The illegitimate son or godson of Baron Lomborg Brignel lives in Lomborg. While Lumian was puzzled, many joking speculations flashed through his mind:

The gang leader Baron Brignel attaches great importance to education and sent his most cherished child to the country of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" early...

Lumian looked at the little boy and asked casually:

"At your age, shouldn't you continue to study in Lemberg? Overall, the education there is much better than in Trier."

The little boy's expression suddenly became extremely vivid:

"I don't want to, I don't want to go to school every day, do my homework until late every day, and take exams every month!"

It sounds a bit scary... Lumian imagined such a life.

At least he couldn't accept it.

After nodding his head in deep understanding, Lumian pretended to be casual and asked:

“Are live mice delicious?”

The little boy returned to his more composed state:

"It doesn't taste good, but you don't have the right to be picky about food when you're hungry. I don't want to wait until noon to go to the kitchen to eat. The real enjoyment is always the food cooked by excellent chefs. It's best to bring a little less serious hunger... …”

After explaining a few sentences, he seemed to feel that he was acting a bit too mature and quickly changed his words:

"Who told your kitchen to wait until almost noon to prepare food!"

The point is not whether this is good or not... I never thought about eating rats alive when I was a wanderer. Of course, the main reason is that I can't catch them. If I do catch them, I have to at least find a way to make a fire, peel them and roast them... This guy can catch them with his bare hands. Mouse, you are not bad at strength or luck... Now it is only an hour before noon, you can't help it anymore? The more Lumian looked at him, the more suspicious this little boy became.

He asked funnyly:

"Didn't Brigiel feed you? Do you need me to help you go to the police headquarters to accuse him of child abuse?"

"Aside from urging me to do my homework, he is very good at everything. He will let me have a meal every two hours, and he will also prepare extra cakes, biscuits, barbecue and pies so that I can eat when I am hungry in the middle of the night. of."

At this point, the little boy subconsciously licked his lips.

Are you a pig? Lumian was never eaten so harshly when he was growing up.

Moreover, this guy doesn't look fat, he can only be said to be strong.

The next second, the little boy's eyes changed slightly and he spoke very quickly:

"Maybe it's because studying consumes too much energy. I have to eat so many meals to keep my brain active."

Isn't there a saying in Lundborg's education that "explanation is concealment"? If you explain it so deliberately, I think there is something wrong with your appetite... Eating so much has not improved your brain... Where have all the nutrients gone? ? Lumian smiled and said:

"If Brignel didn't starve you on purpose, why did you eat the rats and steaks alive?"

The little boy replied with some annoyance:

"I ran away without breakfast today, and I didn't have morning tea either!"

Are you so hungry that you eat rats alive? If you starve for half a day or one day, will you even want to eat the people on the road? Lumian took out an iron-gray military flask from the inside of his clothes with his right hand.

He also stretched out his left palm from his trouser pocket, helped unscrew the lid of the wine bottle, and then inserted it back in.

Lumian lifted the iron-gray metal flask, took a deep sniff of the scent, and asked with a smile:

"Would you like a bite?"

Gulu! The little boy’s throat squirmed and he swallowed his saliva.

He answered with great difficulty:

"I'm not a minor yet, I'm just a kid!"

Already drinking wine and enjoying it... Lumian made a judgment, and Gulu took a sip of the strong drink.

He didn't let the military wine bottle leave his mouth and asked slightly vaguely:

"Which god do you believe in?"

"Why do you ask this?" the little boy asked warily.

Seeing that he didn't behave excessively, Lumian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, took another sip of strong wine, and made a slurping sound.

He removed the military flask from his mouth and smiled in a clear voice:

"As a devout believer in the God of Steam and Machinery, I must verify the beliefs of those of unknown origin.

"Steam up!"

This time, Lumian no longer had the ambiguity of speaking with wine in his mouth.

The little boy shook his head subconsciously:

"It's useless. If I say I believe in any god, do I really believe in that god?

"The less devout believers of the Orthodox Church can indeed claim which god they believe in at will, but these people are not harmful. What I am guarding against are the followers of the evil god. They are fanatical, irrational, and will not pretend to be their own in order to deceive others. Belief, thinking that is not a sign of piety, is a sacrilegious act." Lumian observed the little boy's reaction.

The little boy instinctively retorted:

"That's not the case. In order to complete their sacred missions, some believers of the evil god will actively disguise themselves as believers of the righteous god. They can pray, listen to scriptures, participate in mass, and recite the names of other gods without any psychological barriers. As long as they ask for help afterwards. If your Lord repented, there would be no problem..."

At this point, the little boy suddenly paused. He and Lumian looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes facing each other, and they were silent for a long time.

After a while, he took a bite of raw steak and took the initiative to introduce himself: "I am a believer in the God of Knowledge and Wisdom. All the devout believers in our church have a habit of pointing out the mistakes in the other party's words. Like just now, yes, just like just now!”

Lumian looked at this guy deeply for a few seconds and said:

"God of Knowledge and Wisdom" What are the commonly used prayers in the church?

The little boy said reflexively:

"I have just said that believers of the evil god can recite the name of the righteous god with repentance and use those prayers. You will not be able to distinguish other people's true beliefs in this way, unless you are a member of the Church of the Eternal Fierce Sun. In advance After completing the notarization, you can’t lie..."

With that said, the little boy fell silent again, staring blankly at Lumian staring at him.

After a few seconds, he stretched out his right hand that was not holding the steak, held his head and said: "May wisdom be with you!"

Such a stupid guy should not be a spy sent by some evil god... Judging from his IQ, he is really a child... Lumian almost couldn't control his expression just now, and he secretly took a breath to let out the little airflow. Rolling it in the mouth soothes the facial muscles.

"Indeed." He agreed with the little boy's words in a smiling voice, then imitated the other man, touched his head with the bottom of the iron-gray military flask, and said meaningfully, "May wisdom be with you. !”

Without waiting for the little boy to respond, Lumian said in a bewitching tone:

"Would you like to go to the cafe on the second floor and I'll treat you to a dinner? The chef here is pretty good."

The little boy swallowed again: "You won't betray me, will you?"

"You can always follow me, so I don't have the chance to betray you." Lumian began to test whether the other party's IQ level and appearance age were the same or lower under the temptation of delicious food. "Moreover, we only prohibit knowledge and wisdom. The Church of God preached in Intis and established churches. It did not prohibit believers of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom from entering. There was also the Lemberg Chamber of Commerce in Trier.

The little boy thought for a second and said, "Okay."

Lumian glanced at him, took out his left palm, closed the lid of the wine bottle, and stuffed the iron-gray container back into the inside of his brown jacket.

Then, he pressed his head again: "May wisdom be with you!"

After saying that, Lumian turned around and walked into the stairs.

The little boy followed him and politely closed the dark brown door of the cellar.

Seeing Lumian turn back and look at him, he explained seriously:

"If it's not closed, the food inside can easily spoil."

"Yeah." Lumian looked away and continued to go up the stairs.

The little boy followed him closely, watching his every move, always on guard against him coming into contact with the people around him and betraying his intelligence.

Lumian led him through the kitchen to the cafe on the second floor and ordered a set menu.

Soon, fried veal steak, grilled eel, roasted leg of lamb, chicken pie, red wine cream and other foods were served one after another.

Lumian sat there and watched the little boy quickly devouring the food in a manner that showed no upper limit to the capacity of his stomach.

He even commented a few words from time to time:

“The veal steak was cooked well, but the meat itself wasn’t that great…

"The sweet sauce eliminates the fishy smell of the eel itself, but the problem is that it is greasy...

“The leg of lamb was roasted to a perfect heat, browned on the outside and tender on the inside. The choice of spices was not perfect, there was too much cumin….

Just eat, why are you talking so much... Lumian quietly watched the little boy eating a full meal with a satisfied expression.

Another quarter of an hour later, Baron Brignel, wearing a half-high silk top hat and a diamond ring, appeared at the entrance to the second floor.

The little boy turned around in shock, took a look, and then looked back at Lumian.

Lumian smiled slightly and said, "You don't think I'm the only one who knows you here, do you?"

The little boy was stunned for a moment and fell into silence.

Baron Brignel walked up to Lumian and said with undisguised relaxation: "Thank you, Charles."

"I just happened to find him eating secretly in the cellar." Lumian responded warmly.

Baron Brignel glanced at him, turned to the little boy and said, "Ludwig, let's go back."

The little boy Ludwig didn't speak. He quickly finished the remaining food and stood up.

"Char, I'll come back to you later." Baron Brignel nodded to Lumian.

Lumian sat on the chair opposite, watching Baron Brignel holding Ludwig's hand and planning to leave the cafe, then he smiled and said: "Remember to pay for the meal."

Baron Brignel was startled for a moment, his eyes moved slightly, as if he was shaken by his original judgment.

Without saying much, he took out his wallet with a lot of banknotes and paid for Ludwig's meal.

After silently watching the big one and the small one disappear at the top of the stairs, Lumian leaned back on his chair, lowered his voice, and said to himself: "Thermipolous, where is the encounter you mentioned?"

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