Finally here... Lumian breathed out, folded the letter, turned and left the Golden Rooster Hotel.

He didn't go to Franka. They had communicated about the party many times before and there was no need to waste time confirming it.

Lumian went all the way to the new safe house on Nightingale Street and threw the satchel with the "torture" gloves on the bed.

He did not prepare an additional iron cabinet, because with the several hidden traps in the room, ordinary thieves could not get close to the core area. Breaking in by force would only cost their own lives, and the iron cabinet could not stop extraordinary thieves.

When the time was almost up, Lumian put on a wizard-style hooded black robe according to Ms. "Hela" and Franka's description of his sister's appearance when she attended the party.

Immediately afterwards, he took out "Lie", turned it into a simple and beautiful silver-white earring, and clipped it to the lobe of his right ear.

In the full-length mirror, Lumian watched calmly as he suddenly became shorter and his hair became pure golden, thick and long.

His facial features have also changed, and they are completely closer to the Aurore in his memory. His nose is high and delicate, his red lips are neither thick nor thin, and his eyes are light blue and clear, with a condensed shimmer.

Lumian used to feel that her sister was a very different person in appearance and heart. She seemed bright and sunny, cheerful and generous, but in fact she was a woman who liked to stay at home and was reluctant to go out and communicate with others. Only the one who truly gained her trust was herself. , only then can we see the side of her that is relaxed, full of strange words, loves to laugh and loves to bully others.

And if this kind of Aurore really goes out, she will not show any fear. Just like Lumian, she can naturally communicate with the old ladies in Kordu Village and tell stories to the children in a wonderful and vivid way. Be loved by them.

Ever since he learned about his sister's origin, Lumian began to understand why Aurore's heart was different from her appearance and temperament. Of course, many people had similar situations, but Aurore behaved even more because of her own specialness. First URL

During the recent period, Lumian often thought about what his sister was like and what kind of life she lived.

Gradually, he saw Aurore's light blue eyes in the mirror becoming blurred, as if she was lost in reminiscing about the past.

Lumian still remembers the first time he heard his sister mention his hometown. It was the second year after he arrived in Kordu Village.

At that time, the shepherds returned to the plateau pastures, and Aurore took him to caress the lambs that were just born, and then "cruelly" bought their relatives until they grew white or yellow. In the green pasture of wild flowers, we organized an area that would not disturb the surrounding area, set up a grill and charcoal, and started having a picnic.

When night fell and the stars in the sky stood out like countless diamonds forming a dazzling river, Aurore suddenly fell into a trance and raised her hand to wipe her eyes.

Lumian asked her what she was thinking about, and she said she was thinking about her hometown and home.

Aurore's eyes in the mirror lost focus, reflecting the yellowish-blue light of the carbide lamp, and shone a little crystal clear.

That mountain village next to the green pastures under the bright sunshine will never go back.

After a while, Lumian opened the pocket watch he borrowed from Breeze Ballroom and checked the time.

Then, he put on a silver-white half-face mask, exposing his gracefully curved lips and picturesque chin.

Immediately afterwards, Lumian took out a piece of paper with the word "Muggle" written in the ancient Feysac language and pasted it on his left chest.

According to Franka, there are hundreds of members of the Curly Baboon Research Society, and they wear different disguises when gathering. If they don’t have corresponding code names marked on their bodies, no one will come except for a few who are very familiar with each other. Know who is who.

Although the members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" are all from the same world, their hometowns are different, and their languages ​​​​are not the same. After traveling here, they are not in the same country, and there will inevitably be communication barriers. In the beginning, At that time, they relied on translation by some members who mastered multiple languages. Later, they gradually used the ancient Fusac language, the source of the languages ​​of the northern continent, as their common language.

——For members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" living in different countries, this language is close to the native language of the body, making it much easier to learn and master.

Of course, there are also members whose native language is quite different from the ancient Fusac language, but the number is not large, and they can only obey the majority. Anyway, before they master the corresponding language, someone will help them translate.

Lumian himself has a foundation in the ancient Fusac language. After arriving in Trier, he has been using Oro's notes to learn this language in depth. Normal communication and communication are no longer a problem.

When the time was almost 10 o'clock, Lumian looked in the full-length mirror, fine-tuned the details of his figure, and put various ritual materials and the wine flask containing the "respectable" brooch into the secret pocket of the wizard's black robe.

After doing these things, Lumian held Ms. "Hela"'s letter in his hand and recited the incantation requesting to join the party in Hermes:

"Extraordinary person from ancient times, Lord of the Kingdom of Night, noble Mother of Heaven, please allow me to enter your kingdom."

As soon as Lumian finished speaking, he felt his surroundings suddenly become dark, and he saw himself in the mirror like a pencil sketch being quickly erased by an eraser.

His vision went dark, and he seemed to have fallen into the deepest, deepest sleep.

Suddenly, Lumian vaguely remembered the party and heard the strong beating of his heart.

He woke up suddenly and found that he had arrived at a palace with many cracks in the huge stone walls and some weeds growing on it.

There was a huge mottled stone chair deep in the palace, but no one came close. Through the gaps in the wall and the broken windows, Lumian saw the dark and cold night outside, filled with thick fog.

Starlight fell through the fog, bringing a dim environment to the palace, illuminating the vague town shrouded in fog and looming around the palace.

There was no one in the town, it was like a dream, and in the palace, the stone candlesticks inlaid on the walls had already lit up with yellowish firelight.

At this time, hundreds of figures had arrived, each dressed in different costumes. Lumian took a quick look and did not find "Hela" for the time being. He only recognized "Hidden Blade" Franka.

She was wearing her favorite assassin costume, a black robe with leather armor, her hood pulled down not too low, and a silver half-mask on her face. She was gathering with several people dressed in the same style, chatting about something.

However, among these assassins, only Franka is the real "assassin".

Lumian did not go to say hello to Franka, but followed her instructions and the prompts in Ms. "Hela"'s previous letter, and walked towards the place close to the huge stone chair.

This kind of gathering with a large number of people is no different from a market. It is unlikely that unified communication and transactions can be carried out in the form of a whole. It can only be divided into small groups to get together, unless there is something particularly important, President "Gandalf" or " "Hela" and other vice-presidents will walk to the huge stone chair, ask everyone to gather together, and make announcements in the form of speeches.

Of course, you can also do this when you want to publish requirements to everyone.

Aurore attended the gatherings of the "Academy" group most often. Their regular meeting place was deep inside the palace, in the corner to the left of the huge stone chair.

As Lumian walked in that direction, he sighed at the magic of the party format.

He recited a spell, left the safe house on Ye Duo Street in the market area, and came to such a mysterious ancient palace!

The members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" here come from different places in the northern and southern continents, and they were able to arrive within a certain time period.

This kind of magic was something Lumian had never seen before. It was more incredible to him than "teleportation", and could only be compared to the "seeding" of the "Great Mother" benefactor.

What puzzled Lumian was that Franka had not told him how to enter the party before, saying that even if she told him face to face, he would not be able to hear it unless he obtained the permission of Ms. "Hela".

But isn’t this just a matter of reciting a mantra? How could you not hear it?

According to Franka, such power is likely to come from a certain sealed object, a sealed object that Ms. "Hela" cannot master but can be used to a certain extent.

In addition to this method of convening gatherings, the Curly Baboon Research Society has other methods, but they are all thought up by different groups themselves and are used for internal or small circle gatherings, such as "Hidden Blade" Franka, She and some members with whom she has good relationships privately set up a "Telegram group" to chat and communicate at fixed times using a small and simple analysis machine.

Lumian thought about Franka and "Hela"'s rough description of the state of Aurore's party, and based on his own speculation, his steps gradually became lighter.

He felt that since the members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" all had a common and special origin, even if his sister thought about being wary of others at the party, she would show the same relaxation as when getting along with him. Even more obvious.

This is a state without heavy secrets.

Many more figures arrived, and they were quickly outlined in the air, like a successfully rubbed oil painting.

Some of these members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" are wearing classic iron-gray full-body armor, some are painted in red, yellow and white oil paints, playing the role of clowns, and some are painted in exaggerated ways, and their original appearance cannot be seen at all. The makeup is like that of evil witches in some folklore. Some wear monster helmets carved from orange pumpkins, some rely on homemade headgear to turn into vampires with pale faces and bright red lips, and some wear horse-shaped clothes. His whole body was trapped inside...

This is more exaggerated and imaginative than the masquerade balls in newspapers and magazines.

With a slight smile on his lips, Lumian passed between the members of the Curly Baboon Research Society, and from time to time responded to those who greeted him with a gesture of his jaw.

Finally, he reached the corner where the "Academy" group was.

Lumian glanced around naturally and saw the code names attached to his body:

"Petit", "Professor", "Griffin", "Eagle", "Bear", "Principal", "Periodic Table of Elements", "Isotopes"...

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