In a room with thick curtains.

Lumian suddenly felt that the "mirror double" placed on the inside of his clothes had become extremely cold. Even through a linen shirt, he couldn't help but shudder.

His heart tightened, and he couldn't care less about pretending to sleep anymore. He turned over and sat up, taking out the mirror.

Under the dim crimson moonlight, the mirror turned gray, holding it in my hand like a piece of solid ice.

Lumian knew that this meant something had happened to Franka, and without hesitation, he used the mystical connection between the avatar and the body to make the black mark on his right shoulder glow.

His figure suddenly disappeared from the bed and was outlined in the living room of the apartment at No. 6 White Coat Street.

Almost at the same time, Lumian saw that the surroundings were gray, as if covered with a layer of fog that could block the crimson moonlight, and Franka was lying on the easy chair, her body stiff and twisting, as if she was struggling to death.

Her lake-colored eyes were filled with emotions such as anger, fear, eagerness, and worry, and were vaguely surrounded by a figure. Her head seemed to want to move slowly, but was pulled by invisible threads and stuck.

At this moment, Lumian and Franka heard a sound like fingernails scraping against a blackboard.

Those were words that they could not understand, which pierced into their spiritual bodies, taking their spirits upwards and reaching a dark void with countless stars twinkling.

At the highest point of the void, there are many mysterious symbols that are wandering and whose specific shapes are difficult to describe.

They form a dynamic and strange door around a darkness that even light cannot penetrate.

The spirits of Lumian and Franka flew towards the door involuntarily. Before they could get close, they heard a faint sound coming from inside.

This not only seems to contain the mysteries of all worlds in the entire universe, but also seems to be the madness, self-destruction and darkness hidden in everyone's heart.

The closer they got to the dynamic door, the more obvious the mumbling became, causing Lumian and Franka's heads to throb violently, but there was also some strong, instinctive desire that drove them to enter the door and meet them. The invisible things behind the door overlap and fit together to establish a secret connection, thereby gaining knowledge about the essence, source, transcendence, and power.

Countless mysterious symbols kept wandering around, and the door was slightly open. A large number of invisible objects that could only perceive their existence but could not see their specific forms swarmed into the crack of the door.

With a buzzing sound, Lumian and Franka's minds went blank, as if they had been hit hard by a giant hammer.

The eating words they heard before came alive in their hearts, and each word turned into a shadowy, grotesque creature, eroding away at every corner of the spiritual body and the flesh and blood body.

Franka's eyes suddenly widened, and her flaxen-colored hair floated in the air, becoming slightly thicker.

There was a little bit of blood overflowing from the corners of her eyes, her nostrils, her ears, her mouth, and the many pores on her body, as if there was some devil in her body trying to separate her flesh and skin.

Franka's thoughts were violently confused, like a human being thrown into a mixer in a factory.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the "resentful soul" attached to her broke away from the "Happiness Witch".

Wearing a black short formal suit, the "resentful soul" with a hint of dark green flashing in his eyes then opened his mouth and let out a piercing scream.

The shattering sounds of illusion and reality sounded at the same time, and Franka's body disappeared from the easy chair and appeared in the only bedroom.

Although the "mirror double" was naturally activated, she only got rid of the possible out-of-control effects and still passed out, losing consciousness on the spot.

Reflected in the broken mirror of an easy chair, Lumian, who was also hit by the double blow of murmurs and screams, was in much better condition than Franka.

Every time he advanced to the rank or prayed for a gift, he would be affected by more powerful and terrifying whispers. He relied on the protection of the seal and his own perseverance to persevere time and time again, and he had a relatively high resistance to such attacks.

At this time, although he also suffered from severe pain in his head, loss of thinking, and ruptured capillaries in many parts, he still did not completely lose his instinctive reactions and basic thoughts. He just unconsciously bent his back and his face. It twisted ferociously in patches of blood.

The next second, the "resentful soul" disappeared in front of the easy chair, reflecting Lumian's blue eyes.

His head instantly became blurry, his body felt cold, and his blood seemed to freeze to white frost.

While he could still do some thinking, Lumian would immediately use his "Spirit World Travel" ability to leave the room and move to a few hundred meters.

He knew very well that the "Puppet Master" did not have the ability to turn into a "resentful soul". Even if they had similar magical items, with their fighting style, they would not be able to personally fight. Therefore, there was a high probability that the "resentful soul" would possess him. It is a puppet, and once something like a puppet is out of the control range of the "Secret Puppet Master", it will lose control and no longer function.

At that time, Lumian will "teleport" back again and try to take Franka away.

Although this will basically make him lose his fighting ability, it also abolishes "Loki" as a secret puppet, so that the opponent must weigh whether to directly attack or retreat cautiously. After all, he doesn't know how many times Lumian's spirituality can last." "Teleportation", this is not the ability that "Arsonist" should have, and "Loki" has a high probability of not being able to accurately judge!

Just as Lumian was about to activate the "Spirit World Travel" mark, a magnetic voice sounded in his ears:

"give up.

The sound pierced into Lumian's spirit body, causing a burst of confusion and interrupting his attempt.

Immediately afterwards, his thoughts began to stagnate, and his body became stiffer and duller.

The magnetic voice laughed unabashedly:

"I don't know what kind of trap you have set up in your room. It may have something to do with Hela. After all, without her cooperation, you can't pretend to be a Muggle and sneak into the seminar, right? www.youxs." org, I've seen your wanted poster.

In Trier, the most accessible Beyonders are those of the "Hunter" path, so there is a saying:

“Don’t fight a ‘Hunter’ on his home turf.

"No one knows what weird traps hunters will plant in their homes.

"I don't want to take risks, and I don't plan to face 'Hela', although I'm not too afraid of her, unless she has figured out a way to become a demigod. In short, why should I fight a 'Hunter' on his home court? My choice is to raid the Hidden Blade, lure you to rescue me, move you away from your home ground, and fight at my preset place.

"During the test in the afternoon, I made sure that you had something to observe each other's status or established some kind of occult connection. Well, it should be a "mirror stand-in" exchanged. Haha, you thought my other marionette was doing it at that time. What?

"Actually, I don't want to kill the Hidden Blade, nor do I intend to turn her into a marionette. A living 'witch' is better. I can even use this experience to make her miserable and desperate, etc." She used this to advance to Sequence 4, and I now have a semi-mysterious puppet...

This voice did not have the ability to "provoke", but every word made Lumian's anger rise straight up.

And these words can obviously affect the mind and spirit body, always interfering with Lumian's ability to use it. Coupled with the dual restrictions of "possession by resentful souls" and "Master of Secret Puppetry", Lumian has almost become a mute and unable to speak. The moving statue stood frozen in place, waiting for the final judgment of fate to arrive.

A thin gray mist filled the room, making it difficult for the movement here to reach the outside world.

The magnetic voice smiled and continued:

"It shouldn't have been so troublesome, but it's a pity that there is a high-ranking person sealed in your body. Only by transforming you into a secret puppet can I ensure my safety. I don't want to face a high-ranking person after your death. No one knows that he will thank me. , it’s better to kill me as well.

"Are you wondering why I can recognize you? The seal on your body is probably not detectable by others, but in my eyes, it is as bright as a firefly in the dark night. You just arrived in the room where the typewriter is placed. I am sure that you are the one pretending to be a 'Muggle', so unless you can throw me away for a certain distance, just like the first counter-tracking, I can keep up with you without a marionette.

"Yes, when you showed up at the party and came to our 'April Fool's Day' group, I knew you had a problem. What I suspected at the time was that Muggles relied on the seal to get rid of the split of the soul. Who knows, she did die. Yes, you are her brother.

"Haha, I still remember that in the second half of last year, every time she attended a party, she would ask "I have a friend' to treat the psychological problems and mental dangers caused by incorrect use of 'Evocation of Souls', and 'I have a friend' who would Tell us her pain, her desires, her struggles, her softness of heart, and her changes again and again.

"It was pretty gross and totally against the doctor's guidelines, but it was fun and entertaining and gave us enough of a sense of accomplishment that we were all laughing out there."

Hearing this, Lumian's mind buzzed.

When "Loki" pointed out his loopholes, he was just a little annoyed, but when "Loki" described what happened to Aurore, it made him furious to the extreme.

Aurore got sick and sincerely went to the doctor for treatment, but the doctor not only treated her poorly, but also regarded her pain and misery as a source of happiness, and betrayed her privacy time and time again, distinguishing her illness from her. She told others all about her struggles, letting them laugh at her behind her back.

Moreover, it was this group of people who sold "Soul Evocation" to Aurore.

Damn it!

Every one of these people deserves to die!

Worthy of the most tragic way to die!

Although his thoughts were full of lags, Lumian's inner anger eventually broke out, igniting his spirit to spread to his flesh and blood.

He didn't try to control it, and he couldn't control it despite constant interference.

Red flames began to emerge from Lumian's body, and tiny red tubes protruded from Lumian's eyes, full of ferocious blood.


This is a sign of losing control, and if it continues, he will truly lose control.

But Lumian had no fear and even actively cooperated.

Even if I lose control and become a monster and become a madman, I will still drag you and this group of people together to fall into a deep reliance on the body's "instinct reaction". The red flames spread in all directions. This burning He captured the "ghost spirit" and set fire to the furniture, creating a fire.

Unfortunately, this did not have much effect on "Loki" who was hiding somewhere and the marionette transformed into a resentful soul. In a short period of time, the flames could not burn to that extent.

The only effect of this was to make that magnetic voice pause for two seconds, and then he smiled again:

"It's useless. I know that you mainly want to use the flames to seek help from the outside world, rather than attack me. But I deceived the Hidden Blade before, saying that it would speed up the progress. In fact, I used the power of gray mist to create a special environment. Close the information here.

"If you try your best, you can indeed break the barrier of the remaining mist. After all, I can't ask for too much power, but now, it's useless.

As soon as "Loki" finished speaking, a crazy, terrifying, violent, and exaggerated aura emerged from Lumian's body, directly breaking through the separation of the thin mist and running towards the sky.

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