When he heard the name "Trier Cave Society" and their invitation to "Rat" Christo, Lumian was not confused at first, www.youxs.org. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

The upper part of the map was as detailed as if someone had sneaked into the municipal department and copied it from the original data.

Now, Lumian was a little doubtful that it was leaked from the "Trier Cave Association".

This seemingly private organization has a large number of cave researchers, some of whom are either employees of the municipal department or expert consultants. They have sufficient access to confidential exploration and construction data, and even some of them participate in it. Those who went through the municipal reconstruction decades ago were those who witnessed the opening of tunnels and the reinforcement of all quarry cavities.

Their knowledge of underground Trier can be said to be very deep.

Lumian looked at "Mouse" Christo and asked thoughtfully:

"You really don't know why they invited you to join?"

"Mouse" Christo said with a smile:

“I have some guesses, but I’m not sure.

"Char, they won't find out that I am the smuggling leader, right?"

As a "businessman" who has long taken advantage of the secretive nature of underground Trier to smuggle alcoholic beverages, weapons and ammunition, Christo's knowledge of different tunnels, remote mines, underground tombs, and remaining secret chambers is no better than most of the "Cave Association" The members are poor and even have some secret routes unknown to others.

Moreover, he is nicknamed "Mouse" and is a real "animal trainer". With the help of his animal friends, his "tentacles" can extend to many areas that humans cannot reach.

Christo suspected that the cave society favored him for these qualities.

That's why he felt uneasy. Whether it was his identity as an "animal tamer" in the extraordinary realm or his nature as a big smuggler, it was enough to send him to trial. The final result would probably be hanging, shooting, burning, beheading, and more. Become one of the low-level experimenters.

Lumian laughed:

"If those adventurers who have joined the Cave Association have not been involved in smuggling and hiding extraordinary people, I will not believe it."

"Yeah." "Mouse" Christo breathed out, "The Cave Association wants to get some business from me?"

Lumian glanced at him and said:

"So you should consult the boss on this matter instead of consulting me."

"Aren't you worried that the boss will take the opportunity to arrange some dangerous tasks for me?" Christo lowered his voice and said with a flattering smile.

www.youxs.org, this "mouse" is keenly aware that the boss is very interested in underground Trier, and is extremely interested.

He felt that if he joined the Trier Cave Society, www.youxs.org, he would try to steal confidential information, or participate in research and adventure operations.

And that often means danger.

He consulted Lumian. In addition to feeling that this colleague was strong enough, experienced enough, and had a quick mind, he might be able to provide some useful advice. The main thing was to find someone to shirk the responsibility in advance.

After signing in to receive the coupon, he has actually made up his mind to join the Trier Cave Society, www.youxs.org.

He was able to gradually grow from an ordinary gang member to an extraordinary person and control the Sava Party's smuggling business, relying on two principles: First, try not to provoke those who are more powerful than himself, only bully the weak, and if there is no other way, seek help Colleagues’ help comes from everyone; second, never put all your chips on one gamble or one person.

He had previously curried favor with Lumian, showing a certain degree of surrender, and was full of compliments. This was because he valued his colleague's rapid advancement in rank, getting stronger and stronger, and his good mind. www.youxs.org .

Now, given the opportunity to join the Trier Cave Association and get in touch with more forces and more powerful people, "Mouse" Christo naturally doesn't want to let it go. He doesn't want his network to be completely limited to the Savoy Party and the In the market area, if Gardner and Martin lose power one day, or if he is given a fatal mission, he must have a new ship that he can jump over and protect himself.

www.youxs.org, but if discovered by chance, with the current consultation behavior, Christo can naturally push the problem to "Lion" Ciel:

I, "Rat", am a rude and uncultured person. I deal with animals, coolies, and the dark underground every day. I have little knowledge and limitations, and my mind is not very good. I like to ask Charles for advice when I encounter things, and he told me that I can join. The cave association said it was a normal, personal incident.

Lumian looked at Christo with dark blue eyes and gray hair with a half-smile. He did not answer his inquiry and asked instead:

"You have been a beast tamer for a long time, right? Do you know what the next sequence is?"

Judging from the importance and care "Rat" has for his animal companions, even if he doesn't know how to act, he should be able to digest the "Animal Tamer" potion.

"I don't know, the boss didn't tell me." Christo's eyes were a little dodgey.

Lumian chuckled and said:

"As far as I know, the next sequence of the 'Beast Tamer' is a qualitative change sequence. It will bring you all-round improvements, including giving you a longer life and a body that is easier to recover."

Before Christo could ask further questions, Lumian changed the subject:

"So, you have to work hard to complete the tasks given by the boss and strive to get the corresponding rewards as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, yes." Christo agreed hastily.

Lumian then turned the topic back on track and asked with a smile:

"Would you like to join the Trier Cave Society?"

"Mouse" Christo hesitated a little:

Me, I'm very curious about their purpose, and the person who came seemed very polite and kept smiling, but I always felt that his behavior was threatening me, yes, threatening!

The one following him had no expression at all. He looked at me like I was looking at a dead person, a criminal waiting to be judged!

Curiosity... Lumian chuckled secretly, grasping the "mouse's" mentality and thoughts.

He said "angry":

"You dare to threaten the leader of our Savoyard Party. You must tell the boss about this!"

"No, no need!" Christo panicked, "The Cave Association is a semi-official organization. We are just gangs. There is no need to conflict with them. This is not good for you, me, and the Red Boots' Savoy Party in the market area. Members are no good.

Lumian clicked his tongue silently, planning to add more firepower to force the "mouse" guy to tell the truth.

At this moment, Sakota, who was guarding the stairs on the ground floor, came up and said to Lumian:

"Boss, there are two people claiming to be liaisons of the Trier Cave Society who want to visit you."

Visit me? Someone from the Trier Cave Society visiting me? Lumian glanced at "Mouse" Christo, who was leaning on the table with his hands on the table, looking surprised and confused. He leaned back on the chair and said to Sakota:

“Ask them to come up.

The two liaison officers of the Trier Cave Association are both young. They are wearing black formal suits and blue bow ties. One has brown hair and brown eyes, with many freckles, and a reserved smile. The other has black hair and brown eyes, with an expressionless face. Cold.

The friendly liaison officer's eyes swept over "Mouse" Christo and landed on Lumian's face.

He smiled and asked:

"Good afternoon, www.youxs.org?

"Yes." Lumian wanted to see what the Trier Cave Association wanted to do.

The liaison officer who just asked the question smiled in a condescending manner:

“We are members of the Trier Cave Society, my name is Joseph and this is my colleague Rayan.

"We are visiting you to invite you to join our association. We just invited Mr. Christo who is standing next to you a few hours ago."

Lumian did not hide his emotions and asked funnyly:

"What is it about me that your cave society appreciates?"

I'm not a smuggler, I often haunt Trier underground!

Do you still know that I have entered the fourth level of the catacombs and taken water from the "Fountain of the Samaritan Woman"?

Do you still know that I am a member of the "Iron Cross" and control a series of secret caves such as the Albert Mine?

Joseph smiled and replied:

"We have our own reasons, and if you are willing to join our association, you will definitely know the specific reasons."

Rayan, who was slightly taller than Joseph, added coldly:

"That's a good thing for you."

Lumian stared at the two people for a few seconds and laughed:

“I am not interested in your association.

La Yang, expressionless, narrowed his eyes:

"I hope you won't regret it."

Joseph also smiled meaningfully:

“You may not know what our cave association means in Trier.

"It's a pity that you missed this opportunity."

After saying that, the two turned around and prepared to walk towards the stairs leading to the bottom floor.

Looking at their backs, Lumian raised his head slightly:

"What exactly does the Trier Cave Society want to do? This matter is definitely not simple...

"This may be an opportunity. If I offend the Cave Society, www.youxs.org...

"My current mission in the Iron Cross is to investigate the secrets of the decline of the Sauron family and explore the underground to find the entrance to Trier in the Fourth Age. It has nothing to do with whether I stay in the market area...

"As long as you leave the market area, you will be out of sight of 'Loki'. You can turn into darkness and wait patiently...

“In that case, I don’t know if I can continue to enjoy the profit share of Breeze Dance Hall…

"If something goes wrong, teleport away immediately..."

As his thoughts flashed, Lumian suddenly knocked on the coffee table in front of him.

In the sound of "dong dong dong", he looked at the figures of Joseph and La Yang, raised the corners of his mouth, and asked calmly: "Who allowed you to leave?

target=_/a Beechcraft Chinese

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