Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 146: Burning (please vote for additional updates)

"I have a friend" said with a calm voice:

"The crazy girl should be a traveler," I don't know where she lives...

"Salty Egg Superman used to be a Sequence 6 notary of the 'Sun' path. I don't know now. He has not been to Trier recently, and I have not left the lunatic asylum. I just chat a few words every time we get together..." ..

"Loki is a Sequence 5 Secret Puppet Master of the Seer Path, but I suspect that he is more valued by the Heavenly Lord than us. He can use many resources that we don't know about. He even has a mysterious castle hidden somewhere. Dilan……..

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen each other in real life... The "Secret Records of Emperor Russell" was indeed written by him and published under his name...

"The Bard' is the Sequence 6 Fire Thief of the Thief Path. Of course, I'm not sure about his current situation. We "I'm not familiar with 'Hisoka', and he hasn't participated in any real-life events in the Northern Continent. Party, in my opinion, he is dangerous, second only to 'Loki', and almost as dangerous as 'Mad Girl'.....

"If I hadn't been crazy for a while, I would be at Sequence 5 by now...

Tiran Castle... Lumian remembered Ms. "Hela"'s description of "Loki"'s dream, and suspected that the mysterious castle hidden somewhere was the place where "Loki" was resurrected.

He had not expected that the "Bard" belonged to the Extraordinary of the "Stealer" pathway. He thought that the nickname came from the "Ocean Singer" of the "Sailor" pathway or the "Midnight Poet" of the "Night" pathway. But it’s normal to think about it. In country stories, bards often work part-time as thieves.

This also proves that "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" can exert considerable influence on the "divineer", "apprentice" and "thief" paths. Half of the six core members belong to these three paths.

After "I have a friend" finished speaking, Franka asked with concern:

Which other members of the seminar are your associates?

"I have a friend" who could not hide his desire and replied calmly:

"I know of Pettigrew...

"'Pettigrew'?" Franka blurted out in shock, "I thought he was mocking himself for his height by giving this nickname, but it turned out that he was mocking himself for his identity?

"I have a friend" nodded gently:

"Before he found the organization and joined the research association, he actually knew Loki. As you all know, Loki can use the power of Tianzun to sense the time travelers within a certain range, and Pettigrew is also there Trier is big

"He first became a subordinate of 'Loki' and then entered the research society. He was placed in another group. He actually gave himself the nickname 'Pettigrew' because he upheld the spirit of mischief and put the real The situation unfolded in Akaju Hochi, mocking and fooling all the members of the seminar who lacked sensitivity, but in fact, I knew that he was hesitating, he was feeling guilty, he was full of struggle, and he hoped to use this way to remind other seminar members I have a problem.

"What I plan to do is to tell him when I have the opportunity that the 'Muggle' who never discriminated against his height and was very gentle and kind to him was the one who got into trouble because of our group of people. He can also be regarded as an indirect helper. When the time comes, he The expression of collapse and pain must be nice to watch.

"!" Franka cursed.

Although "I have a friend" had his frontal lobe removed and his whole person became very calm, and there was no longer any sarcasm in his tone of voice, the thoughts he expressed in a straightforward manner were still full of vileness, which made Franka Completely unable to control my emotions.

"What else?" Lumian asked for her.

"I have a friend" gave him five nicknames in a row, and then said:

"These are the few I know about. As for 'Loki', they are developing quietly and haven't told me, so I don't know."

"It's not a lot..." Franka felt resentful and frustrated.

Lumian glanced sideways at her and said:

"Just tell Ms. Hela this information. How to deal with it is a matter for their presidents and vice presidents. You don't need to be embarrassed or hesitant, just enjoy the results. Aurore, uh, isn't there a saying in your hometown? ?, without seeing the lamb being killed or cooking it yourself, you can enjoy delicious lamb without any psychological barriers, otherwise you will inevitably be merciful, www.youxs.org.”

Franka took a breath and muttered:

"Your sister's adaptation of famous quotes is too outrageous...

She regained her composure and looked at "I have a friend":

"Are you going around preaching that the end is coming because of your belief in Tianzun, and rushing to chase happiness, so that you can do all kinds of bad things without any psychological barriers? Or are you convinced that the end is coming and humans can't resist, so you believe in Tianzun in despair?"

"I have a friend" replied:

There are all, some are trying to re-enact the behavior before time travel and directly get the attention of Tianzun, some are encountering disasters, initially exposed to the doomsday things, and only believe in Tianzun after a mental breakdown. "

Having said this, "I have a friend" turned his empty eye sockets to Franka who just asked:

"Later, Tianzun also gave us some revelations, allowing us to guess part of the truth, including...

For some reason, Lumian suddenly had a strong premonition of danger and directly interrupted the statement "I have a friend":

"No need to talk!

"I have a friend" immediately shut up.

"Why can't you tell me?" Franka was eagerly waiting for the answer, but she didn't expect anything to happen.

Lumian remembered the concepts of "barrier" and other concepts related to the doomsday, and said seriously:

"You are not yet suitable to know the truth about the doomsday. That knowledge may cause you to lose control on the spot or suffer fatal contamination. Wait until you become a demigod before you inquire."

"Okay." Franka glanced at Lumian and muttered, "Why do you act like you know the truth..."

Why can he do it and I can't?

"I only understand a little bit." Lumian replied calmly, "And that did bring danger to me. Fortunately, Mr. Fool's seal was there.

At this time, as the effect of the "truth serum" faded away, "I have a friend" returned to its unchanging calmness, and even the desire to answer questions disappeared.

Franka stared at the "psychiatrist" whose frontal lobe had been removed for a few seconds, then sighed and said:

"Sometimes, we are still too naive, and we may all think of ourselves as the protagonists."

Lumian knew that the "we" here referred to the members of the Curly Baboon Research Society.

Franka withdrew her gaze and turned to Lumian:

"When I was operating on the sheep last night, I searched the wards of 'I have a friend' and his stand-in. I found some papers in the latter's place. I didn't read the content written on it carefully. I thought it was a bit obscure. Difficult to understand.”

As she spoke, she stood up, returned to the room, and took out a thin stack of paper.

Lumian took it and turned it over, then quickly frowned:

"Mitra's prayer..."

"What is this?" Franka didn't hear the first half of the interrogation just now.

Lumian spoke briefly and finally said:

"This should be a spell that can pass through the 'Invisible Gate', connect closely with a certain evil god, and gain knowledge and experience. Even ordinary people should be able to learn it after receiving the correct guidance.

"I'm just telling you how it sounds so evil when you read it. The realms of the heavens, the invisible door, the great scene, the edge of immortality. It's very dangerous when you hear it!" Franka sighed sincerely.

Lumian put away the secret contract technique of "Mitra's Worship". Although he did not know how to use it and did not need to use it, the corresponding knowledge could still be mastered, which would help to deal with those who relied on "Mitra". Worship" the followers of the evil god who gain knowledge and power.

He immediately said to Franka:

"You pass the information just now to Ms. "Hela", and I will deal with "I have a friend." "

"Yes." Franka nodded slightly, watching Lumian put on the "Lie" ear clips, walked to the armchair, grabbed the calm man's shoulders, and disappeared in an instant.

Prison area, Ruix execution complex.

It was not yet seven o'clock in the morning, and there was not a single human figure here. It was wet and seemed to be isolated from the world.

Lumian came out of the void with "I Have a Friend" and tied the core member of "April Fool's Day" to the stake.

Then, he retreated a long distance, squatted down, and pressed his hands on the ground.

Two red tongues of fire quickly jumped towards the body of "I have a friend" along the rammed earth overgrown with weeds.

They grew bigger and bigger, and eventually turned into giant snakes, swallowing "I have a friend" completely.

Lumian stood up, using his feet to maintain the flow of flames, while silently watching the calm "psychiatrist"'s gray-white "dragon scales" highlighted by stress.

His body struggled subconsciously, but not so strongly. His various extraordinary abilities were spread around, but they failed to affect Lumian who was outside the range.

Lumian condensed a dangerous flame spear and threw it out, burning and piercing a crack in "I have a friend"'s chest and abdomen.

The red flames that had not yet burned off the "dragon scales" elsewhere rushed here and poured into "I have a friend".

Seeing the core member of "April Fool's Day" really start to burn, his body instinctively making painful sounds, Lumian's mind was filled with thoughts, and he quickly recalled last night's battle and today's interrogation.

He extracted a lot of experience from it, but he has not yet formed a code of acting:

“Fire is not only lethal, it is also a deterrent, an intimidation and a signal….

‘The arsonist’ needs to combine his fire with his trap….

While the raging flames burned "I have a friend" violently, Lumian seemed to have a flame burning in his heart.

It was anger, it was joy, it was catharsis.

At this moment, Lumian's "Pyromancer" potion was digested a little more, just like the situation after the battle last night.

After an unknown amount of time, in the deserted execution ground, on the high burning rack, "I have a friend" stopped struggling, lost his breath, and his body was charred and cracked.

PS: Thank you to the big names such as Sun and Moon in the Pot, Qiankun in Your Sleeves, and Nuanyang 1314 for your votes and rewards. I also thank you all for your support. I will give you more, double the last half-day and please vote for me~

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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