"Then let's go find your father." Lumian stood up.

He has always been able to take action, and he knows very well that investigating the village legend cannot be postponed. If it is delayed for a long time, it will be easily discovered by his sister, and his sister Aurore will not allow him to continue.

This is because in Aurore's eyes, pursuing extraordinary power is a very dangerous behavior.

How could I not know that there is danger? Aurore would not lie to me on this point, but even if there is a sea of ​​knives and mountain fire ahead, I have to go on, and I cannot let Aurore go alone. Facing... While getting up, this thought flashed through Lumian's mind.

The seriousness and worry on Aurore's face when it comes to the world becoming more and more dangerous can't be fooled!


"What are you looking for him for?"

"Ask how long ago the wizard's legend happened." Lumian looked at Raymond.

Why can't this guy understand human speech? It seems necessary to find an opportunity to test his IQ.

Raymond's face was full of doubts, he looked at Lumian and said:

"Why are you asking so clearly?"

Uh... should you just find some excuse to fool this guy, or should you just tell him? Lumian suddenly fell into deep thought.

Considering that his subsequent investigation could not be completely hidden from these friends around him, and the reason for pursuing the truth of the legend itself seemed like a lie, and no villagers would believe it if he spread it, Lumian quickly came up with an idea.

He instantly showed his usual deceptive smile.

"..." Raymond took two steps back suddenly, "Speak up!"

Lumian straightened his dark jacket and the linen shirt underneath, and said with a smile:

"I think the legend of the wizard is worth thinking about."

"What's worth thinking about?" Raymond thought for a while before asking.

"'There used to be a wizard in the village.'" Lumian said sternly, "Think about it, when I make up a story to deceive people, I definitely won't tell people the time, place and background that everyone can confirm immediately, and that The legend clearly mentions that there once was a wizard in the village, our village of Kordu. If this is a lie, wouldn’t it be easily exposed by everyone?”

"But that was a long time ago," Raymond retorted.

"I'm also referring to everyone when this story first started to spread a long time ago. They should have easily confirmed whether a wizard died in the village at that time." Lumian said with a smile, "Since this story can be passed down all the time, it means that It probably really happened."

This reason did not convince Raymond:

“But when you make up stories, you often use ‘more than a hundred years ago’, ‘hundreds of years ago’ and ‘long time ago’ to make it impossible for anyone to confirm.”

"That's why I have to ask your dad to confirm!" Lumian said with an expression on his face, "Now you know why I want to find your dad."

"That's right..." Raymond accepted this explanation, but he always felt that something was wrong.

When the two left the square and walked deeper into the village, Raymond finally came to his senses:

"But why do you want to confirm whether such a legend is true or false?"

"Wizard, that's a wizard! If we can confirm which house he once lived in and where he was buried, we might be able to discover his secrets and gain magical powers beyond ordinary people." Lu Mian spoke the truth like a lie.

As expected, Raymond showed a "Don't lie to me" expression:

“Most of those stories are made up to scare children, how could they be true?

"Besides, those who seek the power of wizards will be thrown into the Inquisition!"

The Republic of Intis is located in the northern continent of this world. The orthodox gods are the "Eternal Blazing Sun" and the "God of Steam and Machinery". The churches of the two have divided the beliefs of almost all people and are not allowed to be in the same northern continent. The Church of the Goddess of Night and the Church of the Lord of Storms in the Kingdom of Loen, the Church of the Goddess of the Earth in the Kingdom of Feneport, the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in Lundberg and other central and southern countries, Fusac The Empire's "God of War" Church came in to preach.

The Inquisition of the Church of the Eternal Burning Sun has always made people fear it. Countless heretics and heretics have been imprisoned and subjected to cruel treatment.

Lumian laughed:

"Why are you worried about this now? You said it yourself, most of those legends are made up, and there is almost no trace left behind by the wizard.

"Besides, even if we really find the wizard's legacy, we don't have to inherit that forbidden power. We can give it to the church in exchange for their reward. Well, as a wizard, there must be a lot of treasures among the burial objects."

The church Lumian refers to is the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, because there is no Church of the God of Steam and Machinery in the village of Kordu where they are located - these are often concentrated in major cities and places with factories.

Seeing that Raymond's heart was pounding after hearing this, Lumian secretly "tsk" and added:

"Do you really want to be a shepherd?"

The shepherd he talks about is not the pastoral shepherd that big city citizens think of. He is not a member of the family who drives a few sheep to graze every morning and just takes good care of them.

In the Liège region of Reston Province, where the village of Kordu is located, shepherding is a profession, a profession destined to hard work and loneliness.

They are hired by sheep owners to drive dozens or even hundreds of sheep back and forth between the mountains and the plains.

This is called a transition - when autumn comes and the alpine pastures of the mountains around the village of Kordu die, the shepherds will drive their sheep outside the mountain passes to the warmer plain pastures in the distance, often across the border. , entered the territories of Feneport, Lemberg and other countries. In early May, they drove the sheep back to various villages, sheared the wool and weaned the lambs. In June, they went up the mountains, entered the alpine pastures, and lived in shacks. While making cheese, she grazes the sheep until the weather turns cold.

In this way, the shepherds move around year after year, trekking all their lives, and only have a very small amount of time to return to the village. Therefore, most of them are single. It is difficult for them to get married and start a family. And so few Several widows who had to go to herd sheep to make a living were very popular among this group.

Raymond was silent.

After a while, he hesitated and said:

"Listen to you, this sounds like a fun thing to do to fill your free time."

Under normal circumstances, after the family decides which child needs to be a shepherd, they will send him to a shepherd's home to help him and learn how to shepherd between the ages of fifteen and eighteen. Three years later, that child will officially become a shepherd. Shepherds, seeking employment everywhere.

Raymond, who is seventeen years old, has been finding different reasons to delay this matter for more than two years. If his life does not change like it is now, he will have to learn to shepherd sheep next year.

"Let's go." Lumian patted Raymond on the shoulder, "Is your father in the field or at home?"

"There hasn't been much work recently, and Lent is coming soon. He is either at home or in the pub." Raymond made an envious voice again, "You don't know this? You are really not a farmer. You have a good sister. !”

Lumian put his hands in his pockets and walked forward slowly, ignoring Raymond's sigh.

As we approached the dilapidated tavern in the village, a man walked up the side road.

This man was wearing a dark brown long coat with a hood, a rope tied around his waist, and a pair of brand new, soft-looking black leather shoes.

"Pierre, Pierre of the Berry family?" Raymond said in surprise.

Lumian also stopped and looked at the road to the side.

"It's me." www.youxs.org.

He is on the thin side, with slightly sunken eye sockets. His black hair is greasy and curly, and his face is covered with beard, which he hasn't shaved in an unknown amount of time.

"Why are you back?" Raymond asked confused.

www.youxs.org, it is early April, he should be grazing in the plain pasture outside the mountain pass, how could he appear in the village?

Even if he transfers to Lundberg or the northern border of Feneport this time, he has just started his journey back to the Liège Mountains, and it will take about a month to arrive.

Pierre had a pair of gentle and smiling blue eyes, and he said happily:

“Isn’t Lent coming soon? I haven’t participated in it for several years and I can’t miss it this year!

"Don't worry, I have a companion to help me look after the sheep. That's the good thing about being a shepherd. There are no supervisors. As long as I can find someone to help me, I can go wherever I want. It's very free."

Lent is a widespread festival across Intis. People welcome the coming of spring in various forms and pray for a good harvest.

This has nothing to do with the Church of the Eternal Burning Sun or the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery, but it has formed folk customs and does not worship pagan gods, so it has the acquiescence of the orthodox people.

"You want to see who is chosen as the Spring Elf this year, right?" Lumian joked with a smile.

During Lent in the village of Kordu, a beautiful girl is chosen to play the role of a spring spirit as part of the celebrations.

Pierre laughed and said:

"I hope it's your sister Aurore, but she won't agree, and she's not the right age."

"Okay." He then pointed to the tavern not far away, "I'll go to the church to say a prayer, and I'll treat you to a drink later."

Raymond responded subconsciously:

"No need, you don't have much money."

"Haha, the gods teach us, 'Even if you only have one copper, you should share it with your poor brothers.'" Pierre said of a proverb circulated among the shepherds in the Daliez area.

At this time, Lumian smiled at Raymond:

"Pierre has become rich, so he will definitely treat us to drinks!"



"This time my employer was good. He gave me several sheep, and later some wool, cheese and leather."

The remuneration of the shepherds consists of food, a small amount of money and shared livestock, cheese, wool, and leather. The specific amount of what you can get depends on the contract signed with the employer in advance.

For shepherds who need to travel long distances, a pair of good and suitable leather shoes is the most urgent and practical desire.

www.youxs.org, Lumian's eyes gradually became serious and a little doubtful.

He said silently to himself:

“Just to attend Lent, spend a week or two or even nearly a month rushing back?”

After thinking for a moment, Lumian withdrew his gaze and walked to the tavern with Raymond.

The tavern has no name and does not need a name. There is only one in Kordu Village. The villagers like to call it the old tavern.

When he first entered the tavern, Lumian looked around habitually.

Suddenly, his gaze stopped somewhere.

He saw the foreigner who left the venue early last night.

He was obviously not the same group of outsiders as Ryan, Liya, and Valentine.

This is a woman, wearing an orange dress, with slightly curly brown hair, and her light blue eyes are staring at the light red alcoholic drink in her hand.

She is beautiful and lazy, and she seems to be in a different scene from the low, dark and shabby tavern.

PS: Thanks to Sikong Yibin for tipping the Silver Alliance.

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