Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 152: The evildoer complains first

Memorial Hall District, No. 11, Quanshui Street. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

www.youxs.org, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the study room, my skin was glowing a little golden due to the bright sunshine.

He looked at Lumian and Christo standing in front of the desk, listening to them talk about the Trier Cave Association.

Lumian was responsible for the main part, and roughly explained the origin of the "earth blood" ore specimen: "When I stayed at the Golden Rooster Hotel, there was a madman there named Flemish. It is said that he met Montsuri. Ghosts, who went crazy after their whole family died mysteriously.

"He would be sober occasionally, and we drank together several times. Then one day, he also hanged himself. The relics were taken away by people from the police headquarters, and they were said to be given to his relatives who were still alive, but those people did not I was willing to accept it, and eventually asked me to collect it, which included the specimen of the 'earth blood' ore.

"I knew that madman somehow, and we had been drinking, so I didn't throw away the mineral specimen and just put it in the iron cabinet of the safe house...

Lumian told the truth, and not a single word was false. He only hid the fact that he helped Fleman get rid of the ghost of Montsuri and Thermipolos' reminder of the "earth blood" ore.

After hearing this, my eyes turned brownish red, www.youxs.org:

“Where is your safe house?

Lumian answered truthfully:

"The room on the far left on the third floor of No. 19 Baiyi Street." First website

This was not on the same side as Apartment No. 6, where the terrifying aura was coming from, and was separated by a distance, so Lumian answered frankly.


"No wonder you often go to White Coat Street, not just because of Jenna."

Boss, are you suggesting that I don’t go to Franka’s place too often? Are you also showing that you know this situation? Lumian cursed and continued to talk about what happened next.

This is how he explained it to Joseph and Rayan of the Cave Society before.

Finally, Lumian asked deliberately:

"Will this bring any trouble to our Savoyard Party? There may be some official force hiding behind the Cave Association."

www.youxs.org, he believed that it would not be difficult to understand with the boss’s IQ.

www.youxs.org, looked at “Mouse” Christo and said:

“If you want to join the Cave Association, you can join it, just don’t delay the smuggling business.

“Mouse” Christo nodded frequently:

"Yes, boss."

www.youxs.org, left the study room early, leaving only Lumian alone.

www.youxs.org, appease this official member of the "Iron Cross":

"Don't worry about Puyver's side. Even if he figures out your true identity, he will just pretend that he doesn't know. After you became the king in the king cake game, he already has a lot of doubts about you. The next step must be Tested and exploited again and again.”

His implication was that he would remain in the Market District and continue to manage such properties as the Breeze Ballroom, the Rooster Inn, and the Mill Ballroom.

"Okay, I was just worried that it would affect the most important task." Lumian responded with a smile, looking relieved.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart.


Replacement of extraordinary people to manage Breeze Dance Hall and other industries, allowing Lumian to hide in the dark, is a very easy and simple thing for the boss of the Wa Party and the "chief" of the "Iron-Blooded Cross". harm.

Even if he feels that he cannot mistreat a subordinate like Lumian who has an important mission, he can still make up for it by continuing to share the profits of Breeze Ballroom and other industries, rather than letting the official members who have been targeted and suspected take certain risks. Stay where you are.

Although Lumian turning secret will appear more suspicious and lead to the Savoyard Party being targeted, there is definitely a way to solve a problem of this magnitude, www.youxs.org.

Lumian felt that the "chief" of the "Iron-Blooded Cross" was a little suspicious of him, so he hoped to use the Cave Association to continue testing him.

There is nothing in his description and explanation that can be falsified. Normally, www.youxs.org, but the problem is that too many things have happened around him during this period, too many unusual things. situation, www.youxs.org "conspirators" will surely instinctively and intuitively suspect that something is wrong here.

The detailed reasons are no longer enough to cover up the overall anomaly.

Thinking of this, Lumian suddenly became murderous.

www.youxs.org, it is judged that the distance between the two sides is about five meters.

At such a close distance, if he suddenly uses the "Hum Ha Technique", www.youxs.org, to gain divinity, and does not carry a magical item that can defend against similar abilities, then he can quickly subdue the boss of the Savoyard Party. , kill him.

The current situation is like two ordinary people without extraordinary abilities standing within a range of five meters. One is of noble status and is excellent in fighting. The other is of lower status and has a weak physique, but he has a hidden revolver and has good shooting ability.

Within five meters, no matter how high the status of an ordinary person is, no matter how strong the fighter is, no matter how many subordinates are around him, he will still fall to pieces with one shot!

Considering the missions of the "Tarot Society" and "Aurora Society", Lumian controlled himself and asked instead:

"Sir, I want to buy the conspirator's potion formula from the guild."

He had learned the lessons he had learned when he was promoted to "Arsonist". He didn't want to finish digesting all the potions and then anxiously search for the formula for the next sequence, searching for materials one by one. What he hoped was to digest the remaining "Arsonist" "When preparing the magic potion, collect the "conspirator's" materials in advance and proceed in two directions to save time to the greatest extent.


“Do you have that much cash?

"The conspirator's potion formula can be sold at most occult gatherings for 70,000 to 80,000 Firkin, or even more. This is no more expensive than the arsonists, who are constantly dying and being promoted, each one." The conspirators all understood the importance of protecting themselves, no longer acted impulsively, and began to strictly control the leakage of the corresponding sequence of potion formulas. "

In Trier, the most common potion recipes are Sequence 9 to Sequence 7 of the "Hunter" path.

Without waiting for Lumian’s answer, www.youxs.org:

"If you can investigate the secrets of the Sauron family's decline, even if not all, but only part of it, I will directly give you the 'Conspirator' potion as a reward.

"If you are eager to improve yourself and don't want to wait so long, as a formal member of the Iron-Blooded Cross, you are eligible to buy the Conspirator's potion formula at a discounted price of 60,000 Firkin."

"No problem." Lumian agreed without hesitation, "I will bring 60,000 Ferkin over tomorrow.

www.youxs.org, just ask Mr. K and Ms. “Magician” if they have any.

"Do you really have 60,000 ferkin?" www.youxs.org.

Lumian suddenly felt something in his heart and said deliberately:

"I happened to have it. I helped a tenant of the Golden Rooster Hotel get back a 100,000 yuan debt from the 'Different' Dance Hall in the Old Street of the Observatory District, and I divided more than half of it.

What he got in total was 50,000 Firkin banknotes and gold worth 30,000 Firgin, www.youxs.org, www.youxs.org, plus the original 1,000 gold, 1,000 banknotes and the remainder of 4,000 Firgin Funding, www.youxs.org.

"Different Song and Dance Hall..." www.youxs.org, his expression gradually became serious, "Is that debt really coming back from the 'Different' Song and Dance Hall?

Obviously, this "chief" of the "Iron Cross" knows something special about the "different" dance hall.

Lumian nodded calmly:


He helped Fitz get back the debt, www.youxs.org, so he just decided to speak out directly to confuse the categories of things that happened around him and mislead the "Iron Cross" in the direction of suspicion.

And, www.youxs.org!

www.youxs.org, quietly moved a step towards the floor-to-ceiling windows.

After a few seconds, he asked curiously:

"You haven't heard about the problem with the 'Different' cabaret?"

"I heard." Lumian laughed.

At this time, if he had a monocle, he might be tempted to wear it in his right eye socket, www.youxs.org.

After a pause, Lumian continued:

"After I accepted the commission, I specifically investigated the dance hall and found that it was very complicated, had a background, and was very dangerous, so I decided to give up. As a result, when I was following an enemy passing by that day, I just blinked and... Seeing that one of the guards at the door of the 'Different' Cabaret disappeared mysteriously, and behind the window upstairs, their boss Timmons seemed to have lost his soul.

“I thought this was an opportunity, so I tried to go in and collect the debt, but who knew, I succeeded!

Lumian stepped forward as he spoke and asked sincerely:

"Sir, are there any hidden dangers in this?"

www.youxs.org, said with a smile:

"It doesn't seem to be the case at the moment. Please pay more attention to yourself in the future to see if there are any abnormalities."

Lumian raised his doubts:

"Sir, I don't feel right. Why are there so many things happening around me during this time?"

Some of these are done by me actively, and some are passively sought out. Am I really the kind of person who will bring disaster, or is my recent destiny to be busy and exhausted? "

www.youxs.org, said meaningfully:

"Perhaps, this is the fate that the "Hunter" will inevitably experience. "

Wait until Lumian leaves, www.youxs.org.

A secret door opened there, and out came the hungry "Supervisor" Olson.

"How was it?" www.youxs.org.

Olson slightly raised the corners of his mouth and said:

"He is not too convinced by your arrangement, which is normal. He is not particularly loyal and cannot be a member of your team for the time being."


"The disaster in him is more obvious than any of us. Could it be that he is more suitable?"

Olson was silent for a few seconds and said:

"Lets see."

When Lumian returned to the market area, Franca was sitting in the Red House Cafe in Chaillot Town, www.youxs.org:

"When will you finish the review?

www.youxs.org, looking at Franka with black hair and brown eyes, he thought and said:

We found people who were suspected to be members of the Blessed Society. "

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