Therefore, Lumian planned to go underground after dawn and find a deep quarry cavity as a ritual place.

As for the materials, he used them in the village of Kordu...

I brought all the ones I had used, and the streets at night were never quiet enough. But Lumian slept very well, with almost no dreams. In the early morning, he heard the church bell ringing. He got up slowly, washed up, and went to a cafe on White Coat Street to eat plum pie and Savar. Eat waffles and au lait coffee with lots of milk for breakfast.

Good food always makes people feel happy, and the Golden Rooster Inn is no longer controlled by the Stinger Gang. Lumian gradually adjusted to his best condition, so he returned to Room 207. He planned to go to Trier underground with the corresponding materials and carbide lamp. As soon as Lumian finished his preparations and before he could go out, he heard a gentle knock on the door.

He opened the door with some confusion and found Anthony Reed standing outside, wearing military green clothes and strapless leather boots.

This information dealer in his forties touched his short yellow hair and said to Lumian: I have gained something.

The curate, or Madame Poialis and her men?

Lumian turned sideways and Duanthony Reed walked into the room.

Anthony looked around, and Lumian's figure was reflected in his dark brown eyes.

Almost at the same time, Lumian felt the familiar, slight uneasiness. He controlled himself not to think too much and asked, "What's the gain?"

Anthony Reed nodded slightly and said: "Someone encountered someone suspected of being Louis Lund on Market Avenue.

Just on Market Avenue?

Lumian suddenly became excited.

Louis Lund and I, and Mrs. Pualis, are so close to each other? sure? "

He asked quickly: Anthony Reed shook his head: "Not sure, I just came to tell you to let you know that I have not forgotten you. When I am sure, then Louis Lund will really come to you again." The final payment is required.”

My money couldn’t wait to leave me. "Lumian didn't hide his eagerness at all.

After sending away Anthony and Rhett, his belief in obtaining the gift of the mendicant monks became even stronger.

The carbide lamp dyed with a bit of blue light pushed away the surrounding darkness, allowing Lumian to see the street between the stone pillars.

A slightly cold wind blew from nowhere, and there were faint traces of moisture on the stone wall above.

Lumian walked through the tunnels corresponding to the streets and alleys on the surface and found the entrance to the deeper areas.

Relying on the hunter's ability to remember the environment, he kept going downwards, and finally arrived at a quarry cavity that was the size of two or three "Golden Rooster Hotels."

There are white mushrooms growing in the gaps between the stones here. They are sparse and not many in number.

Trier mushrooms have become synonymous with this type of plant, but the mushrooms here appear to be naturally occurring.

Lumian walked around the hole and inspected it carefully. 1 After confirming that there was no problem, he found a half-meter-high stone and placed the musk candle mixed with his own blood on it, while the other one was placed closer to him.

After cleaning up the environment, Lumian lit the two gray-white candles in a spiritual rubbing manner according to the order: first up, then down, first gods and then humans.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the ceremonial silver and quickly consecrated it, creating a "spiritual wall".

Unlike the last time he prayed for the power of the "Dancer", after Lumian completed these things, his spirituality was still abundant and he easily entered a more ethereal state for performing rituals.

No longer needing the help of the incense stick, he exhaled slowly, picked up the gray amber perfume on the altar, and dropped in the candle that represented the god.

In the sizzling voice, the elegant and sweet fragrance passed into his nose, making him feel calmer and calmer. The gray amber perfume was followed by tulip powder, and then the strange fragrance dissipated.

Within the "Wall of Spirituality", Lumian took two steps back, looked at the burning candle, and shouted in a low voice and ancient Hermetic language: "The power of destiny!" A whistling wind blew. , the orange candle representing the gods was blown swaying, leaving only a small one, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

In the dim light, Lumian's left chest became hot, and his head felt dizzy.

He once again heard the familiar mysterious voice that seemed to come from infinite distance and yet was close to him, but it was not yet clear, and it had not yet swallowed him up in pain.

Lumian continued to recite the following mantra in ancient Hermes: "You are the past, the present, and the future." You are the cause, the result, and the process.

Within the spiritual wall, the invisible wind was all dyed black, and a dull gray mist filled the surroundings.

Those stones and bottles seemed to have turned into flexible objects and twisted one after another.

Silently, the fires representing the gods expanded. They were the size of fists, silvery white and black.

Particles emerged one after another on the surface of Lumian's skin and on the stones. The four are squirming and extending, and may come out at any time.

His ears were completely filled with the terrifying sound, and he could no longer detect any other movement.

His head was so dizzy that he almost vomited.

His thoughts were sometimes scattered and sometimes chaotic, and he barely finished reciting the subsequent incantation.

As soon as Lumian finished speaking, the silvery white and black candlelight instantly condensed into a beam of light, which fell on his left chest, and quickly flowed out a lot of silvery black illusory liquid, which had its own life and will.

Lumian's body was wrapped up.

Lumian was already prepared, waiting for the uncontrollable irritability to feel pain like needles all over his body, waiting for the sawing of his head to make him murmur clearly, and waiting for the burning sensation to erupt from his body.

He fell down, curled up, and entered a state of suffering and endurance.

The only thing he could do was to survive the waves stirred up by the storm.

The boat represents his own reason. During this process, he wanted to let go of himself several times and let the evil thoughts in his heart take over, become one with the pain, and no longer suffer such torture.

But the elegant and sweet fragrance always lingered in his nose, causing his violence and irritability to surge up and recede again and again.

In the end, Lumian even felt that his body and brain no longer existed, and he only had a sense of spirituality that was ups and downs with reason.

The pain began to subside, the mumbling subsided, and he knew he had survived.

Lumi lay quietly on the cold water ground, unwilling to move for a long time. After dozens of seconds, he barely regained some energy and quickly ended it.

Ceremony, clean up the altar," to avoid any accidents. After taking care of these things, Lumian sat down on the stone that had just been used as the altar. After carefully examining his rapid changes, he silently said to himself: My ability to tolerate various more extreme environments has become a little stronger, haha...

The advantage is that you don’t have to buy winter clothes and summer clothes? "In addition to this, Lumian also found that he had another intuition.

That’s the intuition of luck!

Now he can roughly sense what fortune others have recently.

For example, good luck, bad luck, bloody disaster, love luck, etc., but the specific situation cannot be seen. Lumian couldn't help but sigh.

Yi Yi felt that he could completely replace Ostatrull in giving divination to others.

Although he doesn't understand divination at all, if he can read rough fortunes, shouldn't he just let him make up the corresponding words?

In addition, Lumian also has a lot of sacrificial knowledge and five ritual magics in his mind.

The former made up for many of his shortcomings in the field of occultism...the latter enhanced his occult methods.

The five ritual magics are respectively the art of creating animals and remembering, the art of prophecy, the art of reconciliation, the art of substitution, and the art of exorcism. The art of creating animals is through ritual magic, using rawhide of pink sheepskin. Wait for the animal skin to turn the target in the altar into the corresponding animal.

This can also be used on yourself. As long as you master it and set it in advance, "The art of prophecy is completely different from what Lumian imagined. The whole process is to collect materials such as snakes' poison sacs and eagles' nest stones, and use rituals to Magic created a strange potion, and then found a corpse that had been dead for less than seven days and had not been burned into ashes or purified, and poured the potion into his mouth. Thirty seconds: The aftermath, this corpse Will be resurrected briefly.

Answer the caster's three questions about the future. 10 The art of transshipment "is the use of ritual magic to create an item that is associated with one's own destiny", and then sending the item out, with the help of others to open, eat, step on and wear the item to move the "reversal movement" to him. Realize your own transfer.

"The art of substitution" is more complicated. Lumian suspects that this is some kind of reflection of the ability of the life hunter at a low level, just like if he wants to escape the threat of Susanna Matisse, he must first find a homeless man and let him Live for a while in the name of the Shire.

During this period, he had to live in Room 207, use the money from Lumi Security Department to make money, and get the recognition of Charlie and other acquaintances to establish a sufficient occult department. Then a ceremony will be held to complete the replacement. When the ceremony is over, Susanna Matisse's revenge will be on the vagabond, not Lumian.

Of course, using the substitution technique at the 80th level of the sequence, Lumian was not sure whether he could hide it from Susanna and Matisse, who was close to the demigod. He even suspected that the ritual magic would directly fail.

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