"Alone" bar? Lumian was stunned when he heard the answer.

"Loki", the founder of the "April Fool's Day" group of the "Curly Baboon Research Society", is actually also in Trier, and is he related to the "Alone" bar?

Isn't this a coincidence?

Lumian's impression of the Alone Bar is that it is located diagonally opposite the "Different" dance hall. There is a theater for puppet shows in the basement. The lights are dim, the color is dark, and it is slightly eerie.

He didn't think this was a big problem at first, but after knowing that those who wore monocles in the "Different" Cabaret were in a state of superposition of "It's Amon" and "It's not Amon", he thought it could be compared with this place. It’s definitely not easy for “alone” bars to compete with cabarets and survive.

In addition, he once saw Liya from the Eighth Bureau entering the bar, and he suspected that it was the secret stronghold of the Eighth Bureau, whose purpose was to monitor the Amons in the "Different" dance hall.

Is "Loki" also a member of the Eighth Bureau, an official Extraordinary in the true sense?

Or maybe he just lived in the Observatory District and knew that the Alone Bar was special enough, so he took the opportunity to drink and used the mechanical typewriter there to make copies of the information to prevent it from being traced?

"What's wrong?" Franka looked at Lumian frowning slightly, lost in thought, and didn't speak for a long time, so she stretched out her right hand and waved it in front of his eyes.

Lumian thought and said:

“This pub has a huge problem. www.youxs.org

"Do you know this bar?" Franka looked surprised.

This guy seems to have a lot of secrets that he doesn't know about!

Lumian laughed:

“This started when Ms. Hella and I were looking for the Fountain of the Samaritan Woman. "

"..." Franka was stunned for a moment, "How many times does it take you to explain all the details of such a thing? Are you a toothpaste person? Just squeeze it out before it comes out!"

"The previous focus was on the situation at the Fountain of the Samaritan Woman, and this happened on the way." Lumian explained without any shame.

He started by meeting Monit, the archipelago liar, and being frightened by him several times. He then linked up Charlie being deceived, the specialness of the "different" cabaret, Ms. "Magician"'s introduction to the Amons, and finally mentioned The "Alone" bar is located diagonally across from the "Different" dance hall, where regular members of the 8th Bureau once came and went.

Franka felt like she was listening to a ghost story, and subconsciously wanted to grab a pillow to hug her, but found that there was none on the easy chair.

She quickly woke up and straightened her back, with an expression on her face that said how could a "hard-blooded real man" be frightened by a terrorist incident.

This is all used to bully Jenna!

When Lumian finished speaking, she hissed and said:

“You’ve really had a lot of experiences, and you’ve met this kind of old monster that only exists in horror stories.

"Why didn't you remind me before? That archipelago liar comes to the market area from time to time. What if I meet him one day?

"That's for your own good. If you don't know that he has a problem, you won't behave abnormally when you meet him, and you won't be noticed by him. But now, if the way you look at him changes, maybe Will be suspected by him and become a "parasitic" product. "Lumian nodded to Franka, half threatening and half reminding.

"Yes." Franka gritted her teeth and said, "Whenever I meet him, after returning home, I will pray to Mr. Fool for an angel's blessing!

She shook her head, put aside her fear of Amon, and brought the topic back on track:

"This involves the 'Alone' bar, and it will be really difficult to investigate later..."

Speaking of this, Franka suddenly had an imaginative guess:

"Do you think Loki has been 'parasitized' by a certain Amon?

"Huh?" Lumian couldn't keep up with Franka's thoughts.

Franka said with a solemn expression:

"Think about it, the books and legends of the 'Ancient Sun God' have been lost for two to three thousand years, and since the Holy Scriptures of the Church of the Seven Gods are all copied from him, the relevant information will definitely be erased, and 'Loki' is from Where did you get this information?

"Although there are many possibilities, if he is Amon, it is easy to explain. No one knows his father's situation better than Chi.

"As a child of a time traveler, not to mention that you can obtain the memory of 'Loki' through parasitism. Even if it doesn't work, you can still play the role of our companion perfectly. You also said that you like deception and have scared you several times. This is the same as 'Loki' Ji' usually behaves very much.

"Well, when Amon from the 'Different' Cabaret made a copy of the information, he deliberately went to the 'Alone Bar' diagonally opposite to use a mechanical typewriter, misleading possible traceability, which is also a reflection of this style."

Lumian was shocked by Franka's unfettered imagination, and after a long while he thought about it and said:

“This does explain why this information coincidentally pointed to the Alone Man Bar.

"Under the guidance of this evil angel, the members of the 'April Fool's Day' gradually despaired of the future, pursued their own happiness more and more, and began to attack other members of the Curly Baboon Research Society. This was also a reasonable development.

"However, Amon would not deliberately point the information to the 'Alone Bar', which would naturally make investigators suspect the person who lives diagonally across the street..."

"Maybe I expected that the investigators would think so." Franka retorted habitually.

Lumian shook his head slowly:

"If it were Amon, your divination just now would definitely be misled, or you wouldn't get the answer.

"Well, no matter what, this is indeed a possibility. I plan to go to the Alone Bar for a drink in the next two days and conduct some on-the-spot investigation, but I won't do any in-depth investigation."

Franka said "hmm" and sighed:

"Actually, I also know that the possibility of Loki being 'parasitized' by a certain Amon is very small. The essence of us entering the gathering place is to enter a certain special state. In this state, Ms. Hela borrowed The sealed object should be able to tell whether there is an abnormality in each member's body, and should not transform the corresponding thing, leaving it in place.

"Hey, I'm just looking for reasons and excuses for myself. We traced the traces of 'Loki' and tried to find him without substantial evidence and strong suspicion. This is a very bad thing. things.

"This makes me feel like I have betrayed the research association and my companions, so I hope that Loki will be 'parasitized' by Amon, so that I will not have a similar sense of guilt. I will be clearing out hidden dangers for the research association."

Can going to a gathering place in a special state screen out abnormalities in the body? But there was no problem with Termipolos... Lumian didn't know whether it was because of the special seal of Mr. "Fool", or whether the sealed object borrowed by Ms. "Hela" did not have the ability to filter abnormalities and could not guard against Amon and others. Angels who can "parasitize".

He did not raise any objection for the time being and said with a smile:

“In my opinion, there must be something wrong with ‘Rocky’, it’s just a big or small difference.

"When he sold you the information, did he encourage you to explore underground to find more relics of the 'ancient sun god'?"

"Yes." Franka nodded, "He also said that in similar places, the higher the sequence, the more dangerous it is, and the easier it is to lose control. Only those of us with middle and low sequences can get close."

"This is only a relative term. Do you think it was dangerous for me to explore the 'Fountain of the Samaritan Woman' before?" Lumian asked.

"It's very dangerous." Franka already knew enough about that matter.

This is even if you don’t know that the afterimage of the “Blood Emperor” almost caught me... Lumian muttered:

"Searching for the legacy of the 'ancient sun god' can only be more dangerous than this.

"If Loki hadn't tried it, he would encourage you to search underground and use you as cannon fodder. But if he had tried it, he would have been contaminated and alienated little by little. He doesn't have a great existence like Mr. Fool." Give purification.

"So, it will be good for you and him to find 'Loki' as soon as possible."

After listening to this, Franka bit her lip and said:


"In this matter, 'Rocky' has really sinister intentions. The other members of 'April Fool's Day' seemed curious and tried to participate, but I think they were cooperating with him.

After convincing Franka, Lumian asked curiously:

"You said that the prerequisite for entering the gathering place is to enter a certain special state. What state is it?

Franka put away her hesitation and shared excitedly:

"I asked about my Major Arcana card before. Although I couldn't tell the incantation or describe the gathering place in detail, she still speculated that it was a hidden power based on my words and performance."

"The power of the secret..." Lumian nodded gently.

It's quite secretive, even the incantation is hidden and cannot be told to others.

Franka continued:

The power of "secret" lies in the "dark night" pathway, which is the divine pathway controlled by the "Night Goddess" church.

Speaking of this, Franka lowered her voice unconsciously:

"I suspect Ms. Hela' is from the Church of the Night.

"Similar to '007?'" Lumian didn't meet that "007" today because there were too many people attending the party, and he didn't know the other person's usual dress and the group he frequented for a long time.

Franka said "hmm" again:

"Almost the same, but maybe more valued, with a higher position, and more secret knowledge."

After recalling Ms. "Hela"'s performance in taking the spring water from the "Samaritan Woman's Spring", Lumian felt that Franka's description was correct.

That lady did possess a lot of secret knowledge, and she had a black diamond ring that clearly surpassed ordinary magical items and was suspected to have divine power.

In addition, the sealed artifact she borrowed to convene the party was so powerful that it exceeded Lumian's imagination.

Lumian asked casually:

"What are the main manifestations of the power of the "dark night" pathway?

According to Aurore's witchcraft notes, the first three sequences of this path are "Sleepless One", "Midnight Poet" and "Nightmare", which mainly involve the enhancement of spirituality, the improvement of energy, the reduction of sleep, and the occultism of poetry. Special application and forcing people to sleep.

Franka thought about it and said:

"Secret" power, the drive to the spirit, real dreams...

A real dream... After hearing this answer, Lumian was suddenly stunned.

He remembered the real dream he had in the ruins of Kordu village.

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