Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 82 Dream (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

It requires excellent endurance to resist the decline in self-control caused by carrying torture, and the fluctuations in various desires and emotions become stronger... Dervish monks are very good at this kind of thing..." Lumian read "Magic" "Master", while quickly thinking about whether he could meet the conditions for using that magical item.

Of course, he doesn't have to carry the "torture" gloves with him to use them. Lumian can put the gloves somewhere in advance, lead the enemy into an ambush and then take them out, or he can save some money and buy steam. A robot, let a tool without emotions and desires help him carry it, but since the ability of the "dervish monk" can well allow him to control the negative effects, he does not need to take too troublesome methods. 1

Thinking about this, Lumian thought of the negative effects of various contracts on the "contractee".

A great number of them seem equally capable of being weakened by the forbearance and restraint of the "dervish monk."

"The 'gift' of the mendicant monks is obtained first, and then the recipient of the contract. Is it because you have to improve your endurance before you can accept the contract? Otherwise, someone like the priest who is carrying more than a dozen negative influences would have long been on his own. exploded…....


"Well, the application of www.youxs.org's and the ascetic's abilities is not very good. This is because he has long been accustomed to indulging his desires and cannot change it, or he is one of those who jumped to the contract in one step, and then became The kind of life hunters who don't have enough control over the gifts of mendicant monks and ascetics, and are closer to using them instinctively?" Lumian muttered to himself silently.

Recalling the dream in which the priest transformed from an ordinary person into a "life hunter" in one day, he was more inclined to the latter possibility, which was the symbol of "life hunter" www.youxs.org.

Lumian turned his attention to the letter in his hand again and read the content behind it in one go.

Since using the "torture" gloves would attract dangerous creatures, he planned to find an opportunity and a suitable place to invite Franka to help confirm the specific situation.

If it is really dangerous, then you have to consider setting aside a "spiritual world shuttle" to get rid of the influence or attack.

The red flame rose silently and ignited the letter paper filled with words.

Among the scattered ashes, Lumian reached out to the pair of iron-black gloves.

It doesn't have the texture of metal or coldness, but it is very hard.

Almost at the same time, among all the sounds Lumian heard, two naturally amplified in his mind:

One was the sound of the eloping couple mixed with curses, and the other was the noise of a drunk on the street smashing bottles and shouting.

The former gave Lumian some fascination, and the latter gave him the urge to pull out his revolver and shoot.

They are not too strong and belong to the category of being tolerable and restrained.

After making sure the gloves were the right size, Lumian placed them next to the pillow.

Late at night, in a daze.

Lumian seemed to have arrived at an ancient beige castle. There were many black and reddish marks on its surface, as if it had been stained with a lot of blood.



Hysterical laughter and shouts came from the castle. Lumian subconsciously raised his head and saw a dark red face looking at him from a narrow window on the third floor.

As soon as the eyes of the two parties collided, the man raised his right hand and suddenly dug out his reddish brown eyes.

One by one, small blood vessels detached from the eye sockets, leaving a pair of bloody, dark holes.

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" The man who lost his eyes laughed wildly.

Lumian's thoughts were blurred, and he walked into the castle as if reflexively.

What caught his eyes were bloody scenes:

The maid cut open her stomach with a table knife and pulled out the pale small intestine stained with blood; the male servants kept climbing from the stairs to the second floor and jumped back to the hall, falling themselves again and again; the suspected butler held a The beautiful female head has no lower body. She crawls hard with her elbows alternately supporting her, leaving a thick and long blood mark. The headless lady sits on a single sofa, picks up coffee and pours it into her neck. The crack...

The strong smell of blood and the crazy atmosphere pierced Lumian's spirit, causing him to open his eyes suddenly.

He saw the familiar, dirty ceiling, and heard the constant noise on the street at night.

"Were you just dreaming?" Lumian could clearly recall the scene in his dream, and there was still some fear left in his heart.

As an extraordinary person who has officially entered the world of mysticism, he does not take such dreams lightly.

That was probably a revelation given to him by the astral spirit body, or some kind of influence from the outside world.

After quickly reviewing the events of the day, Lumian identified two "suspects":

"Is it the aftereffects of the King Cake game during the day, or the influence of the torture gloves?"

He looked at the iron-black spiked glove that he didn't carry with him but placed next to his pillow. He felt that it might be a problem with that game.


He tried asking Thermipolus, but received no response.

After transferring the "torture" gloves to the drawer of the wooden table, Lumian fell back to sleep.

That night, he had several nightmares, and every time he dreamed of the strange castle.

Fortunately for him, the clarity of his dreams continued to decrease, and eventually, they were no different from normal nightmares.

The next morning, Lumian ran and practiced boxing as usual, looking for the special breakfast in the market area.

After sitting in the Breeze Ballroom until almost twelve o'clock, he rang the doorbell of Apartment 601, No. 3, White Coat Street, again.

"Very positive." Franka opened the door with a rosy face and high spirits.

Lumian did not hide his purpose of coming at all: "Didn't you say you wanted to talk about Emperor Russell?"

"This, this..." Franka's expression became strange again.

She shouted: "I'm sick!"!

"What's the disease?" Lumian felt that the "Happy Witch" was in extremely good condition.

Franka walked towards the living room and muttered: "The disease of being embarrassed!"

Lumian closed the door, sat on the sofa, and asked thoughtfully: "Are you embarrassed for Emperor Russell?"

"Yeah." Franca, who was sitting cross-legged on the easy chair, scratched her flaxen hair, "I'm really afraid that he would be so embarrassed that he would crawl out of the coffin and strangle everyone who knew about it!"

After talking a lot without logic, Franka finally sighed:


"To put it simply, Emperor Russell is from another world just like us."

"Emperor Russell is also the time traveler you mentioned'?" Lumian blurted out in shock.

Franka said "hmm":

"Many of his inventions, creations and ideas were originally from our world. The more critical evidence is that his diary was written in the language of my and your sister's country, so no one deciphered it for so many years until we also Time traveled here."

Lumian's mind was in a state of confusion. He felt that this was unbelievable and seemed like a story. He also felt the authenticity of Franka's statement from his sister Aurore's attitude towards Emperor Russell and his diary.

Seeing his silence, Franka added understandingly:

"But he is indeed a very powerful person. From an ordinary person who did not even have Sequence 9, he walked through the path of God step by step, overthrew the Sauron dynasty, and brought great changes to Intis and the world. He profoundly It affects the history of the past two to three hundred years and this generation of mankind."

Also, Emperor Russell said, "A hero is a hero, regardless of his origins"... It doesn't matter where Emperor Russell comes from... Lumian quickly adjusted his mentality and asked curiously:

"Are those famous quotes of Emperor Russell made by the philosophers of your world?"

"Most of it is." Franca helped the "fellow" to whitewash his image, "but there are also some parts that belong to him. You think, a person who has experienced so many things, has had so many brilliance and setbacks, must have a good understanding of all aspects. Have your own unique insights and there will be no shortage of famous quotes.”

"No wonder Aurore will laugh whenever I tell you what Emperor Russell said..." Lumian suddenly understood. He understood his sister's mood at that time, and also understood the "Curly-haired Baboon Research Association"'s respect for the emperor. Ridiculous attitude.

He turned to ask: "Did one of you write the "Secret Records of Emperor Russell"?

"Yes, but I don't know who it is." Franka was very honest, "The literary talent is quite good."

"Are everything in that book real?" Lumian considered whether to find an underground bookseller and buy a copy.

Franka laughed: "Half and half, even the true half is just two or three sentences in the emperor's diary expanded into a chapter, filled with sexy details. For example, the emperor once had an affair with a certain witch. Super friendship relationship..."


At this point, Franka suddenly paused.

She remembered that she was also a witch now.

Worth collecting... Emperor Russell is indeed as charming as the legend... Lumian began to look forward to that underground book.

He did not continue the topic of the Emperor and the Witch, but mentioned yesterday's king cake game and the nightmare at night, and asked about the good thing.

Franka on divination: "What revelations are hidden in that dream?"

"I can't interpret it." Franka thought for a long time and said, "It has the meaning of danger and staying away. Well, those nightmares are more like the sequelae of some kind of crazy atmosphere."

Lumian thought for a few seconds and did not discuss the issue further. He planned to consult two "psychiatrists" in the afternoon.

At 3:20 in the afternoon, Lumian arrived at the Mason Cafe in the Botanical Garden, sat in booth D, and ordered a cup of fragrant Intis coffee and two pieces of soft cakes covered with cream.

When the desserts and coffee arrived, he waited for another minute or two before hearing Susie's gentle female voice: "Good afternoon, www.youxs.org."

Lumian smiled relaxedly: "Good afternoon, Ms. Susie, good afternoon, Ms. Justice'."

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