
This question appeared in the minds of Lumian and Franka in no particular order, and they both smelled the hidden smell of danger. Watermark advertising test Watermark advertising test

www.youxs.org, Want to avenge her?

But even so, telling the other core members of the "Blissful Society" the real "murderer" and the hidden secret is the best way to get revenge!

Without mobilizing and relying on the power of the entire organization, relying solely on one's own strength will only indirectly help Lumian, the enemy!

Looking at Beatrice with pale face and empty eyes, www.youxs.org, I thought about the reasons for doing this from his perspective:

"www.youxs.org'Honored recipients' have an uncontrollable desire to seek recognition from others and a strong desire to achieve...

"While being ostracized and alienated from other core members of the Beatitudes, he did have the motivation to make significant contributions on his own in an attempt to gain real recognition...

"Although it is considered a contribution for him to tell Beatrice and others about the Tree of Shadows, it is definitely not as important as single-handedly making up for his previous mistakes and pleasing the Mother Tree of Desire to the greatest extent. The latter can give him more recognition..." …..”

"For ordinary people, it is difficult to understand the idea of ​​such an awkward rivalry, but it is not surprising at all when it happens to the "honored recipient"..."

"The question now is, www.youxs.org?" First website

"Looking for revenge on me? Although he has no hope of fighting head-on, hiding in the dark, suddenly exerting influence at critical moments, and making a fatal blow can still effectively threaten me. After all, I have neither the ability to stand in, nor the physical strength of an ordinary person. There is no qualitative change in comparison, a revolver can kill me."

"But www.youxs.org most likely knows that there is an angel sealed in my body. Isn't he afraid that the pollution will explode after my death and drag him to be buried with me?"

"How can he satisfy his desire for recognition if he dies?"

"Or, just thinking about dragging such a powerful enemy to his death, so that other members of the 'Blessed Society' would be shocked, admired, and regretful from the bottom of their hearts, he climaxed to tears, and then was driven by desire. die?"

"Otherwise, www.youxs.org? Hmm. Obtaining the recognition of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' is a higher level and more worthy of pursuit."

"But the 'Shadow Tree' was severely injured and won't recover for a long time. How can he offer a sacrifice?"

www.youxs.org, we can only vaguely grasp his motives.

But no matter what, Lumian felt irritated and violent when he thought that there might be a pair of cold eyes hidden in the pedestrians on the road, nearby tenants, consumers in dance halls and hawkers everywhere, www.youxs.org, I can't wait to find out that "actor" immediately.

The negative effects of contracts, items, and brands on him still made his mood less stable than it was some time ago.

Franka didn't think too much. Although "Magic Mirror Channeling" lasted much longer than ordinary "Psychic", it was not completely unlimited. There was still a limit in minutes. She didn't want to waste time on analysis that could be done at any time later.


"Among all the members of the 'Blessed Society', www.youxs.org?"

Beatrice's voice became more and more unreal:

"He had the best relationships with the members who were in the market area, but those were either dead or captured."

She was really ostracized... Franka tried to ask without any hope:

“The Beatitudes’ www.youxs.org?”

Beatrice said lifelessly:

"No one, not even the new high priest, knows."

Franca had to change the question:

"Who is the new high priest?"

Beatrice's eyes were so hollow that it was terrifying and she replied:

"It's Sibel."

"What is her true identity?" Franka asked.

Beatrice’s face that appeared on the surface of the mirror was much more transparent than before:

"I don't know, she joined later. At that time, we were no longer a pure women-loving-women organization, and we began to pay attention to hiding our original identities. Sibel may still be a theater actor now."

The exterior of Adena's apartment.

www.youxs.org, quietly clinging there.

She could only see two black figures not far apart through the curtains, and the voices she heard in her ears were blurry and more distant than before, and she could only vaguely distinguish them as female voices.

Adena and fake Teresa are still chatting? No, at this distance, with the "Assassin's" hearing, I can hear clearly even through the closed glass windows and thick curtains... What is going on inside? www.youxs.org, tried to extend the "invisible spider thread" from the gap in the window.

"Magic Mirror Psychicism" reached its limit, Franka rationally ended the maintenance, www.youxs.org.

She was not too disappointed because she already had real-life information about several core members of the "Blissful Society" and the time, place, and method of their weekly gatherings.

But there seems to be no need to track it down personally. They don’t know Ciel’s question. Even if “Rose Science” finds them, it won’t be able to find any useful information... Franca glanced sideways at Lumian and put it away. The mirror lifts the "spiritual wall".

Amidst the whistling wind, the two of them noticed strange movement at the window, and there was a black shadow that looked like a human being.

——The "spiritual wall" isolates movement and reduces interference, while also affecting their sensing and monitoring of the surrounding environment.

Franka's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and Lumian took a few steps sideways, avoiding the front of the window.

They didn't attack immediately because they vaguely guessed who was outside.

Amidst the clattering sound, Brownsi, who quietly pried open the window, saw the curtains retreating to both sides "on its own accord", and her figure was suddenly exposed.

She was about to react, www.youxs.org.

The two people's eyes met, and there was silence for more than ten seconds.

Finally, Browns came to her senses and asked with concern:

"Where's Adina?"

"Asleep." Franka pointed to the carpet near the window.

Browns looked at the female companion, then looked at the motionless fake Theresa, and asked the question again:

"Solve it?"

"Solved." Franka replied calmly.

The spirit has been cleared!

Browns' eyes moved back and forth between Franka and Lumian in the corner several times, and asked in surprise and confusion:

"When did you do it?"

Before the curtains were completely closed... Franka wanted to answer this, but she felt that it would expose her...

Lu Xia Er and some of her fighting methods quickly changed her words and said with a smile:

"you guess."

Browns, Sauron recalled all the weak movements he had just sensed, but found no obvious signs of battle.

This made her even more shocked:

How could this wild witch and her young lover be so powerful?

Are more experiences and more diverse gains really that useful?

Feeling the pain of jealousy, Browns jumped into the room and closed the window.

She is not worried about being attacked by us at all... Is it because she has too little experience, or is she very confident in the various substitutes of the witch, or does she have something else to rely on? Lumian looked at him coldly and ignored him.

Franka smiled and said:

We asked for some information, including ‘the current high priest and some core members of the Beatitudes...

She recounted all the information she had obtained from Beatrice.

The more Browns listened, the more astonished she became.

They actually asked for so much information?

This should take a lot of time!

When exactly did they take action, and how long did it take to resolve the battle?

You can't pretend that as soon as Theresa entered the room and approached the window, she was suddenly attacked and solved instantly, right?

According to various previously observed performances, this member of the "Blissful Society" should be equivalent to a Sequence 6 "Honored Recipient", www.youxs.org, higher than the suspected Sequence 7 "Arsonist" www.youxs.org!

Franka didn't pay attention to Browns' reaction, and after finishing speaking, she said:

"I'm glad to tell you that our problem is simpler than expected and has been solved. Now it's your problem. Haha, it's not just Beatrice who is eyeing the Red House Cafe and is a core member of the Blessed Society."

She said this because she hoped that the Witch Sect would "take over" the elimination of the remaining members of the "Blessed Society".

"Are you instigating me?" Browns asked sharply.

Franka smiled and replied:

"No, just a reminder."

While they were talking, Lumian returned to Beatrice's body, squatted down, and began to explore it more carefully.

This time, he found banknotes and gold coins worth 1,500 firkin, and found a neatly folded piece of paper.

Lumian opened the note and saw it written in Intis:

"Within three days, pick up the painting from the hotel."

Hostel...what hostel? What painting? This was a deal reached by the real art dealer Theresa, but the receipt fell into the hands of the pretender? Where is the real Theresa now... I forgot to ask this question just now... Lumian looked at the note in his hand, and many thoughts flashed through his mind.

He stood up, www.youxs.org, and although Browns knew that Franka was instigating her, she had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

She looked down at Adena, trying to wake up her companion.

At this moment, the three of them stopped at the same time, www.youxs.org.

The light there seemed to dim a little, and the body seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

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