From the moment he entered Red Swan Castle, Lumian wrote everything that happened on paper without omission. He only condensed the communication process and extracted the key meaning. "

He felt that the underground labyrinth of the Sauron family obviously hid very important secrets. He was worried that he was not knowledgeable enough and would treat the problematic areas as normal and ignore the past, so he simply copied it as it was and let Ms. "Magician" make her own judgment.

It took Lumian half an hour to write this letter.

He immediately closed the curtains, performed a ceremony, and summoned the "doll" messenger.

After waiting for nearly twenty minutes, the messenger returned two pieces of letter paper folded into squares.

There are actually two pages, which is quite important... Lumian weighed it and murmured silently as he unfolded it.

", the so-called 'Wax Master' and the mutated black spider are enhanced human lions and hunting black spiders, possessing the extraordinary characteristics of the previous sequence. The only thing he didn't mention is that the heart will not only have a certain impact on your promotion. The influence of it, and because it comes from a special ritual, will cause the Beyonder who uses it to be promoted to merge with a little bit of the blood of the Sauron family, and may be troubled by a curse. Of course, for you, this is nothing to worry about.

Yes, nothing happened to you even after you played King Cake and became emperor, so why should you be afraid of this?

"That little bit of Sauron family blood might play an unknown role at some point."

Unknown function...Did Ms. "Magician" see something when she was hinting at her "horoscope"? If I really used that shriveled heart to make a potion, I would not only have a little bit of the "Blood Emperor" in me, but also A bit of Sauron family blood, what the hell kind of hodgepodge is this? Lumian mocked himself mercilessly.

If there were some Einhorn blood, Lumian wouldn't even dare to imagine that he would be considered talented in the "Hunter" path, but he would still be a trash heap.

After a few words of slander, Lumian continued reading:

"Your adventure this time was very fruitful. Combining what you experienced, saw, and heard, as well as the encounters in the two previous king cake games, I made a preliminary judgment that is somewhere underground in that hall. , sealed by bronze coffins, white candles, iron-black rings, bloody springs, and the hearts taken out by core members of the Sauron family through special rituals. Even the entire underground maze is connected to a dangerous sealed object. Part of it,

"This is the first victim of the curse of the Sauron family. Why he suddenly disappeared, why he went underground, and why he has been alive has affected generations of Red Swan Castle and the Sauron family, making them crazy. This is the key thing that needs to be clarified later. This is the real reason for the decline of the Sauron family.

"This is too dangerous for you. It is difficult to detect with your sequence. Just like what you have experienced,, you will also briefly lose yourself, leave in a daze, and accept the reshaping of the 'Wax Master', There was no way to really get close to the bronze coffin and the seal it held.

"Of course, when you have some blood of the Sauron family,, you may have a chance to enter that hall, but in general, before you are ready to advance to Sequence 4 and touch the door of divinity, I don't suggest you take the risk,, you can just do it half-heartedly.

"Based on your contribution, next time you need a potion formula or certain materials, you can come to me directly for a huge discount."

Angel? Seeing this, Lumian's eyelids twitched.

The mysteriously missing ancestor of the Sauron family, Fomunda, turned out to be a powerful angel!

The sound that made him lose himself instantly and almost coma came from a real mythical creature!

Moreover, that angel is still in complete madness and needs to be sealed.

The Sauron family's underground labyrinth is really a dangerous place, but there are also a lot of "treasures"... Lumian muttered with a little fear and a little anticipation.

In fact, he didn't need Ms. Magician's advice, and he didn't want to risk getting close to the hall with the bronze coffin., how about killing him directly while he loses himself?

The task of investigating the reasons for the decline of the Sauron family seems to have to wait until he becomes more powerful before he can go further.

Of course,, or ask the vice-presidents of the "Iron-Blooded Cross" for help.

After digesting these paragraphs, Lumian took a breath and read the rest of the letter:

" is just a member of the 'Iron Cross'. The name itself can tell a lot.

"In the ancient times, before the 'Blood Emperor' and the 'Red Priest', the 'God of War' had another name, and that was one of the eight angel kings who once followed the 'Ancient Sun God' Bit, 'Red Angel' or 'War Angel' Medici.

"One of his original responsibilities was to look after and teach Amon."

The King of Angels... How is it different from the angels in the normal context? The 'ancient sun god' has a really great influence on future generations, the seven who believe in the 'Aurora Society' Some of the True Gods, Amon, the former "God of War" Medici... Lumian fell into recollection and found that many problems in the current era may have been left over from two or three thousand years ago, and that "ancient" Related to the Sun God's fall.

This piqued his curiosity, causing him to read the rest of the content even more intently than before:

"The Red Angel Medici and the oldest ancestors of the Sauron family and the Einhorn family died at the same time under the joint efforts of Alistair Tudor and his great nobles, which resulted in the birth of the 'Red Priest', but' After the death of the Blood Emperor, both the Sauron family and the Einhorn family took back their own extraordinary characteristics.

"The King of Angels is not so easy to die completely. The 'Red Angel', Sauron, and Einhorn somehow turned into powerful evil spirits. Evil spirits mixed together. Just a few years ago, this evil spirit found A way to get rid of geographical restrictions, escape from the place of birth and disappear without a trace.

"The Red Angel Medici has many descendants and has established a secret angel family. Most of them live in Bansi Port. Yes, it is the Bansi Port that I mentioned, which was severely polluted and was directly destroyed by the Church of the Storm. However, In the one or two thousand years before this, members of the Medici family left the island one after another and returned to the northern continent,

"It is reasonable to suspect that Albus has seen the evil spirit. Lifting the curse of the Sauron family may be the wish of a part of the evil spirit, and the part belonging to the 'Red Angel' Medici should be coveting the accumulation of the Sauron family.

"As for why Albus appeared in the Sacred Heart Monastery, it may be that the evil spirit behind him or the 'Iron Cross' noticed that there was a problem there, and sent him to find a reason to contact the monks openly and collect information.

"Don't worry, Miss Justice and Susie are watching over there."

There is a problem in the Sacred Heart Monastery... Lumian did not expect that there would be a problem in the largest monastery of the Eternal Sun Church in Trier, but the words of Ms. "Magician" pointed out this situation very clearly.

When he guessed the reason why Albus appeared in the Sacred Heart Monastery, he analyzed a lot but did not think about the problem of the Sacred Heart Monastery itself., he understood the tendencies and trends of some factions in the "Eternal Burning Sun" church. manner.

Combined with what Ms. "Magician" said last time that someone in the "Tarot Club" was following a clue, Lumian suspected that the problem at the Sacred Heart Monastery might involve the belief in evil gods!

"The disaster that is still brewing is really quite big..." Lumian's sense of urgency became even stronger.

At the end of the letter, Ms. "Magic" wrote:

"'s sight of something in the underground labyrinth may be related to the fact that he endured the pollution of No. 13 Market Avenue, or it may be the use of the item that was smuggled in through the 'rat' before. What is it specifically? I don't know either.

"You should take the magic potion recently and be promoted to Sequence 6. If the disaster fails to be successfully prevented, you can take the Holy Grail Two and your friends to teleport away from Trier, or go to Mr. Fool's church for temporary refuge. .”

After reading the reply, Lumian pondered for a while and watched quietly as it was swallowed up by red flames.


No. 3, White Coat Street, Apartment 601.

Franka, who was wearing a cotton shirt and light-colored trousers, saw Lumian outside the door and asked in surprise: ""

Why did you come back?

"I went on an adventure in the underground labyrinth of Red Swan Castle in the afternoon and gained a lot." Lumian entered the room with a smile and closed the door. "Now I'm looking for some help from you."

"What harvest? What business?" Franka was curious and confused.

Lumian only answered the latter question:

"Hold something for me, and if something goes wrong after I take the potion, open it immediately."

"Take the magic potion?" Franka was stunned for a moment, "Have you finished digesting the 'Arsonist' potion?"

"Digestion is complete." Lumian nodded with a smile.

Franka instinctively asked:

"Have you collected all the ingredients for the 'Conspirator' potion?"

"Collected everything." Lumian replied with a smile.

"..." Franka couldn't help but muttered, "You've only been out for an afternoon, how come it's like you've been out for two or three weeks..."

Not only was the "Arsonist" potion thoroughly digested, but most of the materials for subsequent potions were also obtained!

Lumian said extremely sincerely: "Thanks to nature, no,"

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