Feeling the gazes of Albus and Eloise, Lumian slowly walked towards the injured black giant spider with the carbide lamp in hand.

As a "hunter", he has a clear enough understanding of the current attitudes of his two teammates:

It's like being in a dark forest. Everyone is a hunter, but once their own weakness is exposed, they will become prey and be attacked by others.

Albus and Eloise now want to see Lumian's status and abilities.

They seemed not to believe that Lumian could easily defeat the "Wax Master" and felt that he must have paid a high price. Furthermore, they hoped to find out the specific sequence and magical items carried by the previous winner of the King Cake Game.

Lumian had no doubts about killing the heavily damaged black giant spider, but he did not want to expose his trump card of "Spiritual World Travel" and "Hum Ha Technique" to Albus and Eloise.

As he approached the giant black spider, his thoughts were racing, thinking about how to fight in a way that would cost the least, take the shortest time, and be the most relaxed.

Lumian's gaze tore most of it from the side, and the dark red blood was still seeping out. He glanced at the giant black spider that could not escape from the current hall like other similar people. He put his left hand into his pocket in a relaxed posture and took out a silver White ear clip, clip it to the lobe of your left ear.


After completely digesting the "Arsonist" potion, Lumian's mood became more stable and he could use "Lies" while secretly carrying the "Torture" gloves.

One after another, crimson flaming crows formed around him.

Almost at the same time, the giant black spider responded. The withered heart behind it flashed a dark red light, creating a large number of dangerous fireballs as before, as if weaving a red web that could protect it.

Whoosh whoosh, the fire crows around Lumian flew out, drawing different trajectories towards the target.

The hundreds of red fireballs on the black giant spider's body reacted and shot out with a roar.


For a moment, some fire crows were intercepted by the fireballs, and some fire crows detonated the fireballs. A series of explosions occurred around the black giant spider, and one after another flames rose up.

At this moment, a bright fireball flew out from the side and tried to throw towards the exit of this hall.

Lumian was waiting for this opportunity. He raised his left hand and snapped his fingers.

With a bang, the bright fireball lost its balance and fell to the ground.

It did not explode, but flames shot upward, revealing the figure of the giant black spider.

Lumian rushed over suddenly, pressed down with his left hand, and streams of red fire spurted out from his palm.

They are wrapped in layers and compressed until they are almost white.

After running to the side of the black giant spider that was dazed from hitting the ground, Lumian leaned forward, flicked his left arm, and pressed the blazing white fireball directly onto the ferocious lacerated wound, causing It enters the target's body.

Amidst the sound of its limbs moving wildly, the giant black spider barely turned its body, while Lumian leaned back and rolled continuously, widening the distance.

His figure appeared next to the red sea created by the fire crow and the fire ball, far away from the target whose aura became violent.


The blazing white fireball exploded in the body of the giant black spider. The burning was not obvious, but the rapid expansion of the gas completely tore the extraordinary creature apart, causing its chitinous hard shell to be ripped apart piece by piece with flesh and blood. Throwed out.

The giant black spider made a squeaking scream, and its eight bristly legs stretched and contracted wildly.

Lumian didn't give it a chance to slow down. He had already condensed a red-to-white spear and threw it at the target.

The spear made of flames flew through the air and accurately penetrated into the huge torn wound, pinning the giant black spider to the ground.

The spear immediately disintegrated and burned its internal organs. After a few hits, the giant black spider lost its movement.

Lumian was not in a hurry to get close to the prey. He turned sideways and looked at Albus and Eloise. He took off the "Lie" ear clip and said with a smile: "Solved."

While speaking, he gathered dozens of red fire crows and let them fly into groups to fly towards the seemingly dead black giant spider.


The giant black spider jumped up again and actively detonated its body.

It was just pretending to be dead!

Unfortunately, Lumian was far away from it and did not fall into the trap, but only sacrificed a dozen fire crows.

All the remaining red fire crows flew out, "biting" the black giant spider's broken body, making it return to "peace" again.

Seeing this scene, Albus nodded slowly and said reluctantly: "Not bad."

Eloise looked thoughtfully and did not respond to Lumian's announcement.

Lumian turned to the giant black spider that was no longer moving. He waited until a little iron-black light emitted from its body before walking over.

After observing the situation of the black giant spider just now, he decided to bully the opponent who was seriously injured. His ability to control flames was likely to be reduced and his actions were no longer quick and agile. So he activated "Lie" and used its "controlling flame" characteristic to cooperate. His own speed and agility.

The iron-black light did not converge on the giant black spider's compound eyes as Lumian expected, but instead flowed into the shriveled black heart embedded in the opponent's back like a stream.

Lumian stopped beside the prey and looked at this scene in confusion. After the extraordinary characteristics were completely released, he pried out the withered heart, black compound eyes and poison glands in the mouthparts with the idea of ​​taking them away first and then confirming. Separately packed into different secret bags and metal vials.

"You're not just an 'arsonist' and haven't become a 'conspirator' yet, are you?" Albus's mocking voice sounded.

It’s not like you don’t know that when I joined the “Iron-Blooded Cross”, it wasn’t long before I became an “Arsonist”... Lumian cursed, straightened up, and said with a smile: “Yeah, I’m still just An 'arsonist'."

"The arsonist can't kill the wax figure artist..." Eloise muttered in a low voice.

Albus's eyes glanced at Lumi's pocket where the "Lie" ear clips were placed, without saying anything more.

Look, everything I tell is the truth. If you don’t believe it and have doubts about this or that, I can’t help it... Lumian chuckled, put on the carbide lamp, and walked towards the exit of this hall first. .

After another period of dark corridor, they came to a deep room.

Under the yellowish light, iron soldiers wearing blue coats with gold threads appeared in the room one after another.

They were different from children's dolls. Each one was nearly two meters tall, and the spears they held in their hands shone with cold light and were very sharp.

"If this came to life, it would be an army." Albus sighed with a hint of meaning.

Army, soldiers... Lumian suddenly thought of the feeling of wanting to surrender in the King Cake game, the way the wax figure attacked him, and the embarrassing hierarchy within the "Iron-Blooded Cross" - - "Regiment Commander", "Deputy Regiment Commander", "Sir", "Noncommissioned Officer" and "Soldier".

With various thoughts swirling around, Lumian came up with a certain guess:

Does the Hunter pathway involve military, obedience, and hierarchy?

"The wax figures are driven soldiers, and these tin dolls too? The high-sequence strong men of the 'Hunter' path have the ability to create special soldiers themselves?

"There are really traces of the 'Hunter' pathway in the underground palace of Red Swan Castle. No wonder we frequently encounter monsters in this pathway..."

And this also makes Lumian not need to search, just fight, and there will be corresponding gains.

It was really a dangerous hunting ground where one could become prey and could be very fruitful! He sighed sincerely.

www.youxs.org, throwing them haphazardly into different parts of the room.

The fireballs did not explode, but lay quietly on the ground, on the Tin Soldier's shoulders and hat.

When the three of them left the room, Albus handed the carbide lamp to his left hand, raised his right palm, and snapped his fingers like Lumian.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the room behind them, the blazing white fireballs exploded one after another, igniting each other and causing the earth to shake slightly.

"Delayed explosion"!

One of the abilities of "Arsonist" is "Delayed Explosion"!

Although the iron soldiers in the room were all made of metal, under the huge shock wave, they were either missing arms or legs, or their internal parts were damaged, and some were buried in stone bricks by the collapsed walls.

Seeing Lumian looking at him, Albus smiled: "Remove hidden dangers, just like you deal with those wax statues."

"I thought you didn't dare." Lumian smiled back.

Regarding Albus's performance, he knew the other party's purpose when he saw it just now. What surprised him was that the underground palace of Red Swan Castle seemed to have some kind of self-protection mechanism. No matter how big the explosion or the fire was, it could only affect one person. The room will not overflow.

Well, without this kind of self-protection, with the monsters running rampant here, Red Swan Castle would have collapsed long ago... Lumian saw another corridor diagonally going down in front of him.

At the end of the corridor is a double, heavy iron door. The dark background is scattered with large swaths of red, as if someone has splashed blood on it.

Eloise took a slow breath and walked in front of Lumian and Albus.

She reached the door all the way, put down the carbide lamp, stretched out her hands, leaned forward and pushed hard.

With a teeth-searing friction sound, the two iron-black doors slowly opened back.

Lumian suddenly saw a large swath of candlelight, and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

The bronze coffin that appeared in his nightmare really caught his eye.

At this time, nearly one-third of the white candles around the coffin were extinguished, and a large part was still burning.

In the flickering candlelight, the door was fully opened. Lumian quickly looked around and found no other figure.

The three "hunters" stayed at the door, and no one came forward for more than ten seconds.

Finally, www.youxs.org asked in a mocking tone: “Why don’t you go in?”

"Why did you stop too?" www.youxs.org.

"We're waiting for you to come forward." Lumian said with a relaxed smile.

This hall looks very dangerous at first glance. It hides a very big secret. Of course, we have to let others explore the way!

Lumian found that not only did he think so, but Albus and Eloise also thought so.

Albus looked away and laughed softly: "Since you are all cowards, I have to do it myself."

After saying that, he suddenly knelt down on one knee and put his hands on the ground.

Two red fire snakes jumped out silently and headed straight for the bronze coffin.

Hey! Lumian's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect Albus to be so reckless.

Just attack the thing that might be the biggest problem without doing any investigation?

Eloise's expression also froze, and her right hand subconsciously reached forward, as if she wanted to stop Albus.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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