"Only death lasts?"

Both Lumian and Janna didn't quite understand the pictures they saw and the words they heard, and at the same time they turned their attention to Franka.

After seeing Saliente salute and pray, Franka left the basement door. The picture in the mirror turned dark, and the divination ended. She said thoughtfully: "It seems to be someone from the "Spiritual Religion" .”

"Spiritual Order"? Lumian had seen the name of this secret organization in Aurore's witchcraft notes, and knew that their origins were the royal family of the Balam Empire in the Southern Continent and the believers of the ancient "God of Death". The target It seems to be to awaken or resurrect the "God of Death", drive away the colonists, and rebuild the Balam Empire.

Because Aurore's understanding of the "Spiritual Order" was very broad and lacked details such as well-known figures and prayer methods, Lumian was not clear about anything else.


"Spiritual Cult?" Jenna did not hide her lack of knowledge in this area.

Franka briefly talked about the situation of the "Spiritual Religion Group", which was generally consistent with what Lumian knew.

She finally said:

"In the Southern Continent, the status of the Spiritual Cult and the Rose School is similar, but they rarely engage in blood sacrifices and rarely create terrorist incidents. My impression of them is not bad. Of course, this kind of secret organization involving faith will inevitably The "Spiritual Cult" that holds some rituals and tries to resurrect the "God of Death" is no exception, and such rituals always require sacrifices.

"Well, the current leader of the Spiritual Order is a demigod nicknamed the Pale Queen." www.youxs.org

"Pale Queen"? If the "Spiritual Religion" and the "Rose School" are close in strength, the "Pale Queen" is most likely an angel... Lumian raised his hand and rubbed his head, having no energy to do more analysis.

Jian Na looked doubtfully in the direction of the "Highland Secret Medicine" store:

"The boss just now is from Intis. Why did he join the Spiritual Religion?"

The idea of ​​the "Spiritual Religion" is to drive away the colonists and rebuild the Balam Empire. Intis is one of the colonists occupying West Balam.

If Saliente was a commoner like Janna living in Trier and had no clear concept of colonial interests, then it would be understandable that he would join the "Spiritual Order" out of sympathy, but he has lived in the Southern Continent for more than ten years. , I don’t know how many conveniences and benefits I have gained by virtue of my identity as an Intis person, but I would actually oppose this situation that is beneficial to me.

Franka murmured:

"Who knows, there are too many possibilities, such as being caught and forced to convert, being controlled by occult forces, being lured by interests, getting deeper and deeper step by step, and eventually becoming a devout believer, for example, being controlled by the well-intentioned God of Death. 'Believers saved her and gradually changed her perception.

"No matter what, it's quite smart for the Spiritual Religion to let a real Northern Continent person come to the Star Plateau to open a secret medicine store, sell mummies, and act as an informant. At least he won't be easily suspected."

Seeing that Lumian looked very tired, Franka didn't say anything more, found a nearby hotel and got a room.

When Lumian woke up from his deep sleep, the sunlight passed through the glass window and shone on the faces of Franka and Janna at the table. The white clouds were as white as cotton and the blue sky was clear.


Franca and Jenna were nibbling on tacos sprinkled with spices and wrapped in beef and mutton chunks, and the other was piercing grilled onions, potatoes, corn and various meats with their forks, and both had a cup of floating corn in front of them. Sweet drink.

"You guys had a great time." Lumian turned over and sat up, laughing.

Franka held the food in her mouth and said vaguely:

“It’s rare to get to Xingxing Plateau once and everything is done, so of course you have to relax.

"What is this called? This is called, this is called...fuck, forget it, you can understand what I mean by yourself!"

She faltered for a long time without being able to organize the corresponding words, and finally chose to give up and concentrate on eating the cake.

Jian Na pointed to her right hand and said, "We brought lunch for you."

It was a piece of pan-fried beef strips sprinkled with red sauce and exuding a light aroma of wine.

"I thought you would be afraid of going out because of the language barrier." Lumian sat down and quickly filled his hungry stomach.

He discovered last time that there were fewer locals who could understand Intis than those who couldn't, and this "knowledge" was often limited to barely understanding and being able to communicate simply.

Franka swallowed the burrito in her mouth, took a sip of hot corn juice and said, "Body language is a universal language."

Jenna helpfully added with a funny look on her face:

“I can’t even describe how good Franca is at gesticulating. She also learns how to bray pigs, cows and sheep to tell stall owners who don’t understand Intis what kind of meat she wants.

"However, the nobles here are different from what I imagined. They are more like people from the Northern Continent than their compatriots."

The three of them had lunch leisurely and chatted about their experiences, as if they were on a real vacation.


Late at night, in the Candide Market area, Lister's Pier, inside the abandoned building that Lumian set on fire.

Franca, who was worried that promotion in the apartment would bring about abnormal changes and cause unnecessary reactions from nearby residents, followed Lumian's advice and chose this no-man's land.

She quickly created a "spiritual wall" and then took out the mummy ashes produced by Lumian's incineration.

Lumian and Jenna stood a little further away, watching Franka skillfully mix the potion and drink it.

After a brief pause, Franka's face twisted, as if she was in extreme pain.

Immediately afterwards, her flaxen hair, which was tied into a ponytail, broke free and was supported by an invisible force. It floated up and extended in all directions.

The hair became more and more numerous, denser, longer, and more blurred, quickly filling the area wrapped by the "spiritual wall", like a primeval forest composed of filaments.

Witnessing this scene, Jenna once again felt the magic and weirdness of the potion.

Blocked by her hair, both she and Lumian lost Franka's figure, and could only wait patiently for the abnormality to subside. Maybe it was only a few dozen seconds, maybe it was more than two minutes, and they finally saw the blurred flaxen hair disappear, and the rest retracted into Franka's body.

Franka turned sideways with joy, looked at her two companions with lake-colored eyes and said, "It went pretty well.

"It will be very troublesome and difficult to get promoted later."

For some reason, Jenna felt for the first time that Franka's floral blouse and the off-white jodhpurs she often wore were very suitable for her. They outlined some kind of beauty that was difficult to describe in words, which made even her, a woman, appreciate it. His face turned red, his ears felt warm, and Lumian had some unnatural and unnecessary heat and reactions.

After Franka got used to the power of the "Happiness Witch" for a while, Lumian and Janna finally calmed down their heartbeats and felt that their feelings were much normal.

After packing her things and removing the "spiritual wall", Franka walked up to the two of them with a smile, her eyes bright, like a lake reflecting light.

"What are the general improvements?" Lumian asked without hesitation.


Always understand the rough situation so that you can cooperate!

Franka rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Guess."

"I'm not a witch. How can I guess?" Lumian suddenly frowned as soon as he finished speaking.

He felt like his legs and body were being wrapped around by something invisible!

Suddenly, red fire emerged from Lumian's body, igniting those weird things.

It was only then that he and Jian Na saw the invisible thin threads that were passively dyed red. They looked like transparent spider silk.

"Do you understand now?" Franka chuckled and asked Lumian and Jenna with narrow eyes, "Would you like to try something else?"

"don't want!"

"Need not."

Jenna and Lumian both felt something strange and answered in unison.

Franka immediately smiled and said: "Are you really not going to try it? I can let you experience real joy through simple contact."

"Fuck!" Jenna instinctively took a step back and cursed.

Lumian looked at Franka and couldn't tell for a moment whether this guy was teasing someone or if he really had some ideas.

Well, the target should be Jenna... I don't rule out the possibility of using a simple contact to embarrass me... As Lumian's thoughts were spinning, Franka's expression calmed down and she said seriously:

"In addition to the two I just mentioned, my Black Flame', Frost', Curse' abilities and Mirror Magic' have all been effectively enhanced. They can also be combined with each other. For example, I can use a mirror to lock a target and rely on Black Flame' to complete the task. Curse, for example, in addition to mirror double and wand double, has witchcraft to prevent fatal damage and preliminary recovery.


"Assassin's and Instigator's related abilities have also been improved."

She spoke very briefly, only mentioning the general situation without going into details.

Lumian nodded, reviewed Franka's various performances just now, and asked thoughtfully: "Is there any ability similar to charm?"

Franka smiled and said nothing.

After Jian Na observed carefully for a while, she gained something else. She pointed at Franka and said:

"You are more beautiful!"

There are no obvious flaws in the individual facial features and the overall combination. There seems to be brilliance overflowing from her speech and behavior. It is a kind of grand, public and unabashed beauty.

"Really?" Franka was also quite surprised by this.

Lumian couldn't help but raised his hand and touched his chin:

Will the "Hidden Blade" lady really still choose the Iron-Blooded Knight when she reaches Sequence 5 and reaches Sequence 4?"

Saying goodbye to Franka and Jenna, and on the way back to the Golden Rooster Hotel, Lumian suddenly remembered something and asked in a lowered voice:

"What is the name of the last gift of "Thermipolus, the Indentured One"?

Thermipolos remained silent and did not answer.

Lumian suddenly sneered:

"It doesn't matter. When I find the priest, he will tell me."


www.youxs.org, he is not particularly sure yet, but he must be confident enough at this time.


The day mentioned in the prophecy will come soon.

Red Princess District, the intersection of City Wall Street and Baima Street.

Wearing a white shirt, a black vest, brown trousers and strapless leather shoes, Lumian easily jumped off the public carriage, raised his head, and cast his eyes on the neighborhood in front of him that didn't seem to be awake yet.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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