Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 200: Uncorresponding details

Room 12... Lumian's eyes suddenly solidified when he looked at Safaree.

He imagined many possibilities, but he never guessed that "Room 12" meant this.

Room 12 is occupied by "Mrs. Night" www.youxs.org, housekeeper, maid, and children!

Almost at the same time, Lumian thought of the oil painting he saw at the Trier Art Center. The woman based on Safaree was naked, with faces painted on her skin.

Are those faces the symbol of the room’s residents, or the appearance of the “hotel” room? Lumian stared at Safaree in front of him with dilated pupils, ready to activate the black marks on his body at any time and use the "Humph Technique" to block 12 The residents of room No. 1 came out.

He still has a lot of psychological shadow on Mrs. Pualis.

Safaree pulled on her lake blue dress, her plump face twisted twice with obvious pain:

"I can't affect how the residents inside feel about the outside world..."

In other words, Mrs. Pualis has not discovered me yet... Lumian breathed a sigh of relief quietly, but did not dare to be careless. What if Safaree's interference soon failed?

At this time, Safaree lowered the neckline of her dress, exposing part of her skin.

Lumian could clearly see there were many oil painting-like faces there, half-hidden and half-exposed, which was particularly scary.

This confirmed Lumian’s guess and also gave him new doubts:

Why use contaminated mannequins as rooms in the "hotel" and let Mrs. Pualis and www.youxs.org move them directly into this replica of the fake Golden Rooster Hotel?

Is this to interfere with the search for occult means such as divination and prophecy?

Why does it feel like a ritual to me, like a specific arrangement and requirements... As a "mendicant monk", Lumian has enough knowledge of ritual magic and feels that there is something evil about this matter.

Seeing that Safaree had not turned around to leave, he took the opportunity to ask: "How many rooms does the hotel have in total?"

"From Room 2 to Room 13." Safaree replied in a disembodied voice.

"Isn't there room No. 1?" Lumian asked.

Gabriel said on behalf of his lover: "It is said that there is, but we have never seen it. Room 1 has never been admitted to the 'hotel'."

The mysterious Room 1... It is currently confirmed that there are 12 rooms, but there may not be only one evil god living in each room... Lumian knew that time was running out, so he immediately changed the question: "How to get out of here?"

"Get the permission of the goblins, or go through the black hole on Market Avenue, but that is very dangerous and may make you appear in places you shouldn't be." Safaree's eyes sometimes became more hollow, and sometimes overflowed with pain.

The black hole on Market Avenue... Lumian asked hurriedly: "How many goblins are there in total? Where are they?"

"Three." It was Gabriel who answered. "They don't live in this world. They only come in occasionally. They usually let the servants maintain order here. They are the flying and shining figures outside."

The three goblins... According to the information provided by the "Purifier", the gift sequence of "goblins" should not have obtained divinity yet. It is initially speculated that it is equal to sequence 5, but their status is special. As long as they do not actively enter reality, some saints will I may not be able to attack them... When I encounter goblins, it's not like I don't have the ability to fight them... If I can catch a goblin, I should be able to leave here... Lumian's thoughts flashed and he asked further. road:

"Are the fairies coming in and out regularly?"

"No..." Safaree slowly shook her head in a detached manner.

Lumian gave up on this direction and asked another question: "Do you know where Jenna is hiding?"

"I don't know." Gabriel said quickly, "But the goblins' servants didn't find her either. They were not sure that someone really entered here. It should be that the goblins made the announcement cautiously based on the changes in the outside world. Investigation order."

Before Lumian could ask a new question, Safaree's face twisted again.

She turned around, left the door of room 207, and walked upstairs.

It can be seen that she is almost unable to affect the feeling of the residents in the "body" to the outside world.

Gabriel's condition was getting worse and worse, and he walked slowly towards the corridor outside.

"Is there a border here?" Lumian finally asked.

Gabriel nodded and said with an increasingly hollow look: "Only Market Avenue and the area around it are real."

"It is surrounded by a dark and deep void, with invisible barriers."

Barrier... Lumian repeated this word in his mind, watching Gabriel close the door for him without any change in expression, and listened to his footsteps returning to the third floor.

The word "barrier" reminds Lumian of something that Ms. "Magician" once said: There is a barrier outside the world they live in, blocking the invasion of evil gods from outside the territory.

Although the "barrier" mentioned by Gabriel is more of a description and may not be the same as the "barrier" in Ms. Magician's words, since the followers of the evil god are planning big things now, Lumian cannot ignore it. There is a possibility that this barrier is related to that barrier.

Lumian withdrew his gaze from the door, knowing that he might not have too much time left for himself:

The extent of Safaree and Gabriel's contamination will increase as time goes by, making them increasingly unable to control themselves. When they are completely alienated, they will definitely no longer help Lumian and Jenna hide it, and will definitely tell the truth to them. Goblins report.

"The two most important issues now are, one is how to get in touch with the outside world, or how to leave here, and the other is to find Jenna." Lumian concentrated and tried his best to use the thinking ability of a "conspirator".

Regarding the first question, especially how to get in touch with the outside world, he quickly came up with eight or nine plans:

The first is to fully stimulate the "Blood Emperor" aura in the right hand to see if it can break through the obstacles of this abnormal world, shake "the real Trier, and let all the demigods in this metropolis turn their attention to this place;

The second is to arrange a ritual of praying for gifts to see if the natural stimulation of the seal can bypass the interference of "Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun" and pass the information here to Mr. "Fool";

The third is to see if the physical and spiritual connection between Mr. K’s fingers and himself still exists;

The fourth is to try to summon Ms. "Magician"'s messenger;

The fifth is to try to summon the messenger of Ms. "Hela";

Sixth, recite the incantation to enter the gathering place of the "Curly Baboon Research Association", which is the palace of the "Land of Night", and see if it can work in this situation without applying in advance;

The seventh is to find the fake Franka in this world, see if she has the ancient silver mirror obtained from the ground, and use the special escape of the ancient mirror;

Eighth, create some movement, attract one or two goblins, and catch them;

Nine is...

Before trying so many plans, Lumian needs to find Jenna, because every plan may be noticed by the goblins and attract their attention.

How to find Jenna? Lumian tried to assume the role of Jenna, assuming that she was such an inexperienced "witch" and suddenly fell into a strange world where the "hotel" was suspected to be:

"Jenna should have also seen Gabriel, and will not risk entering the fake Golden Rooster Hotel in the short term...

"She can be 'invisible' and hide in the shadows. She also has the patience to observe. It is not difficult to detect the weirdness of pedestrians and vendors...

"In this situation, what would I do if I were her?

"Well, look for the boundaries of this place... and see if churches and other buildings blessed by gods have also been replicated. If so, what does it look like inside and who believes in it... Collect the differences between this place and the real market area , see if you can find clues to leaving...and this needs to start from determining whether there is a fake self...

"The goblins' servants were conducting investigations just now..."

Lumian's thoughts gradually became clearer. He returned to his desk, slightly opened the curtains, and looked outside.

Waiting until the goblin servants, those vague figures with shimmering light and dull and empty expressions, finished checking the area and disappeared into the air, Lumian took out the silver-white "Lie" ear clip and put it on his left ear.

He quickly transformed into Mrs. Fells and went down to the first floor as if checking the condition of each room.

Immediately afterwards, he turned into a hawker farther away, passed in front of Mrs. Fells, and left the Golden Rooster Hotel.

This is his home court. Although it is a replica or a reflection, it does not prevent him from already mastering the environmental details of this area and the characters that often appear.

Lumian was not in a hurry to go to White Coat Street. He went around to Nightingale Street and entered his safe house.

As soon as he opened the door, he frowned slightly.

Of the various traps he had set up here, the only one left was the one at the door, which was also the simplest one.

Lumian's eyes immediately swept across the room, but he did not see the ceremonial furs and used cowhide and dog skins placed here in the real world.

"It's not a strict correspondence..." He muttered to himself silently.

He felt more and more that the similarities between this place and the real market area were mainly superficial, especially one protected by traps.

In the room, all the details are wrong.

"It's like just observing the outside and restoring the key rooms... It's like, it's like..." Lumian's pupils suddenly dilated, and he had an idea.

It's like painting!

No. 3, Fake White Coat Street, Apartment 601.

After Jenna took the lucky gold coin and prayed briefly to Mr. Fool once, a faint gray mist appeared in front of her eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

"It's really, really effective..." Jian Na stuttered and whispered.

That lucky gold coin is really lucky!

Jian Na didn't get any inspiration, so she had to be patient and continue to act like her fake self, repeating the act of tidying up the room and wiping the coffee table over and over again.

Time in this world seems to have passed very little. The sun in the sky has always been at that position without moving even an inch.

Suddenly, Jenna heard the sound of the door opening and looked over subconsciously, but the fake Franka didn't react at all and continued to do the same things as before.

Jenna's eyes collided with Lumian, who had blond hair and black hair. She instinctively withdrew her eyes and reflexively entered the state of disguise, trying to make her face look hollow.

She was not sure whether the Ciel who came was real or fake.

The next second, she heard a familiar, obviously sarcastic voice: "You are indeed here, you can only think of this."

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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