Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 173 The Faith of Openness and Inclusion

Lumian had seen a similar three-masted sailing ship in the illustrations of the "Adventurer" series of novels. It can be said to be quite conspicuous at Lavigne Pier, which is full of river steamers, attracting various looks from passers-by.

Almost at the same time, Lumian felt a slight heat in his right palm, which then calmed down.

What's going on? The residual aura of the "Blood Emperor" has changed to a certain extent? This, this seems to be a resonance to some extent... Lumian was stunned for a while, and started to think about it in surprise and confusion.

This ancient three-masted sailing ship and the "Blood Emperor" www.youxs.org

While Lumian was staring at the ship, Janna got out of the carriage and teased him with a smile: "You brought me here just because you wanted me to see this pirate ship with a sense of the times, right?"


She read the first two episodes of the "Adventurer" series through the serials in newspapers. At that time, although her family was not poor, books were always very expensive. The total number of newspapers sold one by one actually amounted to too much. It’s not cheap, but it’s good because you only have to pay a small amount of money each time. When her father died due to a work-related injury, and the compensation was still delayed, she rarely even read like this. She occasionally brought some old newspapers back to cover the wall or put them on the wall. When used for other purposes, she can always see


Coupled with the bards who often appeared on the streets and the dramatic stories her mother told her before going to bed, her spiritual life was not particularly barren.

She came to the market area and became an underground singer. After she was able to earn a lot of money, she deliberately saved some money and bought pirated copies of the "Adventurer" series from underground booksellers. Finally, she had the opportunity to see those exquisite illustrations. For this reason, she often felt guilty, www.youxs.org, and planned to buy a genuine set after paying off all her debts.

Who knows, her debts will become more and more repayable.

Lumian looked away and responded to the teasing with a joke: "This is an extra surprise."

The two stood on the edge of the port area, discussing the differences between the ancient sailing ship and the illustrations in the books as readers of the "Adventurer" series of novels.

After a while, Lumian took Jenna outside the ordinary-looking Church of the Fool.

Jenna looked up at the bell tower and spire on the top of the four-story building, glanced at the silver-white symbol composed of the incomplete "pupilless eye" and part of the "twisted line", and asked with slight confusion: " Is this a church?"

Isn't this too simple?

The churches of the "Eternal Burning Sun" church in the market area and the botanical garden are more gorgeous and sacred than this.

"Yes." Lumian entered the church first.

Jenna followed closely behind, more and more surprised by the simplicity here:

There are only a few pieces of stained glass, no gold foil is inlaid in key positions, and no complex machinery is used in the entire church. The only thing that can be called a religious atmosphere is the giant murals, but the colors are also dim and not bright enough.

The most commendable thing here is that the windows are large and numerous, and even though they are located on the ground floor of the building, the lighting is very good.


Jenna's eyes swept over the murals, and she intuitively believed that they represented guidance and redemption.

It was only early ten o'clock in the morning, and there were very few people coming to the church to pray. It was very quiet here, naturally creating a deep feeling.

Lumian led Jenna to sit on the third row of seats facing the altar.

He looked around, looked at the Holy Emblem of "The Fool" in front of him, and said in a low voice:

"You should know very well that Franka and I are hiding some things from you, and there are some secrets that we are not letting you know."

"Yeah." Jenna nodded slightly, waiting for Lumian to explain.

Lumian continued:

"You should have noticed that Franka and I are not related. She and my sister Aurore are friends who have some kind of close connection and common interests. The 'Loki' and 'I have a friend' we dealt with before They were also part of this group, but they betrayed others, causing disaster in the village of Kordu and costing my sister her life.”

"Is that so..." Jian Na didn't have the nerve to ask further, but she only had a vague understanding.

Lumian's eyes still fell on Mr. Fool's altar:

"There is another relationship between Franka and I, that is, we neither believe in the 'Eternal Blazing Sun' nor the 'God of Steam and Machinery..."

Hearing this, Jian Na couldn't help but chuckle:

"I've already guessed, when did you two go to church? I never see you praying at a fixed time!

"You are pretty good. At least you know which street St. Robles Church is on. Franka may not even know where the door of Whistle Church is."

And she herself goes to pray at least once a week, listens to a sermon, and attends mass. This is not only a demonstration of her piety to the "purifiers", but also a habit of faith for so many years.


The only thing she didn't do well was that she often sang at the Breeze Dance Hall until early in the morning before going back to White Coat Street to sleep. She couldn't get up to welcome the morning sun, so she could only set the fixed prayer time at noon.

"No, I just didn't go because of my status as a wanted criminal. I'm barely a believer in the 'Eternal Blazing Sun'." Lumian replied with a smile, and then said solemnly, "Franka and I believe in They are all this righteous god, the great Mr. Fool."

Lumian immediately pressed his hand on his chest and solemnly whispered: "Praise the fool!"

"The Fool"... Janna thought the name of this god was too strange.

She thought for a moment and then said: "The 'Fool' in the Tarot cards?"

"Yes, you can actually guess it." Lumian teased and gave an affirmative answer.

Jenna saw a tall figure wearing a black windbreaker and a half-high silk top hat walking near the altar. She lowered her head subconsciously and said with a hint of contentment: "I found nearly ten decks of tarot cards in Franka's place. , and she doesn’t usually use them for divination.”

That guy...could it be that he thought it was cool to throw a Two of Cups on the corpse after killing the target, so he made preparations in advance? The more Lumian thought about it, the more he felt that this was Franka's style.

Jian Na thought for a moment and then said: "Does Fool's Pharmaceutical Company also belong to the Church of Fool's?"

"Uh..." Lumian was startled.

He had never really thought about this issue before. He initially thought that the drug company was named after Tarot cards.

And now it seems that the "Fool" of Tarot cards is also equal to Mr. "Fool" to a certain extent!

Lumian considered it for a few seconds and said, "Maybe."

He was not sure whether the Fool's Drug Company was an industry of the Fool's Church or belonged to a member of the Tarot Society.

Jian Na's mind was very clear and she turned to ask:


"You brought me here, firstly, because it is safe here and you can safely communicate about your beliefs, and secondly, you want me to see that the Church of the Fool is a recognized Orthodox Church and can even be built in Trier. church?"

"You're not stupid." Lumian tilted his head and said with a smile, "There is also a third purpose, which is to ask you, do you want to convert to Mr. Fool?"

"Converted..." Jenna's mind suddenly turned into a pot of oatmeal porridge.

Lumian said in a bewitching tone:

"This does not violate the contract you signed with the 'Purifier'. Mr. Fool is the righteous god recognized by all churches, but the spread of the faith is concentrated on sea islands and certain areas of the southern continent. Most people in the northern continent are I just don’t know.”

"But..." Jian Na looked embarrassed and struggling, "I never thought about changing my faith..."

Her belief in the "Eternal Burning Sun" is not very pious or fanatical, but it is a habit developed since childhood, and she has accepted most of the teachings. Before today, she had never considered converting. I don’t think I will convert, and I don’t have any strong dissatisfaction with the church.

Only during the most difficult years of her family and the period after her mother's death, she occasionally complained about the "Eternal Blazing Sun" and felt that she did not protect true believers, but this was still far from conversion.

Lumian glanced at Jenna's face, smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to convert. I'm just making a suggestion. The main thing is to tell you that in the disaster that may come, if you get separated from us, come here to seek shelter. Don't worry, even if you are the 'Eternal Burning Sun' 'As a believer, Mr. Fool's church is also willing to let you in and protect you."

"Then why don't I go to St. Robles Church?" Jenna asked in confusion.

Lumian organized the following speech:

"Franka and I are working for a secret organization based on the same belief. Two days ago, we got a piece of information from the organization:

The Sacred Heart Monastery of the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun has certain problems, just like the Deep Valley Monastery of the Church of the God of Steam and Mechanics.

"In this case, some churches may not be reliable, and you can't tell which ones are reliable and which ones are not. In this case, it is better to choose the ones that are sure to be reliable."


Janna had personal experience with the Deep Valley Monastery, and she naturally understood that the problem at the Sacred Heart Monastery might be a bit serious.

She whispered to herself:

“Will the disaster begin from within the church?”

"Maybe." Lumian couldn't give a definite answer.

At this time, the half-giant who was wearing a special black windbreaker and a half-high silk hat, who was two and a half meters tall, with golden hair and eyes, walked up to Lumian and Janna.

He looked at Jenna, smiled and asked: "Sister, is this your first time coming to our Lord's church?"

"Yes, but I'm just here with my friends." Jian Na subconsciously resisted changing her mind, so she asked instead, "Who are you?"

"I am Bishop Teslian here." The half-giant introduced himself with an unchanging smile.

Jenna looked at his trench coat and top hat and felt that they looked nothing like a clergyman.

Teslian glanced at Lumian and continued:

"Would you like to hear me introduce our guide and savior, the great Mr. Fool?

"Don't worry, our Lord does not force people to convert, nor does he mind if people believe in him while believing in other gods. Similarly, while believing in him, they can also believe in other gods."

"Still, can it still be like this?" Jian Na stuttered and asked.

This was completely beyond her knowledge!

How can any god not care that the believer's belief is not pure enough and worship multiple gods at the same time?


Moreover, why is it him and not her? The latter is the exclusive pronoun for the god! Also, why is this god called Mr.

Jenna's heart was filled with questions, and her thoughts were mixed into a mush.

"Yes, Mr. Fool is merciful and merciful." Seeing that Jenna and Lumian had no objections, the bishop opened the holy scripture with black background and silver pattern and began to preach.

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