Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 20 Neighbors (asking for double monthly votes)

Chaotic Street, "Golden Rooster Hotel", Room 207.

Lumian threw the crumpled newspaper in his hand on the table and sat next to the bed.

After sitting for a few seconds, he simply lay down, feeling exhausted from deep within his body and unable to hold on any longer. Only the physical and mental state are reset every day, not the mind.

He didn't even bother to take off his clothes, he just kicked off his leather shoes and closed his eyes.

During this sleep, Lumian slept deeply and soundly, without any dreams.

He was woken up by the smell of sulfur, and the setting sun was still shining outside the window.

Looking sideways at the glass window that was stained with a slight golden red luster, Lumian whispered to himself: "Have you slept all day and night?"

Obviously, this is impossible, because every time he wakes up at six o'clock in the morning, he wakes up automatically.

After seeing the report and uncontrollably venting his inner grief, Lumian felt that his mood had stabilized a lot, but he was still a little depressed.

Of course, he himself also knew that the sadness would not disappear, let alone the pain, and they would come back soon. He could only try his best to adjust his mentality to face it, and prevent himself from falling into the same state of near collapse again.

As for a little bit of extreme, crazy and self-destructive tendencies, he feels that they are inevitable, as long as they are not serious.

"I will have to undergo regular psychological treatment in the future, otherwise I will go completely crazy before I can complete my revenge and find a way to resurrect Aurore." Lumian sighed and got out of bed.

At this moment, Lumian discovered a problem.

This newspaper is from last week.

The newsboy sold him expired newspapers!

"Many times, it is not a good thing to completely suppress pain and despair in your heart. Human beings need to vent and decompress..."

Suddenly, Lumian understood: This is part of psychotherapy!

"Ms. Susie first pointed out that my mental state was wrong and that I had a strong self-destructive tendency. Then she used the hope of resurrecting Aurore as a preliminary enlightenment. Finally, when I was indulging in the pain caused by this problem, she arranged for the newsboy to deliver the magazine. The obituary published last week shattered my defenses with bloody facts and allowed me to vent the pain and despair I had suppressed deep in my heart..."

Lumian muttered silently to himself. After he figured it out, he was quite glad that he met a very professional and capable "psychiatrist", otherwise it would be difficult for him to crawl out of the mental quagmire he was in.

As Lumian's eyes moved randomly, he saw several bed bugs entering his room.

His sense of smell told him that sulfur was lit in the next room to drive away the bedbugs, but most of the bugs were afraid of his own place and moved to another place.

Lumian couldn't help laughing when he thought about how he and his next-door neighbor "hurt" each other on the first day they moved in, trying to get bed bugs into each other's rooms with sulfur.

He put on his leather shoes, walked out of the room, and came outside 206.

——On the second floor of the Golden Rooster Hotel, in the alley behind the chaotic street is a bathroom connected to rooms 201 to 204. Opposite 204 is another bathroom, and then in the opposite direction 205 to 208. There is a relatively large balcony on both sides of the corridor. , so except for the second floor, the third, fourth and fifth floors all have 10 rooms and two bathrooms.

"Who?" A slightly panicked voice came from inside.

"It's from 207 next door." Lumian responded with a smile, "I want to get to know my neighbor."

After a few seconds, the door creaked open, and a thin young man appeared in front of Lumian. He was less than 1.7 meters tall and was wearing a washed-white linen shirt and black suspender trousers. He had larger black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. His brown hair was messy and greasy, as if it hadn't been washed for several days. It was dark brown. His eyes showed undisguised defense.

"What's the matter with you?" the man asked.

Dongdongdong, Lumian raised his fingers and knocked on 206's door.

Lumian smiled and stretched out his right hand, "I should live here for a long time and want to get to know the neighbors." What do you call it? "The young man hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his right palm and shook hands with Lumian: "Gabriel, what about you? "

"Char." Lumian looked at the interior of room 206 and asked pretending to be curious, "Why are you lighting the sulfur now? It's evening, and I have to go find something to eat."

Gabriel pushed up his glasses and smiled bitterly: "I am a playwright, and I am planning to work on the manuscript all night."

"Writer?" Lumian raised his hand and touched his chin.

He gave up on the idea of ​​playing a little prank to resolve the strangeness between the neighbors.

Gabriel emphasized: "Playwrights, writers who specialize in writing drama scripts for various theaters."

"Sounds great." Lumian praised sincerely. "I admire people who can write stories very much. My idol is a writer."

Seeing the other party's sincere eyes, Gabriel felt a little embarrassed by the compliment.

He scratched his messy brown hair and sighed: "This industry is not as good as you think. I spent a lot of energy on my last script. I thought it was not much worse than those classic plays, but there was no one." A theater manager was willing to take a look.

"I have read many biographies or interviews with writers, and most of them have had the experience of not being appreciated and living in cheap hotels or small lofts. I believe that one day you will be able to find someone who is willing to read your script. , and eventually became a famous playwright.”

Gabriel took off his glasses and rubbed his face: "For so long, you are the second person who is willing to encourage me. Others will only laugh at me for liking fantasy and unwilling to face reality."

If you and Aurore hadn't had similar professions, I would have laughed at you the same way and laughed even harder than them...

Lumian cursed and asked curiously: "Who was the first person to encourage you?"

"It's Miss Safaree who lives in room 309." Gabrielle looked up at the ceiling. "She is a mannequin. I haven't seen her for several days. She may have moved away."

That mannequin the Ruhls mentioned? Lumian nodded and extended an invitation: "Would you like to have a drink at the bar?"

Gabriel was very moved, but finally controlled himself: "Next time, I have to submit the manuscript tomorrow."

"Okay." Lumian waved and walked back to his room.

After looking out the window at the noisy and lively street scene for a while, Lumian decided to find a restaurant, have a good meal and taste Trier's delicacies.

Just then, he heard a sharp female voice from upstairs: "You bastard! You breeding pig!

"Your mother and a devil gave birth to you..."

The cursing stopped suddenly, as if someone had forcibly interrupted it.

Lumian felt relieved and opened the window.

"You like women so much, why don't you go find your mother?


This time, Lumian clearly heard the sound coming from the fourth floor.

That Miss Yin Sangsi who was forced to become an illegal prostitute? Lumian remembered Charlie's story.

This also means that Maggot, the leader of the Stinger Gang, came with his men to collect the money.

——In the Republic of Intis, there are two types of prostitutes, one is officially registered and can be found in places such as City Wall Street and Breda Street, and the other is illegal and does not need to pay taxes and will be cracked down on. The number is the former. Ten times or even twenty times.

After pondering for a while, Lumian put on dark formal clothes and came between 202 and 203, where there were stairs leading to the upper floor.

He immediately took out the bottle of low-quality perfume he bought in Bigor, intending to pour some on the wooden steps so that Maggot and his men would step on them when they passed by.

——I don’t know when the next attack of Montsuri’s ghost will come. Lumian hopes to find his prey as soon as possible and complete the exchange of fate.

After thinking for a few seconds, he gave up the idea of ​​pouring the perfume directly, intending to make it look like an accident to avoid possible detection of extraordinary abilities.

Lumian unscrewed the lid slightly and pretended that his palm slipped and failed to grasp the thick glass bottle.

With a clang, the perfume bottle landed on the bottom step, and some liquid naturally flowed out, and the rich and almost pungent fragrance dissipated.

Lumian knelt down feeling distressed, picked up the bottle, and capped it again.

He wiped the perfume that flowed out with his palm again, and kept wiping it on himself.

Soon, most of the liquid was dried up, and the evening breeze from the balcony dispersed the fragrant smell.

Lumian then retreated to room 207, leaned against the door frame, hid his body, and looked towards the stairs.

After more than ten minutes, there were footsteps going downstairs.

By this time, the smell of perfume in the corridor had faded a lot.

Soon, four men appeared there, the leader was a tall and thin man.

His yellow hair was shaved very short, and each hair stood up. He had single eyelids, blue eyes, a high nose bridge, thin lips, and a few dull scars on his face.

The man who looked like Maggot was wearing a red shirt and a dark leather waistcoat, with his hands in his sail-colored trousers, and he walked down step by step.

There was a bulge on the left side of his waist, and his feet were wearing strapless leather boots. Suddenly, the man frowned, jumped lightly, and jumped over the two steps stained with perfume and part of the corridor on the second floor.

The three men dressed as thugs who followed him did not notice anything unusual and stepped on the remaining traces of perfume.

Lumian, who spied on this scene, felt something in his heart: "Maggot is very sensitive to smells and is very resistant to being infected with abnormal smells?"

PS: Please double the monthly ticket ~ Please share

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