Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 12 Breeze Dance Hall (asking for double monthly tickets)

Lumian didn't look back or turn around, and still walked towards the bus stop.

He looked around casually, and his eyes fell on the glass window of a nearby cafe.

His figure in a dark jacket was reflected there, and not too far away from him, there was a man wearing a canvas jacket and a peaked cap.

After Lumian withdrew his gaze, he suddenly quickened his pace as if he was trying to catch up with the two-story public carriage that was about to leave the platform.

Not surprisingly, he felt the man wearing the blue peaked cap start to jog.

The public carriage turned from silence and drove towards the end of the street. Lumian had no hope of "catching up" and suddenly stopped in place.

With the help of the window of the street shop, Lumian saw the man in the peaked cap stop abruptly in a rather embarrassed manner, half-turned around, and looked at the song and dance hall opposite.

With a subtle nod, Lumian crossed the bus stop sign like a stroll, walked forward, and turned into a quiet alley that was separated by a barricade.

The man in the peaked cap followed quickly and climbed over the low, dilapidated barricade, but Lumian's back could no longer be seen.

The target he was following seemed to disappear into the alley out of thin air.

Just as the man in the peaked cap tried to catch up, Lumian, who had shrunk into the corner of the barricade, rushed out like a tiger, holding the opponent's shoulders with both hands and pulling his body back toward his knees.


Lumian's knee hit the man in the peaked hat in the waist, causing his face to twist in pain, and his legs could no longer support him.

With a plop, the man in the peaked cap fell to the ground, stirring up a lot of dust.

Lumian squatted down, grabbed the back of the stalker's head, and said in a low voice, "Who asked you to follow me?"

"I didn't! I was just taking a shortcut!" The man in the peaked cap defended hurriedly.

Lumian laughed, grabbed his head, and slammed it to the ground.

Amidst the banging movement, the man in the peaked cap was so painful that his screams were stuck in his throat. His forehead was blue, swollen, and stained with blood.

"Who asked you to follow me?" Lumian repeated the question just now.

The man in the peaked cap was very unjust: "I didn't follow you! I don't even know you!"

"Okay." Lumian released his right hand.

In the next second, he used his palm as a knife and struck it hard behind the stalker's ear.

The man in the peaked cap fainted without even making a sound.

Lumian then helped him up and thoughtfully lowered his hat, covering his closed eyes.

Then, like helping a drunk friend, he walked out of the alley calmly and turned towards the corner.

There is a portal to the underworld.

The reason why Lumian was "waiting" for the stalker in the alley just now was because he thought something could be moved underground later and the environment was "peaceful" enough.

When the man in the peaked cap woke up, his eyes were completely dark, with only a glimmer of light in the distance, allowing the outlines of the surrounding objects to be barely visible.

The clanging sound reached his ears through layers of obstacles, approaching from far away and then quickly moving away.

As a native of the Candide Market area, he was no stranger to such scenes. He suspected that he had been taken underground. There was a steam subway in the "street" next door, and the faint light here came from there.

Seeing that the stalker fell silent and did not answer immediately, Lumian knew that his spiritual defense had been shaken, so he added, "And I will move through the streets underground and move to other areas."

"Yes, it's Baron Brignel!"

This made him sure that the man in the peaked cap was not lying. After all, if he really wanted to lie, it would be impossible to choose the mastermind behind the scenes that Lumian himself could not think of and could not understand at all.

Lumian frowned and asked, "Why is he following me?"

"I don't know." The man in the peaked cap replied tremblingly, "He just asked me to follow you to see where you would go." Lumian thought for a few seconds and said, "Where is Baron Brignel now? "

"If there is nothing else, he is usually at the Breeze Ballroom on Market Avenue." The man in the peaked cap tried hard to see Lumian's face clearly, but failed because the light was too weak.

Breeze Ballroom?

Lumian has a certain impression of the landmark buildings in the Candide Market area.

This is what he gained from wandering around yesterday.

Market Avenue refers to the main road from Candide Market to Suchit Steam Railway Station, which is about two kilometers long. The Breeze Dance Hall is located close to the market area. The statue at the door is quite distinctive and will not be forgotten after seeing it.

After a moment, Lumian raised the corners of his lips and said to the stalker: "Take me there, I want to talk to Baron Brignel."

The man in the peaked cap breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his life had been saved.

As for who got the upper hand at the Breeze Ballroom and who was "accidentally" had nothing to do with him.

The Breeze Ballroom is located on the bottom two floors of an earth-yellow building. The second floor is an attached cafe, and the first floor is a lively dance hall. However, it has just opened at this time and there are not many customers.

At its door stands a white spherical statue composed of countless skulls, which reads in Intis: "They are sleeping here, waiting for the arrival of happiness and hope." (Note 1) Lumian After taking a quick glance, he followed the "guide" around the statue and came to the entrance of the dance hall.

There stood two gangsters wearing white shirts and black jackets. They pressed their right hands to their waists at the same time and asked the man wearing a peaked cap, "Missili, who is he?"

"He, he came to see Baron Brignel." Missili replied with a slight stutter.

“It is up to Baron Brignel to decide whether to see me or not, not you.

"Do you want to bear his wrath?"

After hesitating for a moment, one of the thugs turned around and entered the ballroom.

While waiting, Lumian said to the follower named Missili in a very relaxed state: Why is there such a statue with such an inscription, which does not match the dance hall at all? “Sure, that’s cool.

Missili glanced at Lumian with a smile on his face, and replied tremblingly: "This was originally the cemetery attached to St. Robles Church. Later, the bones were moved to the catacombs, and this land became vacant. , and later, the house was repaired.

"Although those bones have been purified, otherwise they are just ashes. But after our Savoyard party bought this place, we still felt it was too gloomy, so we had to find someone to get such a statue symbolizing death and an inscription representing the deceased to comfort us. Skeletons that may exist underground but have not been dug up and removed.

Lumian was suddenly amused.

At this time, the thug just walked out and said to Lumian, "Baron Brignel asked you to go to the cafe on the second floor."

"Okay." Lumian walked into the Breeze Ballroom with his head held high and his chest puffed out.

The first thing that impressed him was the dance floor surrounded by railings and the half-height wooden stage used for singing in front of it. The second thing was the messy seats around and the smell of various perfumes and powders floating in the air.

Missili thought for a while and followed Lumian.

He felt that no matter what, he had to report to the Baron face to face, otherwise he might end up missing in the underground world.

Going up to the second floor, Lumian saw the "gentleman" he met last night.

He is in his thirties, wearing a black formal suit made of fine wool. His brown hair seems naturally slightly curly, his brown eyes carry a confident smile, and his contours are quite deep.

Baron Brignel put down his coffee, picked up the mahogany-colored pipe with a diamond-ringed palm and said, "What do you want to drink?"

He was quite polite and courteous.

Lumian looked at the four gangsters who had their hands on their waists at the same time, and said to Baron Brignel, "Why did you send people to follow me?"

Baron Brignel smiled and admitted frankly: "I met you on White Coat Street last night, and found you again near Luan Street today. I thought you looked more and more familiar, so I asked Missili to follow and confirm. What do you want to do in the market area?

"You also went to see Aosta last night, right?"

"He wanted to defraud me of money." Lumian replied, then asked, "Why do you think I look familiar?"

"In the eyes of experienced people like us, you can hardly be called a disguise.

"When we start to suspect and make associations, we will naturally recognize you, Lumian. Lee, a wanted criminal worth 3,000 Firkin."

My reward amount is only 3,000 Felkin? Lumian's first reaction was confusion.

As the source of the time loop in Cordu Village, how could the official reward amount be lower than that of the parish priest and Mrs. Pualis?

"But just for providing your clues, you can get 500 ferkin." Baron Brignel smiled, "Young man, what you need is a copy of "Men's Aesthetics", don't be ashamed, in Trier, men wear makeup It's a normal thing to do and it helps you hide your true appearance."

This "gentleman" also wore eyeliner and powder.

Lumian smiled: "You want to capture me in exchange for a bounty?"

Note 1: Quoted from the inscription on the door of the Breeze Ballroom in Paris during the Victorian era, I have modified the statue. The dance hall was really built on the site of the cemetery, and it also used stones left after the cemetery was relocated. The real graveyard dance, the previous turtle walk, etc. were also real things that happened in that era.

PS: Please double the monthly ticket~

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