Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 48 Knowledge drives people away

Lumian understood Aurore's words deeply.

When he was still wandering, he knew that he could not underestimate anyone. Some adult homeless people despised him as a child and thought he was weak, so they finally suffered a big loss. Some of the donors were obviously kind-hearted in providing food. But he forgot to consider the physical condition of the homeless people who had been hungry for a long time, which led to him doing the wrong thing.

Lumian thought seriously for a while and said:

"From this point of view, a description that can summon the desired creature with relative accuracy is very valuable."

"Yes." Aurore nodded with deep feeling, "The notes recording the corresponding summoning spells are very valuable. Every spell, every description, and every comment above are obtained in exchange for life, blood or pain. The simplest An example of this is the three-part description when I summoned the 'white paper' as 'a spirit wandering in illusion, a friendly creature that can be driven, a fragile ball that can communicate with my mind'. In this last sentence, do you think If you try it on your own, you don’t know how many failures it will take to piece it together, and every failure means a big risk.”

A fragile ball that can communicate with my heart? Is this a description that normal people can come up with, especially the words fragile and sphere... Lumian asked while cursing:

"So, you bought this from someone else?"

"No." Aurore shook her head and said with a somewhat bitter expression, "The 'Secret Peeper' path is different from others. From time to time, you will be chased by a large amount of knowledge. You don't want to know, and you can't refuse if you can't bear it. When taking magic potions to get promoted, this situation of 'knowledge drives people away' is even more serious.

"Although most of this knowledge is useless, there will always be some that are valuable, and the spell to summon the 'white paper' is one of them."

"Indoctrination from the 'Hidden Sage'?" Lumian understood what his sister meant.

Aurore looked at him in surprise:

"You know? That lady's teachings?"

"Yeah." Lumian nodded.

Aurore pursed her lips thoughtfully:

"As far as my personal experience is concerned, the 'knowledge chasing people' does not entirely come from the indoctrination of the 'hidden sage'. What I call 'tinnitus' is indeed hearing his voice and getting the knowledge he gives. This is always It made me miserable, my head was close to exploding, and I wanted to lose control.

"But occasionally, especially when I'm in a bad state and about to show signs of losing control, I have an illusion that the whole world's knowledge comes alive, chasing me in small amounts, running towards me, and I can't avoid it, summoning' This is how the mantra of "White Paper" broke into my brain.

"When taking the magic potion, about 99% of the situation of 'knowledge expelling people' comes from the 'hidden sage', and 100% is related to the resurrected knowledge."

"It's very strange and terrifying. It can scare everyone in the village." Lumian sighed very pertinently, while thinking about whether there was a way for his sister to solve the problem of "knowledge expelling people", or to reduce its impact. .

Aurore responded with a wry smile:

"It is precisely because you often suffer such torture that I don't want you to embark on the path to the extraordinary. But in this situation, it is indeed better to become an extraordinary than an ordinary person."

In order to remind her brother of the madness and danger of the extraordinary road, she pointed at her head:

“Being chased by knowledge and accompanied by pain for a long time, I feel that there has been a certain alienation in my spirit and personality.

"I don't often tell you that I have social phobia, but sometimes I am very talkative. I like to go out and chat with the old ladies in the village, tell stories to the children, and occasionally I go crazy and borrow a pony from Mrs. Pualis. Go racing in the mountains and yell?

“Extremely talkative is a kind of rebound caused by being at home for a long time, not being able to go back to my hometown, and being depressed on the road to transcendence.

"And the occasional madness..."

Having said this, Aurore looked at Lumian and chuckled:

"You don't think this is just an exaggerated adjective, do you?"

Lumian was silent, feeling that his sister's smile was self-deprecating, confused, and filled with indescribable pain and struggle.

Aurore then sighed:

"At that time, I didn't even know myself."

"There should be a way to solve it." At this moment, Lumian deeply felt his own powerlessness.

"Hope, let's continue." Aurore pointed to the altar, "It will be easy to summon it after signing a contract with the summoned spirit world creature. The last description can be changed to 'www.youxs.org', It’s accurate, isn’t it? Moreover, others cannot summon it again before the contract is terminated.”

"Each person can only have one contracted creature?" Lumian was very concerned about this issue.

"That's not true. I don't know what the upper limit is specifically, but there must be more than one, especially for some special sequences. Well, when summoning, use the first contracted creature and the second contracted creature of so-and-so to distinguish." Luo Er told the truth, "In addition, you must remember that summoning spiritual creatures will consume your own spirituality. The more you summon, the greater the consumption. With the spirituality of a 'hunter', I estimate that I can bear at most one contracted creature. "

Knowing her brother's character, she further blocked the loopholes that Lumian might find:

"After each spirit world creature is summoned to reality, the time it can stay is limited. The weaker it is, the longer it will be. You don't have to think about summoning one first and waiting for the spirit to recover before summoning the next one, unless the ones you choose are all very weak. species, and the spirituality is significantly enhanced compared to now.”

She then gave an example using "blank paper":

"If I don't let the 'white paper' carry my ability, it can stay in reality for twelve hours. If I give it the special sharing of my eyes and let it do things for me, it can last up to three hours. , and my own spirituality will continue to be consumed.”

Lumian, who originally wanted to form an army of spiritual creatures, was disappointed.

He thought for a moment and then asked:

"Can we only summon spiritual creatures? Can we only summon spirits?"

"No." Aurore shook his head, "You can also summon creatures from the underworld and the mirror world that are attached to the spiritual world, the real world, the star world, and other alien spaces, as well as certain creatures from other worlds or alien planets, regardless of whether they are Spirit or not, but this is very dangerous. Most of the extraordinary people who tried to do this died tragically, and a few disappeared mysteriously, leaving only corresponding notes to prove what they had done."

"Can it summon something in the real world?" Lumian asked curiously.

Aurore thought for a moment and said:

"Theoretically, as long as the other party has a close relationship with the spirit world, or has reached a certain level, he should be able to hear the call and decide whether to respond. However, such a goal is either very special or very powerful. If you still want to Live and never experiment.

"Moreover, when the target of the summoning is not a spirit, the requirements for the corresponding ritual will be higher, more spirituality will be required, and even a large number of sacrifices will be required. Only in this way can the summoning door be opened for non-spiritual creatures to pass through.

"With the spirituality of a 'Hunter', you can barely even summon 'Blank Paper'. If you want to try something more powerful, you can only pray to a certain god or hidden existence. For this, you may have to prepare something full of spirituality to sacrifice."

Lumian roughly understood the ritual magic of summoning, and he said to his sister:

"You will recite the incantation next to complete the summons?"

"How is it possible?" Aurore sneered, "The ceremony has been interrupted so many times, how can it be continued? In fact, normally, as long as it is interrupted according to the process, it can be continued from the breaking point, but what I just said was Explain, don’t be distracted and do the corresponding things.”

You must have forgotten... Lumian muttered something in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

Aurore then said:

"But I do have to hold a summoning ceremony. On the one hand, I will give you a complete demonstration of the entire process, and on the other hand, I will ask for help."

"Help?" Lumian asked doubtfully.

Summon powerful spiritual beings to help?

Aurore explained:

"Among the countless spiritual creatures, there are only a few who can serve as messengers. Personal messengers, uh, messengers can be summoned by others based on special contracts.

"For example, if I have a contracted messenger, then someone in Trier can summon it and give it a written letter, and it will immediately pass through the spirit world and deliver the letter to me.

"Because of the special connection between the spirit world and the contract, it only takes a second or two to complete the message delivery task."

"It's amazing. It's as fast as sending a telegram." Lumian sighed sincerely.

The thoughts that passed through his mind were:

I want one too!

"Don't think about it." Aurore saw through his mind, "Summoning a messenger is very difficult. Unless you get the accurate spell directly, it is impossible to try it by yourself. The accurate spell can only be found with special spells." I can master several sequences, but neither your sister nor I can."

Lumian was disappointed for a moment and then asked:

"Are you going to summon a certain messenger and write to him for help?"

"Yes." Aurore nodded, "She is one of the ones who has traveled the farthest on the path to transcendence among us. She has her own messenger. I don't expect her to save me, but she should be able to give me A little advice.”

I'm afraid it's difficult. The mysterious lady said we can only rely on ourselves... Lumian asked curiously:

"We? Do you mean your pen pals?"

Aurore nodded first, then asked in confusion:

"When did I mention a pen pal to you?"

"Last time, no, last cycle." Lumian answered honestly.

"Okay." Aurore covered her forehead, "Actually, it is a mutual aid organization slowly established by those of us who can't go back to our hometown. We communicate by letters, share knowledge, and solve problems on a daily basis. There will be small-scale meetings at regular intervals. gatherings or communicating through messengers. She is the vice-president and one of the initiators of our organization, and her codename is 'Hila'."

"Code name?" Lumian was a little confused.

Aurore said "hmm":

"In the organization, everyone uses code names and does not reveal their real names. When writing letters, they emphasize that they are pseudonyms to avoid being discovered by the authorities."

"What's your code name?" Lumian was curious about this.

Aurore was silent for a while and replied with a sigh:


"What do you mean?" Lumian was confused.

Aurore replied with dark eyes:

"Ordinary people without extraordinary abilities."

Lumian knew that his sister wanted to become an ordinary person living in her hometown, so she quickly changed the topic:

"What's the name of your organization?"

Aurore's expression was complicated:

"Originally, we wanted to choose a classy name, but considering that we write letters every day, a name that is too conspicuous will attract the attention of certain forces, so we finally decided on a name that looks like an animal lover. "

"What is it?" Lumian asked.

Aurore replied a little embarrassedly:

"Curly Baboon Research Society."

PS: I talk about ritual magic in detail because it will be used a lot in the second part. After all, you have to pray to the gods for gifts and gain power. This is the new system I mentioned, and things involving spiritual creatures and contracts will soon appear in the later parts. .

PS2: Thanks to Nasida for watching and rewarding the Silver Alliance

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