Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 178 The Cooperation of the Witches

"Disaster Witch..." Janna had never heard of this term from Franka, "Is it a serial name?"

Lumian didn’t hide it:

"Yes, a Sequence 2 angel. Haha, the terms angel and witch always seem strange when put together."

Angel... Janna lacks an intuitive impression of big figures at this level.

Although she often heard Lumian and Franka mention the terror and power of demigods, this only stayed on paper. She didn't know exactly how terrifying and powerful they were.

Janna said to herself: "Crimson...hasn't she fallen? Why do I still hear her sigh? It should come from her, right?"

Lumian looked at Jenna and said with a slightly solemn tone:

“Even if such a big shot completely dies, there will still be traces of his spirit that remain, just like becoming a corpse but not becoming stiff.

"If you come into contact with the legacy of a similar big shot in the future, you must be careful and careful."

Jenna showed a mixture of surprise and vigilance. She looked at the edge of the sacrificial square and asked with some worry: "What should we do now?"

Lumian laughed: "What can we do? Wait until she sighs, do you still want to comfort her?

"Don't worry, she is detained by death and bound by the spring water, and cannot leave the fourth and third floors of the catacombs. As long as you don't come to explore this place, you don't have to worry about anything.

"How is it? Was there any influence from the 'Original Witch' just now?"

It was only then that Lumian, who was holding a white candle, took stock of the changes in Jenna's appearance:

Her skin, which was originally not very good due to her background and experience, seems to have been given a new lease of life. The facial features are the same as before, but every detail has become more refined. There seems to be light flowing, and the overall appearance is eye-catching and attractive. charm and more feminine.

With Lumian's knowledge, he couldn't help but secretly admire it.

Jian Na was also looking at herself. She felt that her height was a bit longer, and the proportions of various body parts that she was not satisfied with before were closer to the perfect state in her mind.

"I felt a strange 'python' appear, but it didn't really get close to me and disappeared quickly..." Jenna recalled as she took out the prepared mirror and put it in Lumian's hand. He looked at the face reflected in the yellow candlelight carefully, and the corners of his mouth turned up a little uncontrollably.


It is common for most people to like beautiful things, and Jenna is no exception. After seeing herself become so beautiful and charming, she was quite happy inside, and even felt like she was fascinated by herself.

She reluctantly put away the mirror and confirmed her changes in all aspects:

I can use the black flame that burns the spirit body and spirit; I have obtained the favor of frost; I have initially mastered various black magic. With the materials prepared, I can directly "invisibility" and cast some rare spells. In addition, I can also Can curse the target through blood and other media; opens the door to "mirror magic", has the ability to reverse divination and create a substitute; is good at using a magic wand, and can also use it as a substitute...

Compared with "Assassins" and "Instigators", "Witches" have undergone qualitative changes. They have comprehensive abilities, high strength, and are good at saving lives. It was only then that Jenna truly became a member of the occult world. , the feeling of being the master of extraordinary power.

She suddenly had the urge to find a target to test the various abilities of the "witch".

But after taking a look at Lumian, she gave up this plan.

She felt that there was still a big gap between the two sides. Even Franka at Sequence 6 should not be Ciel's opponent. Of course, if Franka really wanted to assassinate her, the hope of killing Lumian would not be less than Sequence 4 or below. Some extraordinary people are fragile and may fall into hell if they make a mistake.

Lumian threw a burning white candle to Jenna, pointed to his black satchel and said:

"There are some cosmetics here. Make yourself a little ugly and cover up your obvious charm, so that the people hiding in the Witch Sect will not notice that you have become a 'witch' at a glance."

For this purpose, he carries a set of women's cosmetics.

Jian Na was speechless and said: "You have thought of such details in advance..."

"In the extraordinary world, caution and meticulousness can effectively improve your chances of survival." Lumian turned sideways and said, "Let's go disguise somewhere else. It's not suitable to stay here for too long."

"Why do I feel that you often act impulsively and are a bit crazy..."

Jian Na whispered first, then smiled softly, "You also think I'm more beautiful now?

She was not wearing any makeup, but her blue eyes seemed to be hiding stars as she turned.

Lumian sneered: "I respect the effect of potions and believe in the influence of extraordinary characteristics."

After saying that, he turned around, took the candle, and walked towards the wide stone steps leading upward.

You never lose out on your words! Jian Na cursed in a low voice, quickly packed up her belongings, and followed.

Before she could figure out how to continue to squeeze Lumian and say "thank you", she heard the guy with his back facing her slowly walking forward and saying softly: "Also, you have to work for me tomorrow. ”

"Fuck!" Jenna blurted out.

Library District, Terrace Street.

This street is named after its various terraces, which are often visited by tourists.

Lumian stood on the terrace of a cafe decorated in green and white tones, www.youxs.org, building No. 20 where “Condiment Beauty” Paulina lived.

The terrace of the house was painted a fresh white and supported by wooden frames to protect it from the wind and rain, just like a resort hotel on the southern coast of Intis.

Lumian sipped his coffee gently, and all the information and corresponding speculations collected during this period flashed through his mind:

"Every week, a mysterious man visits the 'condiment beauty' at night, once or twice a week... at least once this week, probably within these two days...

"According to the observations of surrounding citizens, there were three mysterious men who visited Paulina at night, one was young, one was in his prime, and one was close to sixty...

"Who is the "sinner" here www.youxs.org

"One of Bouvard's contractual abilities is the 'transformation'. These three may or may not be him. They are just stand-ins he created to attract attention, while he disguised himself as a servant of Paulina's family and quietly In and out...

"The price of the transfiguration is 'one's own face', and the negative effect is 'the desire to abuse others'... The sound insulation effect of the buildings on Terrace Street is pretty good, and no neighbor heard Paulina's screams Voice...…

"www.youxs.org, Paulina probably officially joined the 'Sinners' organization, received the gift, and became an Extraordinary..."

"The most important link in the action plan is www.youxs.org..."

Lumian had already planned to wait until it got dark, drink the remaining coffee, put on a brown round hat, leave the current building without making any noise, and disappear into an alley on the side of the street.


No. 20 Terrace Street, in the spacious and warm master bedroom.

Paulina, who is mature and beautiful, has both elegant temperament and hidden charm. Wearing a pale white nightgown, she walked to the full-length mirror, took off her clothes, and examined the marks on her body that looked like being whipped.

They have become very pale, leaving only a hint of dark red, which should disappear completely within a few days.

Thinking of suffering again in the past two days, Paulina sighed softly.

Her eyes fell on the black mark on her right shoulder, and she was particularly glad that after becoming the "contracted person" not long ago, the first contract ability she chose was "regeneration".

As long as this is stimulated, flesh and skin can be regenerated to a certain extent, and various injuries can be recovered quickly.

Paulina has not tried whether this can regenerate limbs, but she thinks it should be possible if the conditions are met.

Of course, the dead cannot activate abilities.

Paulina pulled up her pale white nightgown and prepared to put on light makeup to meet the one who might come.

At this moment, she suddenly had a strong premonition of danger.

This also comes from her contract ability, and she feels that sensing danger is more important than actually fighting.

For this, she paid the price of "fertility" and received the negative impact of mild mental weakness.

Paulina's spirit suddenly became tense, and her body suddenly bent back, using the flexibility of a "dancer" to distance herself from the source of danger.

At the same time, she opened her right palm, and streams of silver-white lightning shot out, crackling and intertwining, covering the place where she suspected the attacker was hiding.

This is her third and final contract ability "Arc Technique", which can effectively make up for her lack of attack methods. The price is that she is easily struck by lightning during thunderstorms. The negative impact is that her body is more sensitive. It can withstand ten The pain is now only seven and eight, www.youxs.org, and I rely on the endurance of the "mendicant monk" to hold on every time.

With a clicking sound, a mirror suddenly appeared in the area covered by the lightning in the palm, quickly blackened and cracked into pieces.

From the corner of her eye, Paulina saw a figure quickly outline beside the closed curtain, and she quickly twisted her body to avoid that side.

Suddenly, a white fist appeared behind her head, and it slammed under her ear.

At the banging sound, Paulina's vision went dark and she fainted.

Behind this "condiment beauty", Jenna's figure dressed as a female mercenary appeared instantly.

She and Franka easily controlled the target by using tactics such as double invisibility, anti-divination, one attracting attention and the other sneak attack.

Franka stepped forward, took out the "Bliss Society" drug, and put it to Paulina's nose.

After she finished this, Janna opened the curtains a crack and relied on the light in the room to illuminate her outstretched palms.

This was telling Lumian that the operation had been successful.

Not long after, Lumian climbed up the outer wall and entered the master bedroom with Jenna's help.

He then threw the "Lie" ear clip to Franka.

Franka turned this magical item into a silver pendant and hung it on her chest.

Her appearance and height changed, becoming more and more like Paulina.

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