsible for selling tickets looked at Lumian outside and said:

“Where are your identification papers?”

"Forgot." Lumian, who was wearing a linen shirt, a dark jacket, a round-brimmed black hat, and carrying a brown suitcase, replied coldly.

Then he turned around and left the window.

A short man wearing a half-top hat and black formal suit approached from the side and said to Lumian in a low voice:

"Want to take the stagecoach? To Bigor."

"Do you need identification documents?" Lumian asked.

The little man chuckled and said:

“No need, our industry is about to be killed by steam trains, what kind of identification documents do we need?

"Sit down or not? This is the last bit of romance left over from the classical era!" Lumian nodded slightly and asked:

"How much."

The little man became enthusiastic instantly:

"It takes about a day from 20 Ferkin to Bigor. There are five stops in the middle. At each stop, you will rest, change coachmen and animals, and two of them will provide free food."

Lumian didn't ask any more questions and followed the little man to a nearby street with no people around.

A huge carriage pulled by four horses was parked on the roadside.

After Lumian got up, he found that the space inside was quite spacious, divided into two rows like a public carriage, with aisles and space for large luggage.

He found a seat by the window, put his suitcase away, and took out a book with a dark red cover.

Listening to the sneezing of the horses and the sunshine outside the window, he opened this book.

Sitting next to him is a man in his thirties with a beautiful moustache, brown hair and blue eyes, dressed in formal attire.

He glanced at the book in Lumian's hand and asked with interest: "Eternal Love? www.youxs.org, the one where the heroine is Kingsley and the hero is Ciel?"

"Yes." Lumian nodded.

The man with the mustache suddenly became interested in talking:

"Yes." Lumian nodded again.

He lowered his head, turned the book to the last few pages, and let his eyes fall on the corresponding words:

"Idiot, live well."

(End of the first part) PS: Please vote for the big chapter ~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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