Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 184: Associations and Speculations (please vote for the last two days)

Lumian's body tensed up for a moment, then relaxed quickly.

He calmly withdrew his gaze from the carriage window, as if he hadn't seen anything.

"What's wrong?" www.youxs.org.

Lumian smiled: "Nothing."

"That smile of yours and your answers always make me feel like you are doing something secretly and up to some conspiracy!" Franka, who was sitting opposite, commented in a mumble.


Lumian raised the corners of his mouth: "When you thought I was doing some conspiracy, but I didn't do anything, isn't it a conspiracy?"

"Why does your sister always teach you this kind of thing!" Franka criticized "severely".

Jenna glanced at Lumian and didn't ask anything, but just heightened her vigilance.

The four-wheeled and four-seater taxi returned to White Coat Street in the market area. The team members did not separate immediately. According to Lumian's suggestion, they gathered in Franka's apartment to discuss Bouvard's "confession" and prophecy.

As soon as he closed the door, Lumian suddenly said: "Lend me a bedroom."

"Now?" Franka put away her smiling expression.

She heard the seriousness in Lumian's words, and combined with some of the details she had noticed before, she understood that something really happened secretly.

"Yes." Lumian walked towards Franka's bedroom and closed the door behind her back.

Neither Jian Na nor www.youxs.org chose to sit down. They each occupied a position in the light of the gas wall lamp, neither too close nor too far away from each other.

In just three or four minutes, Lumian opened the master bedroom door and walked out.

Franka glanced inside and found that the curtains in her bedroom were closed.

Lumian looked around and said with a smile before Franka asked the question: "I will introduce a friend to you, but you need to turn off the gas wall lamp first."

"What kind of friend? You are so eccentric that you won't be able to speak properly after you become a 'conspirator'." Franka muttered while turning the knob valve located at the bottom of the black gas wall lamp.

Jian Na murmured: "He didn't like to talk properly before, and he always made people feel like he was being 'provoked'..."

This is not a problem of being a "conspirator", it is a chemical reaction between my personality and the characteristics of the "Hunter" path!


Soon, the gas wall lamp was extinguished, and the living room became dark. Only the crimson moonlight and dim starlight that penetrated the stratus clouds near the window gave some visibility.

Lumian looked at the glass window and waited patiently.

Franka was also experienced and asked thoughtfully: "Do I need to turn on 'spiritual vision'?"

"It shouldn't be necessary..." As soon as Lumian finished his words, he saw a face reflected in the dark and slightly shiny glass window.

The skin on the face was swollen, pale and moist, and the eyes were empty, leaving only two black holes stained red.


Jenna had not had many experiences with similar situations, so she took a step back in fright, and black flames ignited in her palms.

"It, it's been following us?" Franka had already taken out a mirror.

"Yes." Lumian said with a relaxed smile, "According to my observation, it needs a very dark environment to appear. As for the circumstances under which it will attack us, it is not clear yet."

"Aren't you worried or nervous? This thing is a mutated corpse that has been severely contaminated. No one knows what terrifying abilities it has." Franka was infected by Lumian's relaxed attitude, www.youxs.org.

Lumian laughed softly: "Shouldn't you be happy to see your old friends again?"

He paused and explained simply: "I regretted that I didn't have time to prevent Bouvard's body from disappearing."

“Although its prophecy was interrupted, where the contamination and backlash it suffered came from, and what characteristics it had, can itself explain many problems and point to certain hidden existences.

"Isn't this a clue?"

As soon as Lumian said this, www.youxs.org, he felt like he was being pulled by the collar and forcefully pulled away from the living room window.


Behind him, part of the darkness became thicker and thicker, as if a strange tunnel like a cave had opened, leading to nowhere.

In the depths of the "tunnel", stars twinkled, extremely far away.

www.youxs.org The "tunnel" fell faster and faster, getting smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared and was swallowed up by darkness.

"I just found help." Lumian still had a smile on his face.

Even if the four of them join forces to deal with Bouvard's mutated corpse relatively easily, Lumian doesn't think anyone present can do a careful inspection and identify the problem while ensuring their own safety in the face of the serious contamination on the target. source, you must ask for help. In this case, it is better to find capable people for help from the beginning.

He entered the room to write a letter to Ms. "Magician"... Franka suddenly realized it and did not ask further questions.

Jian Na also guessed that it was the secret organization codenamed Tarot Cards that took action.

There are messengers between their members!

www.youxs.org: “The next step is to wait for the ‘autopsy report’?”

"Not necessarily, maybe the 'autopsy report' is not something we can read." Lumian smiled and sat down on the single sofa.

www.youxs.org, pointed to the couch, indicating that the other party could sit down: "Have you gained anything from investigating the 'Dream Seekers' charity organization?"

It was a private charity organization that received a large donation from General Philip's widow.

www.youxs.org: "No, in the past two months, they have been operating normally without any abnormalities. Maybe, as you said, the core members of the evil god believers have gone somewhere, and the rest I was told to stay calm recently."

Lumian nodded slightly, then turned to look at Franka who had sat on the easy chair: "Do you know what's going on with the Blessed Society?"

"Similar to the situation of the 'Sinner' organization, they eliminated several core members, but the two most important ones seemed to have disappeared, and they should have gone to that place." www.youxs.org.


They were referring to the Witch Cult.

That place... Lumian leaned back against the back of the sofa, his mind spinning with thoughts as he searched for possible clues.

Finally, www.youxs.org: "Room 7, Room 12...where will it be?"


“If it were a private house, there wouldn’t be such a division.

"That sounds a lot like an apartment."

"And a hotel," Franka added.

Hotel... Hotel... Lumian's eyes suddenly widened, and a flash of lightning flashed through his mind, illuminating a detail that he had not thought was a problem before.

He and Franka killed the "Blissful Society" www.youxs.org and found a note from the other party's body, which said: "Go to the hotel to pick up the painting within three days."

Isn't a hostel just a lower-level hotel? Isn't it normal to have rooms 7 and 12? Lumian's thoughts suddenly became clear.

At that time, he thought that the note belonged to Beatrice's pretended art dealer Theresa, who was the receipt for purchasing a painting. But now it seems that the note should be Beatrice's "Blissful Society" It belongs to the core members. It was probably passed on by Sibel, the high priest of the "Blissful Society" who lives in the hotel, and asked Beatrice to pick up a painting!

"Hotel..." Lumian said the term.

Is that where a large number of the Evil God's Gifters go in Trier?

Franca, who heard Lumian ask about Theresa, also remembered the contents of the note.

She asked Lumian a little excitedly:


“www.youxs.org ‘Hostel’ place?”

"We still need to confirm." After Lumian answered slowly, he asked faster, "Is the art dealer Theresa back?"

After he found the note, www.youxs.org, according to the member of the witch sect, the art dealer was

The business led to Saint Milon, the capital of the Fusac Empire, so Beatrice could pretend to be her without any influence.

"You should be back, it's been so long." Franka replied uncertainly.

She didn't pay much attention to the whereabouts of an ordinary art dealer.

"What hotel? What art dealer?" Jenna became more and more confused as she listened, so she had to ask.

Franka briefly explained, www.youxs.org, attributing this to an operation against the "Bliss Society".

"The problem now is that even if the 'hotel' is really a place where followers of evil gods gather, we don't know what it specifically refers to and where it is." www.youxs.org.

Lumian exhaled slowly and said with a smile: "It's better than having no direction."

He immediately said to Franka:

"Tomorrow, ask the real art dealer Theresa where she lives. I want to visit her and confirm whether the note is hers or Beatrice's."

"Okay." Franka was quite positive.

www.youxs.org, asking when the assessment period will end. On the other hand, they hope to make their own contribution to preventing disasters.

When she played games before time travel, most of the time she would choose the plot line of saving humanity. Only when she got tired of playing, would she try new tricks.


Hey, the phrase "witch" and "preventing disaster" don't go well together... Franka sighed in her heart.

www.youxs.org, thought for a while and said: "Since they are all peaceful, then we can only be restless."

"What do you mean?" www.youxs.org, start with a rhetorical question to confirm.

Lumian's smile grew brighter: "Just arrest General Philip's widow and the real controller of the 'Dream Seeker' charity organization and question him!

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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