Because there was "The Hanged Man", there was no need to worry about being attacked by the "Armored Shadow", so Lumian did not summon him in the name of Mr. Fool, but followed the simplest process to arrange the "Spiritual Wall" , summoned the "Armored Shadow" by summoning a messenger.

In front of the swollen green candlelight, the vague shadow stood quietly in the air wearing fish scale-like black armor dyed with a lot of gold.

The miniature faces on the scales were twisted ferociously, screaming silently, unabashedly exposing their own pain, turning them into hatred and malice towards all living creatures around them.

Alger, the "Hanged Man" dressed as a sailor, took a step forward, and suddenly there were tiny silver-white electric lights popping out one after another in the "Spiritual Wall".

They disappeared in an instant, and then regenerated out of thin air, making the hairs on Lumian and Franka's bodies stand up and feel numb.


In the extreme depression before the thunderstorm, the countless transparent faces on the "Armored Shadow" returned to silence, but the sight full of hatred was still there.

Lumian glanced at the six gold bars placed on the altar, calmed down, and said in Hermes: "I offer the sacrifice, please answer my three questions."

The blurred faces on the body of the "Armored Shadow" simultaneously turned to the gold that exuded an alluring light, conveying the idea of ​​"yes" to Lumian.

Lumian then nodded to "The Hanged Man".

"The Hanged Man" thought for a moment and asked the first question: "Who are you?"

Lumian repeated the question in Hermes as his contracted creature, in which case the Armored Shadow would only communicate with him.

After a brief silence, the "Armored Shadow" once again spoke in a language that only Franka could barely understand: "My name is Chen Tu, granted by the Heavenly Master, the God of Suppression of Ghosts."

Heavenly Master... Franka thought for a few seconds, then quickly considered the words and said: "His surname is Chen and his given name is Tu. He is a deity conferred by the Taoist leader and is responsible for guarding evil spirits."

"What is Taoism?" "The Hanged Man" asked thoughtfully.

"What is an edict?" Lumian turned his head to look at Franka and asked in Intis language.

In his opinion, since it is called a sect, no matter what the prefix is, it is not essentially different from the Church of the Fool and the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

Franka showed a troubled expression:

"These two issues are a long story. Let's discuss them later. I'm afraid the 'Armored Shadow' won't be able to wait that long."

Also... Lumian set his sights on Mr. "The Hanged Man".

"The Hanged Man" pondered briefly and asked his second question.


Lumian translated it into Hermetic: "What strange place is there on the eastern sea?

"Armored Shadow" replied in a low and majestic voice: "There is a fairy mountain in the East China Sea, which was lost in ancient times. Its name is Penglai."

Penglai... is really my hometown... Franka was so happy that her translation speed became much faster:

"On the eastern ocean, there is a mountain peak that is inhabited by various powerful wizards and special gods. It has disappeared in very ancient times, and its name is Penglai.

This passage is quite easy to understand, and neither Lumian nor "The Hanged Man" raised any questions.

After a few seconds, "The Hanged Man" Alger asked slowly:

"What changes have occurred in the eastern ocean in recent years?"

In recent years, the "Armored Shadow" was suspected to have been killed by the "Underworld Man", imprisoned by him, and brought into the "Underworld". The "Underworld Man" should have sacrificed himself into the river one or two thousand years ago, "Blood Emperor" "He just died or died not long ago. How could he know what happened outside in the past few years? Franca muttered in confusion, but did not dare to correct Mr. "The Hanged Man".

After Lumian repeated it, "Armored Shadow" replied coldly and sinisterly: "There are corpses from Penglai floating on the river..."

Franka was stunned for a while and blurted out:

"The mountain called Penglai appeared again. A powerful wizard or special god living on it died, and the body floated to a place that might be the 'River of Styx'! That is, the 'Blood Emperor'' the Taoist Underworld 'The river of oppression, the source of the 'Fountain of the Samaritan Woman'!"

It means that the eastern ocean of the world where the "Armored Shadow" is located has undergone changes in recent years. The long-lost sacred mountain Penglai has reappeared, and a powerful extraordinary person living there has died? That mountain named Penglai has always been Is it standing in the East China Sea, or does it only appear occasionally? Lumian wanted to ask more, but according to the rules similar to summoning, he could not ask any more questions.

The six gold bars placed on the altar disintegrated and turned into dots of pure light, blending into the surface of the pitch-black fish-scale armor.

This time, nearly one-fifth of the nails were dyed gold and became sacred.

"The Hanged Man" watched the "Armored Shadow" disappear into the dim green candlelight. He didn't speak for a long time and didn't know what he was thinking.


Lumian ended the ceremony, quickly packed up the altar, and turned to Franka: "You can explain the terms in the first answer."

This is making things difficult for me! After Franka complained silently, she thought about it and said:

"Emperor is equivalent to a gift, yes, a gift!

"This 'Armored Shadow' named Chen Tu was granted a position within the church or in the kingdom of gods, and thus received the corresponding gift of power, able to guard evil spirits.

"This was not given directly by the gods, but was given by the leader of that sect through a ceremony on behalf of the gods and by giving a title."

After listening carefully, Lumian probably had a clearer understanding of the imperial seal:

A more institutionalized gift system not only tied the power of gifts to the depth of specific positions, but also allowed the agents of gods to play a more important role.

"That's basically it. If you want to talk about it in depth, it will involve a lot, and you can't finish it in a short time. For example, heaven, underworld, rituals, rituals, etc., etc. I don't know many of them very well myself. I just know A noun." Franka breathed out.

Seeing Mr. "The Hanged Man" and Lumian still looking at her, she trembled in her heart and said, "You won't really let me tell you, will you?"

"The Hanged Man" nodded slightly:

"I know it is difficult for you to speak on the spot, and there will be many mistakes. You can slowly recall and organize it after you go back to form a written information, and pass it to me through your Major Arcana cards."

"Okay." Franka was first glad that Mr. "The Hanged Man" was very talkative, very reasonable, and good at thinking from other people's perspectives, and then she muttered silently:

Why did I agree immediately...

"The Hanged Man" has a rather majestic temperament, but no obvious arrogance. He smiled and said: "After you have completed the written information, you can consider what kind of reward you want."

Franka has a lot of things she wants, such as a magical item similar to the "Humha Art", a sealed object that allows her to "teleport", a magic potion formula for the Sequence 5 "Pain Witch", etc.


She immediately fell into a struggle, thinking about the reward in advance, and almost forgot to explain the term "Taoism" until Lumian reminded her.

After deliberation for more than ten or twenty seconds, Franka said in a very concise way:

"It is a sect that worships the laws of operation and corresponding philosophy of the world, and molds them into special gods to worship. Their leader is called 'Celestial Master', which means a teacher who understands the way of heaven and spreads it. Well, I am like this As you understand, the 'Way of Heaven' is the operating laws and corresponding philosophy of the world that I just mentioned."

"Heavenly Master' is equivalent to the pope, pope, patriarch, and matron. It is a different name for the leader in different sects?" Lumian tried to extract the key points.

Franka was stunned for a second and said, "It can be understood that way."

As long as you don't consider joining Taoism, there is no big problem with this understanding.

Lumian nodded immediately: "It sounds like the 'Heavenly Master' and the 'Underworld Master' are on the same level."

"I think so too." Franka agreed.

When the two communicated, "The Hanged Man" Alger seldom interrupted and listened quietly most of the time. He only occasionally expressed his personal thoughts or raised some questions, allowing the conversation to continue smoothly. Lumian and Franca said a lot in one breath.

Finally, the holder of the Major Arcana card looked at Lumian and said: "The three answers of the Armor Shadow have been of great help to me. What reward do you want?"

Is it of great help? Apart from giving us a better understanding of that world, knowing that the missing Penglai Mountain has reappeared has no practical significance... Lumian followed the reminder of Ms. "Magician", Without hesitation he said: "I would like the opportunity to explore this ghost ship."

Franka didn't expect that Lumian would ask for such a reward. She was a little stunned at first, and then became excited: I also want to have the opportunity to drive a ghost ship and study a ghost ship!

"The Hanged Man" glanced at Lumian and said:

"As expected, you have sensed the specialness of the Blue Avenger. It is one of the legacies of the Tudor Empire. Do you want to explore it now?

Before Lumian could answer, Thermipolos' majestic voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Danger."


Danger... is it real or not? Is Thermipolos simply worried about being implicated by me, so he gave me a warning, or is he afraid that I will gain something special while exploring the "Blue Avenger" and may destroy Trier? The hidden disaster caused his plan to fail? Lumian didn't know whether to believe Thermipolos's words for a moment.

Thermipolos continued with a rich voice:

", you can explore it now."

Lumian didn't care what Thermipolos said, and remembered Ms. "Magician"'s previous tip:

It's up to you to decide when to explore...

Does this potentially mean that you can consider postponing? Otherwise, there is no need to add such a sentence at all, just say "the reward can be the opportunity to explore"... Aurore's favorite concept is "balance". These negative effects are temporarily in balance, so there is no need to rush to strengthen the aura of the "Blood Emperor"...

Lumian, who has become a "conspirator", quickly made a decision: "Mr. Hanged Man, I want to explore the Blue Avenger again at the right time."

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