Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Summary of Part 3 and Request for Leave

"When the once most powerful conspirator returned in the most brilliant form, a conspiracy against Him also began, perhaps already started. Everyone is a hunter and everyone is prey. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test"

This is the image I want to express at the end of the volume. I originally planned to write it directly after Lumian's silence as the final words, but I felt that this was too neutral and it might be better to leave it blank. After all, Lumian doesn't know yet. What does 0-01 represent? We can only see that Morola, the city of exile that is closely related to the headquarters of the Church of Knowledge, is very similar to Trier, so we suspect that 0-01 has some kind of relationship with Trier in the Fourth Age. There is no way. Thinking that this is a conspiracy against the "Red Angel", I can't say that.

The author's words imposed by the narration are too voice-over, and it feels better to let the readers taste the meaning on their own.

For those who have read the first part, it should be easy to see that the stolen information represents a new conspiracy, corresponding to the one who just made a grand return with a big conspiracy. For those who have not read it, I will try my best to use the seal 0-01 The method has many similarities with the Fourth Age Trier, suggesting that it is related to the hunter path, involves the Fourth Age God War, and is a response to the return of the Red Angel, so the title line is highlighted.

This volume is very tiring to write. Conspiracies of all sizes are intertwined. Different people and different forces have their own plots. In the end, they become fireworks to welcome the strongest conspirator. Therefore, this volume is about conspirators.

The first level of meaning must be that Lumian has become a conspirator, the second level is the return of the Red Angel Medici, and the third level is what I just mentioned, big and small conspiracies, some have already broken out, some have just been revealed, and some Some are still secret, some are brewing, and the one who seems to be the final winner is still involved in other people's plots.

Just like everyone has seen the bets of the Knowledge Church, but not why they bet here, www.youxs.org, and they discovered the specialness in him, then, which organization arranged for Lumian to go undercover in the Iron-Blooded Cross? What about?

This movie has a lot of foreign god forces added to it. Combined with the existing ones, there are too many branches to develop, which caused a problem with the pacing for a long time in the middle. It was too slow and procrastinating, and there was not enough change. I originally planned It was Chapter 123 that made Lumian a conspirator and digested the potion at the end. As a result, more and more branch plots were written, adding dozens of chapters. Later, there was really no other way, and some branch plots were After cutting it off, I quickly threw out the hotel and brought the main line back, and the effect was pretty good.

In addition, there is a natural problem with sequel-type works, that is, everyone has seen very high-level and very intense things before, and if you return to a low-level one, you will feel that there is no tension and passion. I have no way to solve this, I can only be patient. Write slowly, and you will eventually reach a high level in the future. Cherish the time you have at a low level now.

Of course, as the end approaches, all kinds of conflicts will intensify, and Lumian and the others will inevitably be involved. Just like at the beginning of the second volume, when Lumian first arrived in Trier, I was actually thinking that under the current situation, What does Medici want to do, what he will do, and how he will do it, so there is a detailed structure of the entire third volume, instead of just stopping at the name of the conspirator and a few key points.

Due to their own sequence level, in similar incidents, Lumian and the others often played a role in the corners in the previous volumes. There is no way to do this, but they will definitely grow in the future and slowly enter the main stage.

I have said before that there is a line in this movie that may involve the protagonist and the Red Angel fighting wits and courage. Now it seems that this is inevitable. Whoever loses will become a witch. (No.

Regarding this point, there is a hidden thread in both of them, and it is also a hidden thread that shapes the characters, but it does not shape them, but something else.

Finally, in general, I am very satisfied with the third part. Although it uses messy switching shots to correspond to the intertwining of large and small conspiracies, which is not suitable for following the reading, in the end it really converges into a strong note, and that is the only way. Only the ultimate plot can create the ultimate characters. I am very satisfied with the Sun and Red Angel in this volume.

Writing that paragraph with an inner monologue and a lyrical way was also weighed repeatedly. I should have said before that introverted and sad feelings are suitable for line drawing, and for the silent blank space, just like a clown's flower presentation, while the flamboyant and wanton Feelings need an explosion, a "scream".

Well, the title chosen for the fourth volume comes from Path of Outer Gods, which everyone already knows. The preface of the volume is based on the lyrics of Jay Chou. There has been a similar one before. I think it fits the final tone of the next volume very well. :

Part 4: The Sinner

Preface: Merciful Lord, please forgive me for the sins I have committed

Okay, it’s time to rest and organize the outline again. My children have been suffering from colds, coughs and fevers once a month since they started kindergarten in September. As a parent, I sometimes get infected, so I keep my manuscripts saved so that I don’t get sick. It's more, but I'm also feeling nervous and nervous. No, I have runny nose again.

Please take an extra day off this time. Updates will resume at 12:30 noon on Thursday. Thank you all.

Finally, I have written a single chapter. Of course, I ask for a monthly ticket. Please give me a monthly ticket!

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