When the band member and his mother asked Rene, the manager of the Breeze Hall, for leave, the drumbeats started again and a new round of twisting began.

Lumian turned his head and glanced at Jenna standing beside him, and casually chatted:

"I thought you would give him a few words of comfort. After all, you know him and often collaborate with their band."

Jian Na, who was wearing a sequined red dress and exposed a large area of ​​skin on her chest, pursed her lips and said calmly:

"In the situation just now, what he needed was not comfort, but venting. For him, any comfort was like a sharp sword stabbing him."

Lumian looked Jenna up and down for a few seconds:

"So understanding? Why do you feel like you have experienced it yourself?

Jian Na looked down at her toes, smiled and said:

“A few years ago, when my father passed away, I was in a similar state.

"Later, one day, before dawn, my mother took me to the roof of the apartment and stayed with me until the sun rose.

I saw the distance getting brighter little by little, I saw the sky gradually turning from black to dark blue, getting lighter and lighter, I saw the clouds were dyed bright golden, and there were other colors.

“At that moment, she told me that darkness will eventually pass, the sun will rise, and light will shine on the earth.

"When he comes back to the band, I'll find an opportunity to say something similar to him."

Lumi listened quietly and said with emotion: "You have a good mother.

"Yes." Jenna accepted the compliment with a little pride.

Lumian turned to smile and said:

"I just said so much without even using a single curse word. It's not like you."

And he seems to be quite culturally literate.

"Fuck! In your mind, am I the kind of person with low quality and constant swearing?" Jian Na cursed bitterly and walked to the lounge to prepare for the next song.

Lumian sat back at the bar and thought about another question:

He is going to psychotherapy tomorrow afternoon, www.youxs.org.

By then, what should I do if I miss it?

Lumian's first reaction was to write to Ms. "Magician" and ask her to ask his psychiatrist, Ms. Susie, to see if the treatment could be postponed for one day. However, he felt that his state was a bit unstable during these two days. If you do not follow up in time, www.youxs.org.

You must know that even if Mrs. Pualis is not completely equal to "Mrs. Night", she is not something Lumian can confront head-on now. His main purpose is to find this survivor of Kordu Village and have a friendly chat with her. .

She doesn’t have much hatred for Mrs. Lumian of Pualis. Although she also believes in evil gods and did some things in Kordu Village, it seems that she was not the murderer who caused the disaster after all. Some time before the ceremony, she He was forced to leave.

Lumian has no control over what other people believe, nor does he intend to.

Therefore, if he is in an unstable state and does something extreme that intensifies the conflict with Mrs. Pualis and becomes her enemy, then things will become extremely troublesome and may even cost him his life.

As for the conflict with the Stinger Gang, the problem of "Mrs. Moon" is not the same as the matter of "Mrs. Night".

After thinking for a while, Lumian planned to find helpers to guard Louis Lund on his behalf, and follow him to find his residence in Trier.

"If you don't have extraordinary abilities, don't worry about it. You can't complete the tracking at all.

"There are currently two choices, www.youxs.org. He is suspected of being an Extraordinary in the "psychiatrist" path. He has sufficient tracking ability, and he has accepted my commission and collected my deposit, www.youxs. org, tracking the other party and determining their whereabouts is also included in the task. If it doesn't work, I will add more money.

"The second is Franka. She and Aurore belong to the Curly Baboon Research Society. She knows my true identity and has shown a certain amount of care. She is trustworthy to a certain extent. Well, she still owes me a favor. , www.youxs.org, and can even control him halfway..." As soon as his thoughts flashed, Lumian stood up, went up to the bedroom on the second floor, and left the Breeze Ballroom through the window.

Golden Rooster Hotel, outside room 305. Lumian knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in." www.youxs.org.

The answer was accompanied by the door slowly opening back.

The information dealer appeared in front of Lumian again.

The oily shine on his fat face seemed to have just been cleaned away, and his whole person looked more honest.

At this time, he was wearing a gray-blue worker's uniform, as if he had been staying in the market area and the south of the botanical garden all day.

"I saw the note you left." www.youxs.org, "I've been watching Market Avenue."

Lumian did not feel that unspeakable uneasiness. He glanced left and right and said bluntly:

"I have other things to do from 2:30 to 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If you find the target during this time period, don't notify me. Follow him and locate where he lives."



He didn't mention the extra money, and Lumian was happy not to talk about it.

No. 3, White Coat Street, is a relatively new apartment. The beige building has a dynamic curve, with many concave and convex walls. It comes with various statues, including angels, animals, celebrities, and legendary items. There are also a large number of large windows, pilasters, scrolls, etc.

Lumian stood in front of room 601 and rang the doorbell.

Franka opened the dark red door with the sound of jingling bells.

Her long, flaxen hair was naturally and fluffy. She was wearing a light white silk nightgown that did not reach her knees. The neckline was wide open and covered with white flowers.

Seeing the other party's defenseless posture and not wearing any underwear, Lumian couldn't help but look around.

Franka seemed to know who the visitor was before opening the door, and asked with a smile:

"Come to ask for some occult knowledge?

"After talking for so long, I finally came to the door."

"No, it's another matter." Lumian pointed to the room and motioned to go in before talking.

Franka turned around and walked towards the sofa area.

Lumian followed closely and scanned the surrounding area out of habit.

This is an apartment with two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. The sofas, coffee tables, dining tables, chairs, cabinets and various furnishings in the living room are either off-white, iron black, silver white, or light gray. There are fewer colors and they are not bright. It looks elegant and clean, but also has a simple and cold texture, which is completely different from the living room style of most current families.

Lumian sat at one end of the couch and watched Franka curl up her legs and lie half-ly on the easy chair diagonally opposite, revealing her unusually beautiful curves.

"What's the matter?" Franka asked. Lumian pointed at her:

"Don't you think about changing your clothes?"

Franka looked down at her nightgown and suddenly realized:

"Maybe you know my original gender. When I stay with you, I always have the illusion that I am still a man and forget to pay attention to these details."

She immediately smiled, not only did she not change her clothes, but she changed her sitting position, making her look even more seductive.

After a few seconds, she even left the easy chair and sat directly next to Lumian.

Feeling Lumian's confused look, she chuckled and said, "You don't look at it anyway, why should I change it?"

She assumed an unabashedly teasing stance.

"Madam, you are very mean." Lumian sighed.

Franka smiled and said:

“Life is already hard, you have to find some fun on your own.

"I'm pretty good. There is a group of people in the seminar who have no hope for the future and pursue fun as their life purpose. They have formed a group called "April Fool's Day." Your sister must have mentioned it, right? "

"I mentioned it." Lumian saw it in Aurore's witchcraft notes.

Franka did not explain further, looking at Lumian with lake-colored eyes, waiting for him to explain his purpose.

Lumian said quite directly: "I want to ask you a favor."

"Huh?" Franka asked in a very cooperative voice.

Lumian considered his words and said:

"Since you have seen my wanted poster, you should know the relevant ones.

“I have received information, www.youxs.org, that he has close ties to the big guys behind the Stingers.

"I want to catch him and find out the truth about the disaster in Kordu Village, but I have important things to do tomorrow afternoon and I can't guard him personally. I hope you can help me. If he appears, follow him and identify him. His whereabouts, if you are sure, you can catch him for me. He used to have extraordinary power equivalent to Sequence 8. He should be a "Gardener", but it is unclear now. "After taking that mirror, didn't you say you would give me some compensation? This is it."

Franka said slightly angrily:

"This is related to the death of a 'Muggle'. I will definitely provide help. How can it be considered compensation?"

"Following doesn't count, but taking action counts?" Lumian tried to suggest.

Franka saw that he still had a lot of politeness and alienation in his heart, so she didn't insist, nodded and said:


She immediately showed her curiosity:

"What's better than grabbing that, www.youxs.org?

"I thought you would care more about the truth about Kordu Village." Lumian thought for a moment and said calmly:

"After the disaster in Kordu Village, I developed certain psychological problems and am currently receiving regular treatment. I'm afraid that if I don't get follow-up treatment in time, I won't be able to control my emotions and my efforts to find out the truth will be undermined."

Franka nodded with sympathy, indicating that she understood.

She proactively suggested:

"Do you need me to help you find a real psychiatrist? The one with extraordinary abilities?"

"He is my psychiatrist." Lumian did not hide it. Thinking that her "Muggle" brother had other occult gatherings, Franka did not ask further questions.

Lumian also mentioned the characteristics of the "villain" and the "gardener", www.youxs.org, and described his appearance, www.youxs.org, causing unnecessary conflict.

After explaining this matter, he stood up and prepared to leave.

"You're already here, why don't you ask me some occult knowledge?" Franka stood up in amusement.

"www.youxs.org." Lumian just wanted to rush back to the Breeze Ballroom as soon as possible.

At this moment, he and Franka looked at the door at the same time. Light footsteps came along the stairs and stopped there.

Franka looked at the cat's eyes from a distance, and her expression suddenly became strange.

She lowered her voice and said to Lumian:


Some people died, but not completely...

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