Biquge, the fastest update of Lord of Mysteries 2: Ring of Fate!

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"Fuck!" Franka expressed her feelings with strong tone particles.

She looked around, her thoughts turning rapidly, and she considered her guess: "Have we encountered the same thing as the missing caravan?" "In that tunnel, he entered another world, so there are no original footprints?"

"In the eyes of that smuggler Fernandez, we also evaporated out of thin air?"

Lumian had never encountered anything like this before, and there was no corresponding plot in his sister Aurore's novels, which made him confused about what was going on now.

He was in a daze, frowning and thinking, when he suddenly heard "Red Boots" Franka's guess.

"Very imaginative." Lumian's first reaction was to sigh, and then he thought about the corresponding possibilities.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Franka's words were very close to his current situation, so he squatted down and checked the footprints again.

"Sure enough, footprints carrying heavy objects suddenly appeared there," Lumian pointed to a place a dozen steps behind him.

That's where they just started, but there's no sign of them getting there.

Franka gritted her teeth and said: "It seems that we have really entered another world, or another underground space, fuck! Why us?"

Crystal, Brynelle, Simon, and Blake didn't encounter anything and returned to the ground smoothly!

"Well, after hearing "Red Boots"'s question, Lumian suddenly felt guilty." Half-crouching on the ground, he subconsciously raised his hand and touched his left chest.

Could this be some kind of fate?

So, the possibility of Franka's problem cannot be ruled out. Her sequence is higher than mine, and she also has magic items on her body. Maybe she hides some secrets. Lumian quickly adjusted his mentality.

Franka looked down at her companion and said to herself: Is the sequence of one of us related? "Or it's a negative effect of your glasses."

Lumian responded thoughtfully: "Hunters and witches are adjacent paths."

In other words, if it was really a problem caused by the Law of Extraordinary Characteristics Aggregation, neither of them would be able to escape.

Of course, with the personalities of Lumian and Franka, the effect of the Law of Extraordinary Characteristic Aggregation cannot be that obvious, but Lumian thought that he met two witches within two weeks of arriving in Trier, and he himself It was only in Sequence 8, so he suspected that it was the power of "fate" that made the aggregation a destined thing.

"Yeah" Franka fell into thought.

After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth and said: "Maybe it's a problem with our route that leads to this situation, but why did Christo's rat smuggling caravan enter this space and then mysteriously disappear in reality?" This route was previously I have used it many times without any problems, so why is it different this time?

"F*ck! This damn rat must have missed it! What he smuggled this time was not just wine and guns, but also other things, involving metaphysics?"

"It's not necessarily true. Emperor Russell said, 'Walking by the river, your boots will get wet one day.' Christo's smuggling caravans are constantly shuttling back and forth in this problematic tunnel. , that's why something happened; at this moment, Lumian stood up to defend "Mouse" Christo.

Franka was reluctantly persuaded and breathed out: "Now is not the time to discuss the reasons. The point is to find a way out." Hey, how come there are abnormalities related to the Hunter Path and the Witch Path under Trier? "Franka Suddenly he fell into silence, as if he remembered something.

"Did you find anything?" Lumian stood up.

Franka thought for a while and replied: "I don't know if your sister has told you about the Fourth Age. Well, she may not know." In short, Trier in the Fourth Age is the capital of the Tudor Dynasty. , the 'Blood Emperor' who rules this empire is most likely a high-sequencer of the 'Hunter' path. Also, the witch family at that time had a certain relationship with one or several great nobles of the Tudor Dynasty, leaving some things behind It’s normal.”

"Witch clan?" Lumian was stunned by this word.

Franka curled her lips: "In the Fourth Age, the 'Witch Road was controlled by the family, hey, since I chose the assassin', I can only collect as much relevant information as possible, but until now, I don't know much about it. it."

Lumian brought the topic back on track: "Do you suspect that this space is related to the Quaternary Trier buried underground?"

"Yes," Franka did not answer with a vague answer such as "This possibility cannot be ruled out." She thought as she said, "Those two churches must have dealt with the ruins to some extent. , if we can find the corresponding node, we should be able to get out."

Lumian took the carbide lamp and looked at the ground again: Should we go forward or back?

Aravan didn't seem to notice anything strange and kept walking forward. Franka pondered for a few seconds and said, "Let's go back to the place where we just entered the eighth space and take a look. It's only a dozen steps away. Let's not waste time." "

"Okay." Lumian walked toward the center of the tunnel.

Soon, he and Franka stood at the "footprints of the smuggling caravan that appeared from nowhere, and worked hard to move forward.

There was no series of footprints ahead.

After walking for more than ten steps, the darkness around them became thicker and thicker. There were only the footprints left by Lumian and Franka on the road. They did not return to reality.

"Stop," Franka pressed her right hand, "Let's turn around and go to the hole in the quarry where we came from to see if Fernandez has entered this space."

Lumian had no objection.

This also helped them further determine where the problem lay. Under the blue light of two carbide lamps, Lumian and Franka walked steadily along the footsteps of the smuggling caravan.

Before long, they arrived at the quarry.

A dark shadow stood at the junction of light and darkness, with its back to the two of them. Franca shouted happily: "Fernandez!"

It seems that smugglers have also entered this space, so the problem does not necessarily lie with himself and Ciel!

As soon as Franka finished speaking, her face suddenly became tense. At the same time, Lumian said in a deep voice: "That's not right."

The smuggler Fernandez already had a carbide lamp, so he couldn't just stand in the dark!

The next second, the black shadow turned around.

Under the illumination of Lumian and Franka's carbide lamps, he revealed a bloody face.

The male face had short light yellow hair, a pair of thick brown eyebrows, and a pair of lake blue eyes.

He had thin lips, an ordinary appearance, and indescribable viciousness and hatred in his eyes.

At this moment, thick blood was smeared on the black shadow's face, as if it would drip at any time.

Sure enough, it's not Fernandez! Why does it look familiar? Lumian judged as he pulled out the black revolver from his armpit. With a bang, the carbide lamp in Franka's hand fell to the ground.

The black figure was startled by the crackling sound and the shaking light, and suddenly flashed into the depths of darkness and disappeared into a tunnel connecting the pits of this quarry.

"What's wrong?" Lumian looked sideways at Franka.

As a Sequence 7 Extraordinary, as a member of a secret organization, and as an experienced warrior, she should not have such a perverted performance and such an exaggerated reaction!

Franka stared in the darkness for a few seconds and said, "That, that's me before."

"The man you were in the past?" Lumian was shocked when he heard this.

His hair stood on end and he asked in a deep voice: "You before drinking the witch's potion?"

"Yes." Franka bent down and picked up her carbide lamp, looking confused and horrified. "I thought no one in this world could remember that face except myself. Why, why am I here?" See it? Really?" "Generated from my memory? In this space, can't our memories be kept secret?"

Isn't that a good thing? Lumian's first reaction was joy.

If this space can reflect all the memories hidden in his subconscious, then he can initially restore the truth of the disaster in Kordu Village!

He doesn't care at all whether this space will be "snooped" into things that shouldn't be snooped into, be seriously polluted and damaged, and disintegrate from the inside out.

Lumian walked around the hollow of the quarry with his carbide lamp and revolver. He didn't see any other shadows or anything related to his past.

He was a little disappointed and said to Franka: "I haven't found the original me."

"Isn't this my memory, or the one from before?" Franka suggested returning to the auxiliary well that led them down to this level, and looking for more anomalies along the way, in order to speculate on the origin and nature of this space, and thus open the door to leaving. The gate to this place.

The two walked almost side by side through the quarry hollow, following the footprints left by the smuggling caravan, towards the edge of the observation deck area.

As time passed, Lumian and Franka saw something else on the ground almost at the same time.

It was a drop of blood, sparse and mixed with the footprints of the smuggling caravan, giving it a certain sense of chaos.

"Is something unusual starting to happen?" Franka whispered.

Lumian nodded: "If we go further, we are likely to encounter those."

He glanced at Franka and added: "Of course, they may not be human." Franka suddenly sneered: "Are you scaring me?" Do you think this will scare me? Whether it's a corpse or a monster, it's a development I expected. "Remember, the most terrifying thing in this world is the unknown." As soon as Franka finished speaking, Lumian was stunned for a moment when his face was pale and yellow as reflected by the carbide lamp.

"You still want to scare me." Before Franka finished speaking, she felt something hot slipping from her nose and falling to the ground with a thud.

It was a drop of bright red blood. div id=device style=background-color: # c0d16d66;font-size: 16px;border-radius: 10px;padding: 0 10px;color: # 957575;text-decoration: underline;font-family: fangsong ;/div

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