More than a dozen members of the Berry family were crowded into a two-story house with a dilapidated appearance. Lumian looked at the open door with a familiar face, carefully walked around from the side, and came to the rear to build a wooden fence. Next to the fenced open space.

There were piles of hay and firewood in the area near the eaves of the open space, and three white sheep that looked brown due to filth were wandering there., so I came here to check on the sheep while the shepherds were going to church to pray.

Although he has never herded sheep, living in a village like Kordu, which is close to the plateau grassland, he has come into contact with as many as seventy or eighty sheep, so he is definitely not unfamiliar with them.

After observing carefully for a while, Lumian didn't notice any difference between the three sheep in front of him and their kind, so he could only mutter silently:

"You can't see it with the naked eye, do you have to use extraordinary abilities?"

But "Hunter" does not have extraordinary abilities in this regard.

Lumian had just used his greatly improved vision, sense of smell, and grasp of various traces, and still couldn't find any problems.

The only thing he found strange was that the feces of the three sheep were piled in the corner instead of everywhere.

Of course, this is most likely because the Berry family cleans regularly in order to use the feces more effectively.

After watching for dozens of seconds, Lumian muttered softly:

"Just looking and smelling doesn't seem to work... Do I need to start directly?"

He didn't hesitate at all. He held the fence with his hand and climbed in, as if he was back at his own home.

The three sheep turned their heads at the same time and looked at Lumian, who immediately smiled:

"Come, let me check your body."

He was not worried about his owner discovering his behavior at all, because he had done similar things not once or twice. Every household in the village knew that this guy was good at playing pranks in various ways, and using sheep as props was a normal behavior.

In Lumian’s own words:

When the reputation has been ruined, there is naturally the benefit of the reputation being ruined.

With the title of "King of Pranksters", anything he does in Kordu Village will not arouse too much suspicion. Even if he is caught on the spot by those who are clearly abnormal, the other party cannot directly confirm that there is something wrong with him.

Of course, in this case, the parish priest Guillaume and the shepherd Pierre may try to silence him with the philosophy of "rather to kill the wrong person than to let him go", so they should be careful when they should be careful.

"BAA Baa baa!"

As if aware of Lumian's evil intentions, the three sheep hid behind the haystacks, and their barks were not loud.

But how can they hide from a "hunter"?

Lumian caught a sheep, patted its side, and forcefully checked its teeth.

"It's no problem..." He whispered.

Seeing the sheep looking at him, he added with a malicious smile:

"You are very healthy. It would be good to make peas and mutton stew."

He said this deliberately to test the IQ of these three sheep.

When there is no problem with the target's body, he can only start from this aspect.

The sheep's eyes suddenly became dull.

Lumian smiled:

"You're very spiritual. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

The sheep's eyes returned to normal, turned its head sideways, and ate hay.

"Ignore me?" Lumian touched his chin, ", eat it tonight!"

The sheep didn't respond.

It bit some hay and pulled hard.

The haystack collapsed suddenly, and Lumian, a "hunter", saw something with sharp eyes.

His expression darkened, he walked over and knelt down to take a closer look.

It was a few pieces of fingernails entangled with black hair, the kind that had been cut off.

"Why is this outside the house?" Lumian whispered in surprise.

As a Cordu native, he certainly knew the funeral customs in the Liège area. When he found out that someone died in his family, he would cut off some of the deceased's hair and nails and hide them secretly somewhere in the house, so as not to affect the constellations and keep good health. Luck effect.

How could something like this be in the haystack outside the house?

Lumian picked up the pieces of nails entangled in his hair and began to observe them while weighing them.

It looked very new, as if it had been cut not long ago... He quickly made a judgment.

But no one has died in the entire Kordu Village recently!

Lumian could only suspect that this was a kind of witchcraft similar to funeral customs, and planned to go back and ask his sister for advice.

In order not to arouse suspicion, he stuffed the pieces of fingernails and black hair back into the haystack, restoring the messy scene.

After finishing all this, he walked towards the wooden fence.

After taking a few steps forward, he looked back at the three sheep, and with the mentality of giving it a try and not losing anything, he sighed to himself:

“, it’s not even May yet, so I rushed back to the village...

"Did he commit a crime outside?

"As a good citizen of Intis and a devout believer in God, should I go to Liège and inquire about it?"

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The three sheep just looked at him without any other movement, and their eyes did not change.

There is nothing special about his IQ... Lumian sighed secretly, feeling disappointed.

He then raised his hands, with his thumb pointing up and his index finger pointing down, making a gesture of contempt.

What's wrong with taunting someone when you're in a bad mood?

The next second, the sheep whose body had been checked by Lumian suddenly took a few steps forward, and there seemed to be a little more brilliance called hope in its eyes.

It raised its front hooves and drew on the dirt.

Lumian was dazed and confused, and was a little stunned for a moment.

Soon, he came to his senses and quickly approached the sheep.

The sheep seemed to draw letters on the ground. Lumian felt they looked familiar but didn't recognize them.

He frowned and speculated:

This kind of writing should have the same origin as Intis language...

But I only know Intis and part of Ancient Fussac...

At this moment, Lumian realized from another perspective what Aurore said, "knowledge equals power."

The sheep finished the painting quickly, took two steps back, and looked at Lumian with sincere eyes. The other two sheep also had similar mood changes and bleated softly.

Lumian looked at the word on the ground and fell into deep thought.

His mind was filled with thoughts such as "What does this mean?" and "How should I respond?"

In just a second or two, he had an idea and solemnly nodded to the three sheep.

At the same time, he stretched out his right foot and erased the word on the soil.

Although he can't understand, he can at least pretend to understand!

Fool these three sheep first, and then ask your sister for advice later!

Without waiting for the three sheep to "response", he nodded slowly and thoughtfully with a heavy expression while walking towards the fence, as if to say, "Wait a moment, I will think of a solution."

After leaving the sheepfold, Lumian went home without delay and found Aurore sitting on the couch in the study reading a book.

"Sister," he shouted impatiently, "there's something."

"Just call me sister when you open your mouth..." Aurore instantly became more vigilant, "What trouble did you get into this time?"

Lumian calmed down and organized his words:


"While Pierre was going to church to pray, I went to the back of his house to look at the three sheep. Guess what I found?"

Aurore's expression instantly became serious:

"If you want to do something like this, tell me in advance. It's very dangerous now and no one will protect you."

But I told you in advance, you probably won't let me go... Lumian was moved by his sister's concern and began to curse.

"I will remember it next time." He promised sincerely.

He has said similar words dozens of times.

Aurore could distinguish what was urgent information and what could be postponed, and nodded to indicate that Lumian could talk about his findings.

Lumian quickly recounted his entire experience in the sheepfold, and Aurore became more solemn as he listened.

"Write that word silently." She stood up from the easy chair, found a pen and paper, and handed it to Lumian.

Lumian had deliberately memorized it just now, and restored the word in a flash.

Aurore just glanced at it and said seriously:

"It's a huge problem."

I know... Lumian responded in his heart.

Moreover, he believed the problem was bigger than his sister imagined.

"What's the problem?" he asked.

Aurore pointed to the word and said:

“This is Plateau Language, the official language of the Kingdom of Feneport, which, like Intis, is derived from the ancient Fusac language.

"it mean……"

Aurora paused and said in a deep voice:


"Help?" Lumian blurted out in shock, "Are those three sheep asking us for help?"

Aurore said "hmm":

“I doubt they are sheep.

"They were supposed to be human!"

"Human?" Lumian asked in surprise.

This was beyond his knowledge.

He had only thought that the three sheep had high IQs, had human-like emotions, and had mastered some human languages, but he never equated them with humans.

For him, the transformation of people into sheep only exists in those imaginative stories!

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Lumian was no longer shocked.

Time loops have appeared, what’s so strange about people turning into sheep?

In the world of occultism, there is no shortage of weirdness and absurdity.

Facing her brother's doubts, Aurore nodded solemnly:

"I'm not sure if there is a secret technique that can turn a person into a sheep, but all the details now point to this possibility."

"Indeed." Lumian agreed.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the three sheep should be humans.

Lumian then asked:

"Why are those nails and hair hiding outside the house?"

Aurore pursed her lips and said:

“This is one of the funeral customs in the Daliez area, but it is not commonly used and many people have forgotten it.

"As a 'wizard', I have studied this matter to see if I can gain some useful knowledge."

She then explained:

"When a family member commits suicide, or is murdered by a relative, or has a very bad character during his or her lifetime, which has had a very bad impact on the entire family, the hair and nails cut off after death must be hidden outside the house to avoid affecting the family. The zodiac sign brings bad luck."

Suicide, or murder by a relative? Lumian suddenly thought of something:

In the last cycle,

Could he have gone to take away Naroka's hair and nails?

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