Because it was clearly stated in the notice that this was a special gathering, most of the members of the Curly Baboon Research Society did not communicate in groups. They just stood in their accustomed positions and focused their attention on the huge mottled stone chair. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

Ten minutes after the appointed time, the president "Gandalf" in a linen robe looked around and said in a loud voice:

“Everyone, I have called you all together this time to tell you something very important.

"There is a group of traitors among us!"

A group of traitors... Although the "Professor" and other members of the "Academy" team had received tips from Lumian, they did not expect that the problem would be more serious than expected.

Not a traitor, a group of them!

There was an uproar in the dilapidated ancient palace. Some members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" obviously didn't believe it, while others were instantly wary, doubting this and that. Some thought there might be a problem, but it was not as exaggerated as "Gandalf" said.

They talked in low voices, and during the passionate discussion, "Hela", who was wearing a black veil, said in a cold voice: "Let's first ask a victim to tell her story."

The woman's voice was not loud, but it was like the only sound in the quiet night, clearly reaching the ears of every member of the Curly Baboon Research Society.

She then set her sights on the area where the "Academy" team was located.

Lumian understood the intention of "Hela" and walked up the steps without any fear or worry to the huge mottled ancient stone chair.

He simulated Aurore's emotional reaction if she knew the truth about her murder, and said in a slightly loud voice:

"On April 1st last year, I bought a spell called 'Evocation' from the 'Crazy Girl' in the 'April Fool's Day' group...

There is no need to use "amplification". Lumian's imitated Aurore's voice relies on the hidden power that pervades the "Land of Night" to accurately be heard clearly by everyone present without any leakage.

Obviously, this is the help provided by "Hela". After all, Lumian himself is not a real "wizard" and cannot use those auxiliary spells.

Hearing this, most members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" all turned their attention to the crack in the palace where the "April Fool's Day" team was located, and found that not only the "Crazy Girl" did not come, but also a large number of members did not show up.

They vaguely guessed which group the traitors were referring to, and those members who had been teased by the "April Fool's Day" group could not help but flash with joy.

Lumian continued his statement. He did not immediately talk about the "confessions" of "Loki" and "I have a friend." He first restored his original mood from Aurore's perspective:

The trust in "I have a friend"; the longing for hometown; the persistence for clues; the heartbeat of the "mad woman" rhetoric; after using the "soul evocation", it was discovered that the recovered residual soul was combined with one's own memory, split into The panic and uneasiness after a personality change; the helplessness and fear of seeking "I have a friend" treatment, getting better and worse again and again...

The more Lumian talked, the harder it became to calm down. He gradually became excited and even choked up.

On the one hand, this comes from his own chagrin. He did not notice in advance that Aurore's state and mood were abnormal. He was too relaxed when staying with the people closest to him, which caused him to ignore small changes. , the problem is already very serious.

On the other hand, with the memories and simulations, Aurore's soul fragments seemed to become active and floated to the edge of the seal, affecting his spirit to a certain extent.

At the end of the story, Lumian took a deep breath: “I almost died because of this, but fortunately, I got help at the last minute and my split personality was sealed. This is why I didn’t attend parties for nearly half a year.

"After initial recovery, I wrote to Ms. Hela and told her story about my experience, and we began to secretly investigate Loki, 'I have a friend' and 'Crazy Girl'."

"Hela" took over the topic: "So far, 'Loki' has exposed enough problems and suffered heavy losses from us, and 'I have a friend who was captured by the Muggles and asked for a lot of information."

Seeing that many members of the "Curly-haired Baboon Research Society" instinctively felt fear and expressed concern for their own safety,

"Hela" talked about "Loki"'s ridicule of "Muggles" and the careful arrangement of "I have a friend".

This made most of the members of the research association extremely angry, and they began to understand what "Muggles" and "Hela" were doing.

"Hela" looked around and said:

“It wasn’t just the Muggles who were murdered by them, there were also many members who had died and disappeared before.

“Now, let’s call in some witnesses.

"Kurotsuchi" and other members of the "April Fool's Day" group came on stage one after another and told what they knew. This made the members of the "Curly Baboon Research Association" send chills down their spines, their hairs stood up, and they were full of fear.

If the "Muggles" hadn't survived by luck and exposed the true identity of those people, I don't know how many people here would have been murdered by them!

After the witnesses finished speaking, the president "Gandalf" showed evidence including diaries, items, etc., and finally said:

"Based on the confession of 'I have a friend', we eliminated the 'Loki' associates lurking in other groups. Among them, 'Pettigrew' committed suicide. He felt sorry for everyone. Hey, he was a good person, but lacked determination. And courage, if he had found me and 'Hela' earlier and hinted to us in a better way, many things would not have happened, and he wouldn't be so guilty."

With each sigh, "Gandalf"'s sonorous voice became a little louder:

"Everyone, we just eliminated those associates that I have a friend who knows. There may be traitors in each group that are limited to 'Loki'. I propose that we set up a 'review committee', composed of myself, 'Hai' Composed of La' and three other companions who have passed mutual reviews, the task is to confirm whether there is any problem with each remaining member, eliminate the hidden dangers hidden inside, and take action against 'Loki' and his associates. "

The members of the "Curly Baboon Research Society" hesitated in a state of fear and anger. They were worried that this would lead to their secrets and reality being exposed in front of the "review committee."

If there are careerists hidden among these five, they can use this information to coerce and control the corresponding members to do things for them, posing a more serious threat to everyone than the "Rocky" gang.

"Gandalf" watched quietly, and after they discussed for a while, he said:

"Don't worry, our review will not involve your personal secrets and real identities. The main process is for the 'review committee' to design a strict contract that guarantees that members of the research association will not murder each other, and then everyone signs it. 'Apollo' notarization, as for which god you believe in, what profession you are in reality, and what secrets you have, we don't care, as long as you are not contaminated and become an invisible bomb, this restriction will also be reflected in the contract."

"Apollo" is one of the five vice-presidents. His original nickname was not this, but then one day, he suddenly walked up to the huge stone chair and informed all the members that he had changed his nickname.

He has passed the inspection of "Gandalf" and "Hela".

Compared to examining the details from body to soul, just signing a binding contract to ensure each other's safety is obviously more recognized by the members of the "Curly Baboon Research Association".

After a show of hands, the "Review Committee" was formally established with a near-unanimous vote.

This committee has five members, namely the president "Gandalf", the vice president "Hela", the vice president "Apollo" and the "Temple" team member "Hidden Blade", and the "Academy" team member "Principal" .

"Hela" originally wanted "Muggles" to also become a member of the "Review Committee", but Lumian felt that he was always a fake and was not suitable as a person to review other members, so he rejected her proposal.

When the vote passed, Lumian heard "Hidden Blade" Franka standing next to her whispering:

"Human beings, it's still the same. If you want to open the windows, a lot of people will definitely object, but if you say you want to smash the roof, they will allow you to open the windows.

Seeing the "Muggle" looking over, "Hidden Blade" Franka muttered again:

"I didn't say that."

Next, everyone divided into groups to discuss the terms of the contract, ensuring that there were no excessive contents and that traitors and harmful behaviors could be caught in a timely manner without loopholes.

When Lumian walked down the steps, he saw "Hidden Blade" Franka communicating with a rather tall man wearing a lion's hood.

As soon as he got closer, the man turned his head to look at "her" and said with a smile:

‘Muggle, are you in the market area too? "

"007, why did you say that?" "Hidden Blade" Franka asked deliberately.

That "007" who works for an official force in Trier... Lumian nodded, raised the corners of his mouth and said: "Activities in the market area does not mean living in the market area.

"That's right." "007" turned to look at the "Hidden Blade" and said with a hint of ridicule and ridicule, "You have told me about the terrifying aura that night and you know the general situation, and today I talked about 'Loki' Waiting for someone's betrayal, it would be strange if I didn't guess that it was Ms. Hela, you, and Muggles who were dealing with Loki and "I have a friend" in the market area. Moreover, I heard that A 'Secret Puppet Master' disappeared in the eighth round of time, which is consistent with the way 'Loki' behaves."

Having said this, "007" glanced at "Hidden Blade" and "Muggle" with doubts:

"There is no Extraordinary among you who has the "Hunter" path. "

The people above all suspected that the terrifying aura was emanating from high-ranking people in the "Hunter" path.

"Can we create that kind of terrifying aura ourselves? It must be from an external source!" Franka was telling the truth, but she was deliberately misleading the other party into thinking about spells, sealed objects, etc.

While "007" nodded slowly, Lumian looked at him and said:

What did you say about the missing "Secret Puppet Master" in the eighth game? Why do you think he disappeared?

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