Of course Franka could see Lumian's true thoughts and intentions, otherwise her "Instigator" potion would have been in vain, but she was very satisfied with the fact that Lumian never suffered a loss in language and hoped that he could Keep it up.

"Come in." Franka moved out of the way and let Lumian walk into the living room.

At this time, boxes were placed on the surface of the coffee table, containing materials such as "Demon Throat Mijia's Heart".

Just by seeing these things, Lumian had the urge to swallow them.

Fortunately, this is not intense, just like a person who has only been hungry for a long time and sees a chef grilling mutton.

Jenna's attention had already turned back to those materials. Looking at the double-eared white porcelain soup bowl with lid surrounded by them, she once again had the absurd feeling she had before taking the "Assassin" potion.

This is not mixing a magic potion, this is obviously making a cocktail or cooking a soup!

There is no occult temperament at all!

After adjusting her breathing, Jian Na used a measuring cylinder to pour 100 ml of pure water into the thick soup bowl, and then put in the "Heart of the Demon Throat Mijia" and "The Poison Sac of the Dark Lurker" in sequence.

In the sound of gurgling, the two main materials floating in the pure water came closer to each other and stuck together.

A manifestation of the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics... It's easy to ignore... Lumian watched carefully and said nothing. First URL

Franka carefully pulled out a ceremonial dagger and created a "spiritual wall" surrounding the living room.

The honeycomb-like heart and the dark green poison sac began to melt at the same time, dyeing the pure water in the white glazed porcelain bowl an extremely shiny black.

Jenna added in turn the "Magic-Throated Honey Vulture's Sound Pipe", 5 drops of blue datura juice, 10 grams of water fern powder, and finally threw in an unpeeled walnut.

Seeing that the walnut instantly lost its trace and seemed to be swallowed up by the red molten steel, Jian Na couldn't help showing a fearful expression. Is this stuff really drinkable? Ying

"Yes, it's exactly the same as the Instigator's potion I prepared back then." Franka praised with a relaxed smile.

Could it be any different? Such a simple task as mixing potions... Lumian muttered silently.

Franka waved her hand and continued very confidently:

"Don't worry, even if you drink the Sequence 8 potion directly, it won't be a big problem, not to mention you have already digested the Assassin's potion."

Jenna was infected by this confidence, and her expression gradually became firm.

Oh, the word "instigator" is used. Is this a kind of formal performance of "instigator"? Lumian understood Franka's intention, but did not expose her.

Jian Na adjusted her condition and calmed down her mood, then picked up the soup bowl and brought it to her mouth.

After staring at the pitch black light and tiny bubbles, which seemed like a magic potion hiding desire and malice in everyone's heart for a few seconds, Jian Na raised her head and poured all the liquid in the white glazed porcelain bowl into her mouth.

She felt a stinging pain that traveled from her mouth to her esophagus and spread to her brain and other parts of her body.

The sting made her become extremely clear-headed. Events including the explosion at the Goodville Chemical Plant flashed through her mind, giving her a new understanding of them and the true intentions and thoughts of those involved. In order to have a more accurate grasp, I can feel the evil thoughts that either succeeded or have not yet been transformed into action.

Jenna was quickly filled with anger, hatred, and the desire to destroy those people and things, and she had the urge to let go of herself without restraint.

She kept Franka's repeated instructions in mind and did not let hatred, anger and desire control her. She clenched her fists and stood there quietly.

Her shadow seemed a little thicker, and her brown hair seemed to have grown longer.

In just ten seconds, the sting gradually disappeared, and Jian Na felt her body again.

It's really quite easy... I would be half-dead even if I drank a magic potion at a low sequence, mostly due to the pollution of fate...

Lumian sighed for a moment.

Jian Na quickly regained her thoughts, moved her hands and feet, and examined her own changes:

"Well, my body has been significantly strengthened, and I only have one newly acquired ability, instigation...

"Okay, okay, instigation is not just an ability. It also gives me the ability to perceive other people's emotions, desires and evil thoughts, and improves my thinking and analysis skills. Hum, I must show it when I have the opportunity, so as not to miss Xia I always laugh at my IQ and performance...

"Even if I don't speak, actively using the ability to instigate can make me look more reliable, more approachable, and easier for people around me to like.

"The "Instigation" ability combined with appropriate rhetoric can induce certain thoughts or desires in the target's heart, allowing them to make choices and take actions as I hope..."

After a short period of adaptation, Jenna determined that she was not much strengthened in combat, but her role in other scenes was significantly improved.

"How's it going? I'll just say there's no problem." Franka asked with a smile, not hiding her pride.

There were still some dark traces in Jian Na's blue eyes that had not disappeared. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was really worried just now."

"This is how low-sequences are. You have to be careful when you are promoted to sequence 7." Franka specially reminded her to prevent Jenna from underestimating the dangers of potions.

Jenna nodded and said to Franka: "Counting this time, I owe you 30,000 ferkin, and I will pay it back to you in installments."

She also added the "Assassin" potion from before.

Franka had discussed this issue with Jenna last night. She originally planned to give it as a gift. Anyway, it was not like the magic potion formula and the information about the deep valley quarry could not be sold. But seeing Jenna’s firm attitude, she thought about it. Finally, I chose to accept it.

At this time, she responded with a smile: "Don't worry, pay it back slowly, it can be a loan for twenty or thirty years."

Lumian couldn't help but "tsk" after hearing this, and turned to ask Jenna: "Has the compensation from Goodville Chemical Plant been paid?

"Imre and Valentine told me that the legal process has been completed, and the assets will be distributed as soon as the auction is over, which is what happened in the past two weeks." Janna didn't quite understand why Lumian suddenly brought up this topic, "Zhu and I Lean should be able to get 6,000 Firkin and divide it equally after all the debts are paid off. In fact, I don’t want it, but he definitely doesn’t agree.”

Lumian nodded and asked again: "Where is your father's compensation?"

"Due to the impact of the Goodville Chemical Plant explosion, the court has made a final judgment, but the factory owner is still delaying. Damn it, does he want to seize the time to transfer the property?" Jenna was a little angry when she mentioned this matter. .

Lumian laughed:

"In this way, we will visit those families who are waiting for compensation as soon as possible. You instigate' and I incite', take turns, and let them all gather at the factory owner's house to demand compensation.

"This will both help them and give us a chance to digest the potion."

"The factory owner has several armed bodyguards and is related to the police station. Will he hurt the people who ask for money? They are already miserable enough." Jenna said with a little worry.

Lumian raised his eyebrows and said:

"The court has ruled that it is a very legitimate act for them to ask for compensation. If anyone dares to shoot, I will tell him that he will never be able to shoot. Don't worry, as long as we are here, they will be fine.

"Well, you can report it to the Purifiers in advance. They will definitely understand."

Jian Na was moved, and her thoughts changed: "Fuck, you are inciting me!"

Despite the scolding, she accepted Lumian's proposal and decided to collect information as soon as possible to find out where the factory owner lived recently.

At the same time, she also thought of another thing:

"I have become an instigator and I have to contact the client. This is the task given to me by the Purifier. Franka, when is the next gathering?"

Franka said indignantly: "Next weekend."

"Contacting the client is a very risky task. The Purifier only advanced one kind of instigator. The main ingredient of the potion is to bully you because you don't understand similar things. If it were me, I would definitely ask for more reward." !”

Habitual instigation... Lumian chuckled secretly.

Franka and Janna were busy clearing away the coffee table, and he was sitting on the single sofa, motionless, which was very disgusting.

After a while, Jian Na walked next to him and lowered her body.

Lumian looked sideways in shock.

Jian Na smoothed her hair, raised the corners of her mouth, and smiled softly: "www.youxs.org."

Her smile was pleasant and a little playful. Although she was not wearing makeup, it reminded Lumian of the first time he met her as an underground singer at the Breeze Ballroom.

Without waiting for Lumian to respond, Jenna straightened up, walked to the bathroom with a smile, and lightly left a question:

"Is it so difficult to admit that we are friends and that you care about your friends?"

On the way back to the Breeze Ballroom, Lumian ponders the question of playing "arsonist."

He is just a little away from digesting the potion and is eager to have more acting opportunities: "Although it is said that we must ignite the soul and society, we must not forget to ignite material and complete the most basic symbol of arson.

"Who can let me burn it..."

As his thoughts flashed, Lumian saw Baron Brignel.

www.youxs.org, walking quickly on Market Avenue with an anxious and flustered look on his face, constantly looking around.

Lumian stared unabashedly for a few seconds, but Baron Brignel didn't even notice.

With doubts, he returned to the Breeze Ballroom and asked about Sakota who had followed Baron Brignel:

"Do you know what happened to Brignel? I just saw him very anxious."

The taciturn Sakota glanced at the glass window of the cafe and said: "Baron Brignel's illegitimate son is lost."

Illegitimate child? Lost? Lumian suddenly thought of the little boy that Baron Brignel picked up from Suchit Steam Railway Station.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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